Unisciences is an internet database available 24 hours a day.
It is a show-case of the University of Lausanne and a window open to the world ; it presents a description of all the research units together with the names of all the scientific collaborators involved.
More than 140 research units are currently active within the seven Faculties at the University of Lausanne. The teams attached to these units study a wide variety of disciplines ranging from Greek numismatics to cybermarketing or developmental biology. Every institute, specialised centre, hospital service, department, and research unit is listed in the Unisciences database.
Within these institutes, laboratories and libraries, 2000 researchers, of whom 500 are professors, work continuously on research projects of national or international importance.
The UNIL is a cross-section of humanity enriched by the diversity of the individuals of which it is composed. It is this extraordinary potential that Unisciences presents to you.