Christine La Mendola

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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5 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2017 |
Social isolation shortens lifespan through oxidative stress in ants.
Koto A., Tamura M., Wong P.S., Aburatani S., Privman E., Stoffel C., Crespi A., McKenzie S.K., La Mendola C., Kay T. et al., 2023/09/27. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 5493. Peer-reviewed.
Social network position is a major predictor of ant behavior, microbiota composition, and brain gene expression.
Kay T., Liberti J., Richardson T.O., McKenzie S.K., Weitekamp C.A., La Mendola C., Rüegg M., Kesner L., Szombathy N., McGregor S. et al., 2023/07. PLoS biology, 21 (7) pp. e3002203. Peer-reviewed.
A complete absence of indirect genetic effects on brain gene expression in a highly social context.
Kay T., Alciatore G., La Mendola C., Reuter M., Ulrich Y., Keller L., 2022/11. Molecular ecology, 31 (21) pp. 5602-5607. Peer-reviewed.
Ant phylogenomics reveals a natural selection hotspot preceding the origin of complex eusociality.
Romiguier J., Borowiec M.L., Weyna A., Helleu Q., Loire E., La Mendola C., Rabeling C., Fisher B.L., Ward P.S., Keller L., 2022/07/11. Current biology, 32 (13) pp. 2942-2947.e4. Peer-reviewed.
Camponotus fellah queens are singly mated
Mersch D.P., La Mendola C., Keller L., 2017. Insectes Sociaux, 64 (2) pp. 269-276. Peer-reviewed.
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