Felix Bühlmann

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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73 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
Bureaucracy and patrimonialism on Wall Street: How organizational forms contribute to elite reproduction
Foureault Fabien, Ajdacic Lena, Bühlmann Felix, 2024/02/06. The Sociological Review. Peer-reviewed.
Structural Power and Epistemologies in the Scientific Field: Why a Rapid Reconciliation Between Functional and Evolutionary Biology is Unlikely
Benz Pierre, Bühlmann Felix, 2024/01/30. Minerva, 62 (2) pp. 229-251.
The Collective Organization of America’s Business Leaders Sectoral Differentiation and Affiliation Networks
Foureault Fabien, Ajdacic Lena, Bühlmann Felix, 2023/11/01. Revue française de sociologie. Peer-reviewed.
Professional service firms and the manufacturing of the corporate nobility
Bühlmann Felix, 2023/06/05. Journal of Professions and Organization, 10 (1) pp. 36-49.
Les élites bancaires suisses : entre localisme et transnationalisme
Araujo Pedro, Bühlmann Felix, 2023. Revue française de sociologie, 64 (1-2) pp. 85-110. Peer-reviewed.
Vulnerabilities in Local Contexts
Bühlmann Felix, Morris Katy, Sommet Nicolas, Vandecasteele Leen, 2023. pp. 139-152 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
Elite recruitment in US finance: How university prestige is used to secure top executive positions
Bühlmann Felix, Schoenberger François, Ajdacic Lena, Foureault Fabien, 2022/09. The British Journal of Sociology, 73 (4) pp. 667-684.
Job satisfaction across Europe: An analysis of the heterogeneous temporary workforce in 27 countries
Canzio Leandro Iván, Bühlmann Felix, Masdonati Jonas, 2022/04/15. Economic and Industrial Democracy pp. 0143831X2210883. Peer-reviewed.
The paradox of local inequality: Meritocratic beliefs in unequal localities
Morris Katy, Bühlmann Felix, Sommet Nicolas, Vandecasteele Leen, 2022/03. The British Journal of Sociology, 73 (2) pp. 421-460. Peer-reviewed.
Cause Commune. Rapport d’enquête longitudinale. Première vague : 2019-2020.
Spini Dario, Anex Emmanuelle, Morselli Davide, Sommet Nicolas, Bühlmann Felix, 2021., Unil Lives.
From Quiet to Noisy Politics: Transformations of Swiss Business Elites’ Power
Mach André, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Bühlmann Felix, 2021. Politics and Society, 49 (1) pp. 17–41. Peer-reviewed.
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course
Nico Magda, Pollock Gary, 2021. dans The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Inequalities and the Life Course, Routledge.
The transformation of professors' careers: standardization, hybridization, and acceleration?
Pierre Benz, Felix Bühlmann, André Mach, 2020/07/09. Higher Education. Peer-reviewed.
How to Study Elites' “International Capital”? Some Methodological Reflections
Bühlmann Felix, 2020. pp. 241-251 dans Researching Elites and Power, Springer International Publishing.
L'espace infirmier. Visions et divisions d'une profession
Longchamp Philippe, Toffel Kevin, Bühlmann Felix, Tawfik Amal, 2020., Éditions Livreo-Alphil.
Professionalization through symbolic and social capital: Evidence from the careers of elite consultants
Kipping Matthias, Bühlmann Felix, David Thomas, 2019/10/24. Journal of Professions and Organization.
Strategies of social (re)production within international higher education: the case of Swiss hospitality management schools
Delval Anne-Sophie, Bühlmann Felix, 2019/07/22. Higher Education.
Sociographie des philanthropes genevois
David Thomas, Heiniger Alix, Bühlmann Felix, Topalov Christian, 2019. pp. 297-320 dans Philanthropes en 1900. Londres, New York, Paris, Genève, Creaphis.
Sustainable Careers, Vulnerability, and Well-Being: Towards an Integrative Approach
Urbanaviciute Ieva, Bühlmann Felix, Rossier Jérôme, 2019. pp. 53-70 dans Handbook of Innovative Career Counselling, Springer International Publishing.
L’espace professionnel infirmier : une analyse à partir du cas de la Suisse romande
Longchamp Philippe, Toffel Kevin, Bühlmann Felix, Tawfik Amal, 2018/07/01. Revue française de sociologie, 59 (2) pp. 219-258. Peer-reviewed.
European Top Management Careers: a Field-Analytical Approach
Bühlmann Felix, Ravasi Claudio, Davoine Eric, 2018/05/28. European Societies, 20 (3) pp. 453-477. Peer-reviewed.
La trasformazione delle élite svizzere
Bühlmann Felix, Beetschen Marion, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Mach André, Pilotti Andrea, 2018. Dati : statistiche e società, XVIII (1) pp. 55-65.
The elite placement power of professors of law and economic sciences
Bühlmann Felix, Rossier Thierry, Benz Pierre, 2018. pp. 247-264 dans Korsnes Olav, Heilbron Johan, Hjellbrekke Johs, Bühlmann Felix, Savage Mike (eds.) New Direction in Elite Studies chap. 12, Routledge.
The Internationalisation of Economics and Business Studies : Import of Excellence, Cosmopolitan Capital, or American Dominance ?
Rossier Thierry, Bühlmann Felix, 2018. Historical Social Research, 3 (43) pp. 189-215. Peer-reviewed.
Trajectories of Vulnerability : A Sequence-Analytical Approach
Bühlmann Felix, 2018. pp. 129-144 dans Life Course Research and Social Policies, Springer International Publishing.
Elites in Switzerland : the rise and fall of a model of elite coordination
Bühlmann Felix, Beetschen Marion, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Mach André, 2017/12/17. Tempo social, 29 (3) pp. 181-199. Peer-reviewed.
New Direction in Elite Studies
Korsnes Olav, Heilbron Johan, Hjellbrekke Johs, Bühlmann Felix, Savage Mike, 2017/12/13. Advances in Sociology 322, Routledge.
Schweizer Wirtschaftseliten 1910-2010
Mach André, David Thomas, Ginalski Stéphanie, Bühlmann Felix, 2017/11/01. 186, Hier & Jetzt Verlag für Kultur und Geschichte.
Mapping the Power of Law Professors: The Role of Scientific and Social Capital
Bühlmann Felix, Benz Pierre, Mach André, Rossier Thierry, 2017/09/12. Minerva, 55 (4) pp. 509–531. Peer-reviewed.
The Rise of Professors of Economics and Business Studies in Switzerland: Between Scientific Reputation and Political Power
Rossier Thierry, Bühlmann Felix, Mach André, 2017/08/15. Archives Européennes de Sociologie / European Journal of Sociology, 58 (2) pp. 295-326. Peer-reviewed.
Towards a Socio-Structural Framework for Life Course Analysis
Levy René, Bühlmann Felix, 2016/12/01. Advances in Life Course Research, 30 pp. 30-42. Peer-reviewed.
Les élites économiques suisses au 20ème siècle
Mach A., David T., Ginalski S., Bühlmann F., 2016/11. 152, Alphil.
The Transition to Parenthood in Switzerland : between Institutional Constraints and Ideologies
Girardin Nadia, Bühlmann Felix, Hanappi Doris, Le Goff Jean-Marie, Valarino Isabel, 2016/10/31. pp. 146-171 dans Grunow Daniela, Evertsson Marie (eds.) Couple’s transition to parenthood : Analysing Gender and Work in Europe chap. 7, Edwar Elgar.
Rapport Social 2016: Bien être
Ehrler F., Bühlmann F., Farago P., Höpfliner F., Joye D., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C. (eds.), 2016/10., Seismo.
Geneva's philanthropists around 1900 : a field made of distinctive but interconnected social groups
David T., Heiniger A., Buhlmann F., 2016/05. Continuity and Change, 31 (01) pp. 127-159. Peer-reviewed.
Geneva's philanthropists around 1900: a field made of distinctive but interconnected social groups
David Thomas, Heiniger Alix, Bühlmann Felix, 2016/05. Continuity and Change, 31 (1) pp. 127-159. Peer-reviewed.
De la sociologie de l'innovation à l'imagination sociologique : la théorie des champs à l'épreuve de la profession infirmière
Longchamp P., Toffel K., Bühlmann F., Tawfik A., 2016/01. Cahiers de recherche sociologique 59-60 pp. 135-156. Peer-reviewed.
Le premier enfant en contexte: l'institutionalisation du conflit ?
Bühlmann Felix, Elcheroth Guy, Tettamanti Manuel, 2016. pp. 262-284 dans Le Goff Jean-Marie, Levy René (eds.) Devenir parents, devenir inégaux. Transition à la parentalité et inégalités de genre, Seismo.
Sozialbericht 2016: Wohlbefinden
Ehrler Franziska, Bühlmann Felix, Farago Peter, Höpflinger François, Joye Dominique, Perrig-Chiello Pasqualina, Suter Christian, 2016. 335, SEISMO.
Swiss Social Report 2016: Wellbeing
Ehrler Franziska, Bühlmann Felix, Farago Peter, Höpflinger François, Joye Dominique, 2016. 325, SEISMO.
Transformation des élites en Suisse
Bühlmann F., Beetschen M., David T., Ginalski S., Mach A., 2015/07., Université de Lausanne, FORS - LINES - LIVES.
Internationalisation des élites académiques suisses au 20ème siècle : convergences et contrastes
Rossier T., Beetschen M., Mach A., Bühlmann F., 2015/05. Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs 14 pp. 119-139. Peer-reviewed.
Advances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Methods, Applications
Blanchard P., Bühlmann F., Gauthier J.-A., 2014/07., Springer.
Catch me if you can - Configurations of atypical and precarious employment in Switzerland
Bühlmann Felix, 2014/04. Espace, Populations, Sociétés 3 pp. 73-90. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction : Sequence Analysis in 2014
Gauthier J.-A., Bühlmann F., Blanchard Ph., 2014. pp. 1-17 dans Blanchard Ph., Bühlmann F., Gauthier J.-A. (eds.) Advances in Sequence Analysis : Methods, Theories and Applications, Springer.
Cosmopolitan Capital and the Internationalization of the Field of Business Elites: Evidence from the Swiss Case
Bühlmann Felix, David Thomas, Mach André, 2013/06. Cultural Sociology, 7 (2) pp. 211-229. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the performance of the Swiss Panel LIVES Calendar: Evidence from a pilot study
Morselli D., Spini D., Le Goff J.-M., Gauthier J.-A., Brändle K., Mugnari E., Dasoki N., Roberts C., Bernardi L., Bühlmann F. et al., 2013. LIVES Working Papers 2013-28 pp. 1-59.
Moving upward: occupational trajectories of business economists and engineers
Bühlmann F., 2013. pp. 183-208 dans Gendered life courses between standardization and individualization : a European approach applied to Switzerland, LIT.
Partners' trajectories: dual-, single-, and no-career couples
Levy R., Bühlmann F., Widmer E. D., 2013. pp. 115-140 dans Gendered life courses between standardization and individualization : a European approach applied to Switzerland, LIT.
Swiss Social Report 2012 : Generations in Perspective
Bühlmann F., Schmid Botkine C., Farago P., Höpflinger F., Joye D., Levy R., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C., 2013. 324, Seismo.
Political and Economic Elites in Switzerland: Personal Interchange, Interactional Relations and Structural Homology
Bühlmann Felix, David Thomas, Mach André, 2012/12. European Societies, 14 (5) pp. 727-754. Peer-reviewed.
Generationen im sozialen Wandel
Bühlmann F., 2012/10. pp. 289-306 dans Rapport social 2012: Génération en jeu, Seismo.
Rapport social 2012: générations en jeu
Bühlmann F., Schmid Botkine C., Farago P., Höpflinger F., Joye D., Levy R., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C., 2012/10., Seismo.
Sozialbericht 2012: Fokus Generationen
Bühlmann F., Schmid Botkine C., Farago P., Höpflinger F., Joye D., Levy R., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C. (eds.), 2012/10. 330, Zürich : Seismo.
The Swiss Business Elite (1980-2000): How the Changing Composition of the Elite Explains the Decline of the Swiss Company Network
Bühlmann Felix, David Thomas, Mach André, 2012. Economy and Society, 41 (2) pp. 199-226. Peer-reviewed.
Aufstiegskarrieren in der Schweiz
Bühlmann F., 2011/12. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie - Revue suisse de sociologie, 37 (3) pp. 439-459. Peer-reviewed.
La fragilité des liens nationaux. La reconfiguration de l'élite de pouvoir en Suisse, 1980-2010
Mach André, David Thomas, Bühlmann Félix, 2011/12. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 190 pp. 78-107. Peer-reviewed.
Telling a Modest Story: accounts of men's upward mobility from the National Child Development Study
Miles A., Savage M., Bühlmann F., 2011/09. British Journal of Sociology, 62 (3) pp. 418-441. Peer-reviewed.
Valeurs égalitaires et pratiques sexuées: une approche biographique et comparative
Elcheroth G., Bühlmann F., Tettamanti M., 2011/09. pp. 81-104 dans Joye D., Pirinoli C., Spini D., Widmer E. (eds.) Parcours de vie et insertions sociales : mélanges offerts à René Levy, Zurich : Seismo.
Field and Trajectories: Two Concepts to Explore the Swiss Labour Market
Bühlmann F., Hanappi D., 2011., University of Lausanne 8-9 June dans 6th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland. Session: Labour Market.
La fragilité des liens nationaux : La reconfiguration de l'élite du pouvoir en Suisse, 1980-2010
Mach André, David Thomas, Bühlmann Felix, 2011. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 190 (5) p. 78. Peer-reviewed.
Carrières à succès et construction des inégalités en Suisse (1970-2000)
Bühlmann F., 2010/04. pp. 89-100 dans Die Produktion von Ungleichheiten - La production des inégalités, Thomas David, Valentin Groebner, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Brigitte Studer.
Aufstiegskarrieren im flexiblen Kapitalismus
Bühlmann Felix, 2010. 216 p., VS Verlag.
Routes into the British Service Class: Feeder Logics According to Gender and Occupational Groups
Bühlmann F., 2010. Sociology, 44 (2) pp. 195-212.
The Division of Labour Among European Couples : The Effects of Life Course and Welfare Policy on Value-Practice Configurations
Bühlmann F., Elcheroth G., Tettamanti M., 2010. European Sociological Review, Published online pp. 49-66. Peer-reviewed.
The Corrosion of Career? - Occupational Trajectories of Business Economists and Engineers in Switzerland
Bühlmann F., 2008. European Sociological Review, 24 (5) pp. 601-616. Peer-reviewed.
The Corrosion of Career? Occupational Trajectories of Business Economists and Engineers in Switzerland
Bühlmann Felix, 2008. European Sociological Review, 24 (5).
Dual and Single Career Couples in Switzerland: Exploring partner's trajectories
Levy René Bühlmann Felix Widmer Eric, 2007. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 19 (3) pp. 263-289.
Le statut de l'approche qualitative dans des projets de recherche interdisciplinaires
Bühlmann Felix Tettamanti Manuel, 2007. Recherches qualitatives - Hors Série 3 pp. 191-213.
Wege zum Aufstieg? Karrieren von Fachhochschulabgängern.
Bühlmann Felix, 2006. Inline, 2 pp. 14 -15.
Entre métropolisation et périurbanisation: dynamiques contextuelles des rôles conjugaux.
Bühlmann Felix, Barbey Julie, Kaufmann Vincent, Levy René et Widmer Eric, 2005. Revue suisse de sociologie, 31 (2) pp. 321-342.
Fürsorgliche Verstrickung. Soziale Arbeit zwischen Profession und Freiwilligenarbeit
Nadai Eva, Sommerfeld Peter, Bühlmann Felix, Krattiger Barbara, 2005., VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Organisatorische Widerspenstigkeiten: New Public Management im Alltag einer kantonalen Verwaltung der Schweiz.
Bühlmann Felix, 2005. Revue suisse de sociologie, 31 (1) pp. 31-53.
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