Eleonora Fornari

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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85 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2003 | 2001 |
Differences in spatiotemporal brain network dynamics of Montessori and traditionally schooled students.
Zanchi P., Mullier E., Fornari E., Guerrier de Dumast P., Alemán-Gómez Y., Ledoux J.B., Beaty R., Hagmann P., Denervaud S., 2024/07/10. NPJ science of learning, 9 (1) p. 45. Peer-reviewed.
Normative volumes and relaxation times at 3T during brain development.
Romascano D., Piredda G.F., Caneschi S., Hilbert T., Corredor R., Maréchal B., Kober T., Ledoux J.B., Fornari E., Hagmann P. et al., 2024/04/25. Scientific data, 11 (1) p. 429. Peer-reviewed.
Pervasive alterations of intra-axonal volume and network organization in young children with a 16p11.2 deletion.
Maillard A.M., Romascano D., Villalón-Reina J.E., Moreau C.A., Almeida Osório J.M., Richetin S., Junod V., Yu P., Misic B., Thompson P.M. et al., 2024/02/14. Translational psychiatry, 14 (1) p. 95. Peer-reviewed.
Me, Myself, and I: Neural Activity for Self versus Other across Development.
Zanchi P., Ledoux J.B., Fornari E., Denervaud S., 2023/12/12. Children, 10 (12) p. 1914. Peer-reviewed.
Reliability characterization of MRI measurements for analyses of brain networks on a single human [Registered Report Stage 1 manuscript]
Provins Céline, Lajous Hélène, Savary Elodie, Fornari Eleonora, Franceschiello Benedetta, Alemán-Gómez Yasser, Thompson WH, Jelescu Ileana, Hagmann Patric, Esteban Oscar, 2023/11/08. Nature Methods. Peer-reviewed.
Creative thinking and brain network development in schoolchildren.
Duval P.E., Fornari E., Décaillet M., Ledoux J.B., Beaty R.E., Denervaud S., 2023/11. Developmental science, 26 (6) pp. e13389. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual reality-based sensorimotor adaptation shapes subsequent spontaneous and naturalistic stimulus-driven brain activity.
Wilf M., Dupuis C., Nardo D., Huber D., Sander S., Al-Kaar J., Haroud M., Perrin H., Fornari E., Crottaz-Herbette S. et al., 2023/04/25. Cerebral cortex, 33 (9) pp. 5163-5180. Peer-reviewed.
In vitro evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid velocity measurement in type I Chiari malformation: repeatability, reproducibility, and agreement using 2D phase contrast and 4D flow MRI.
Williams G., Thyagaraj S., Fu A., Oshinski J., Giese D., Bunck A.C., Fornari E., Santini F., Luciano M., Loth F. et al., 2021/03/18. Fluids and barriers of the CNS, 18 (1) p. 12. Peer-reviewed.
Supramodal effect of rightward prismatic adaptation on spatial representations within the ventral attentional system.
Tissieres I., Fornari E., Clarke S., Crottaz-Herbette S., 2018/04. Brain structure & function, 223 (3) pp. 1459-1471. Peer-reviewed.
Reshaping the brain after stroke: The effect of prismatic adaptation in patients with right brain damage.
Crottaz-Herbette S., Fornari E., Notter M.P., Bindschaedler C., Manzoni L., Clarke S., 2017/09. Neuropsychologia, 104 pp. 54-63. Peer-reviewed.
Robust thalamic nuclei segmentation method based on local diffusion magnetic resonance properties.
Battistella G., Najdenovska E., Maeder P., Ghazaleh N., Daducci A., Thiran J.P., Jacquemont S., Tuleasca C., Levivier M., Bach Cuadra M. et al., 2017/07. Brain structure & function, 222 (5) pp. 2203-2216. Peer-reviewed.
A Brief Exposure to Leftward Prismatic Adaptation Enhances the Representation of the Ipsilateral, Right Visual Field in the Right Inferior Parietal Lobule.
Crottaz-Herbette S., Fornari E., Tissieres I., Clarke S., 2017. eNeuro, 4 (5) pp. 1-2. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of Cannabis Acute Effects on Driving Skills: Laboratory, Simulator, and On-Road Studies
Bondallaz P., Chtioui H., Favrat B., Fornari E., Giroud C., Maeder P., 2017. pp. 379-390 dans Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies chap. 39, Elsevier BV.
Cannabis and its effects on driving skills.
Bondallaz P., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Fornari E., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2016/11. Forensic science international, 268 pp. 92-102. Peer-reviewed.
Study of tonotopic brain changes with functional MRI and FDG-PET in a patient with unilateral objective cochlear tinnitus.
Guinchard A.C., Ghazaleh N., Saenz M., Fornari E., Prior J.O., Maeder P., Adib S., Maire R., 2016/11. Hearing research, 341 pp. 232-239. Peer-reviewed.
Comparisons of verbal fluency brain correlates between adults and adolescents suffering from schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A pilot study
Urben S., Jaugey L., Fornari E., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Holzer L., Vianin P., 2016. The European Journal of Psychiatry, 30 (4) pp. 249-257. Peer-reviewed.
Localization of the Ventro-Intermediate Thalamic Nucleus using Local Diffusion Properties
Najdenovska Elena, Tuleasca Constantin, Bresson Xavier, Maeder Philippe, Battistella Giovanni, Fornari Eleonora, Regis Jean, Thiran Jean-Philippe, Levivier Marc, Cuadra Bach Meritxell, 2016., Organization for Human Brain Mapping dans OHBM 2016, 22nd Annual Meeting .
Novel robust segmentation of the thalamic nuclei and validation of patients treated with Gamma Knife thalamotomy of the Vim : preliminary report in 2 cases
Tuleasca C., Najdenovska E., Battistella G., Maeder P., Fornari E., Thiran J.-P., Bach Cuadra M., Levivier M., 2015/06. dans 12-th International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Congress (ISRS), Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRT.
Long-term effects of cannabis on brain structure.
Battistella G., Fornari E., Annoni J.M., Chtioui H., Dao K., Fabritius M., Favrat B., Mall J.F., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2014/08. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39 (9) pp. 2041-2048. Peer-reviewed.
Development of spatial integration depends on top-down and interhemispheric connections that can be perturbed in migraine: a DCM analysis.
Fornari E., Rytsar R., Knyazeva M.G., 2014. Neurological Sciences, 35 (Suppl. 1) pp. 215-224.
Ear acupuncture and fMRI: a pilot study for assessing the specificity of auricular points.
Romoli M., Allais G., Airola G., Benedetto C., Mana O., Giacobbe M., Pugliese A.M., Battistella G., Fornari E., 2014. Neurological Sciences, 35 (Suppl. 1) pp. 189-193.
Increased activation in Broca's area after cognitive remediation in schizophrenia.
Vianin P., Urben S., Magistretti P., Marquet P., Fornari E., Jaugey L., 2014. Psychiatry Research, 221 (3) pp. 204-209. Peer-reviewed.
Investigation of memory, executive functions, and anatomic correlates in asymptomatic FMR1 premutation carriers.
Hippolyte L., Battistella G., Perrin A.G., Fornari E., Cornish K.M., Beckmann J.S., Niederhauser J., Vingerhoets F.J., Draganski B., Maeder P. et al., 2014. Neurobiology of Aging, 35 (8) pp. 1939-1946.
Prismatic adaptation changes visuospatial representation in the inferior parietal lobule.
Crottaz-Herbette S., Fornari E., Clarke S., 2014. Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (35) pp. 11803-11811. Peer-reviewed.
Structural covariance of superficial white matter in mild Alzheimer's disease compared to normal aging.
Carmeli C., Fornari E., Jalili M., Meuli R., Knyazeva M.G., 2014. Brain and Behavior, 4 (5) pp. 721-737. Peer-reviewed.
THCCOOH concentrations in whole blood: are they useful in discriminating occasional from heavy smokers?
Fabritius M., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Dao K., Fornari E., Lauer E., Mall J.F. et al., 2013/10/31. Drug testing and analysis, 6 (1-2) pp. 155-163. Peer-reviewed.
A new approach for cerebello-thalamic motor network evaluation in asymptomatic premutation carriers at risk for FXTAS
Battistella G., Ghazaleh N., Fornari E., Najdenovska E., Bach Cuadra M., Jacquemont S., Maeder P., 2013. dans OHBM 2013, Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping. Peer-reviewed.
Activity in inferior parietal and medial prefrontal cortex signals the accumulation of evidence in a probability learning task.
d'Acremont M., Fornari E., Bossaerts P., 2013. PLOS Computational Biology, 9 (1) pp. e1002895.
Brain structure in asymptomatic FMR1 premutation carriers at risk for fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome.
Battistella G., Niederhauser J., Fornari E., Hippolyte L., Gronchi Perrin A., Lesca G., Forzano F., Hagmann P., Vingerhoets F.J., Draganski B. et al., 2013. Neurobiology of Aging, 34 (6) pp. 1700-1707. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of cannabinoid concentrations in oral fluid and whole blood between occasional and regular cannabis smokers prior to and after smoking a cannabis joint.
Fabritius M., Chtioui H., Battistella G., Annoni J.M., Dao K., Favrat B., Fornari E., Lauer E., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2013. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (30) pp. 9791-9803.
Maturation and Chronicity Impact on Brain Correlates Underlying Executive Function in Schizophrenia: An FMRI Exploratory Study
Jaugey Laure, Urben Sebastien, Vianin Pascal, Marquet Pierre, Fornari Eleonora, Halfon Olivier, Bovet Pierre, Magistretti Pierre, Holzer Laurent, 2013. pp. 269-269 dans 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Neural substrates of social emotion regulation: a FMRI study on imitation and expressive suppression to dynamic facial signals.
Vrticka P., Simioni S., Fornari E., Schluep M., Vuilleumier P., Sander D., 2013. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 p. 95. Peer-reviewed.
Weed or wheel! FMRI, behavioural, and toxicological investigations of how cannabis smoking affects skills necessary for driving.
Battistella G., Fornari E., Thomas A., Mall J.F., Chtioui H., Appenzeller M., Annoni J.M., Favrat B., Maeder P., Giroud C., 2013/01. Plos One, 8 (1) pp. e52545. Peer-reviewed.
Demyelination of superficial white matter in early Alzheimer's disease: a magnetization transfer imaging study.
Fornari E., Maeder P., Meuli R., Ghika J., Knyazeva M.G., 2012. Neurobiology of Aging, 33 (2) pp. 428.e7-428.e19.
Etude d'inhalation contrôlée chez les fumeurs occasionnels et réguliers de cannabis: comparaison des profils cinétiques des cannabinoïdes et effets comportementaux (O11)
Giroud C., Fabritius M., Battistella G., Fornari E., Lauer E., Dao K., Mall J.-F., Appenzeller M., Annoni J.M., Favrat B. et al., 2012., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique pp. S1-5/S1-6 dans 20e congrès de la Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) 19-21 septembre 2012, Chambéry, France, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique / Annals of Analytical Toxicology.
Effets du cannabis sur les fumeurs occasionnels
Giroud C., Battistella G., Thomas A., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2011/03., Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) pp. S1-8 dans Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA) (eds.) Annales de toxicologie analytique, EDP Sciences.
Binding under Conflict Conditions: State-Space Analysis of Multivariate EEG Synchronization.
Knyazeva M.G., Carmeli C., Fornari E., Meuli R., Small M., Frackowiak R.S., Maeder P., 2011. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (9) pp. 2363-2375.
Decision making and working memory in adolescents with ADHD after cognitive remediation
Bader M., Leopizz S., Fornari E., Halfon O., Hadjikhani N., 2011. dans NIPS (Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems).
Inhibition in early Alzheimer's disease: an fMRI-based study of effective connectivity.
Rytsar R., Fornari E., Frackowiak R.S., Ghika J.A., Knyazeva M.G., 2011. Neuroimage, 57 (3) pp. 1131-1139.
Multisensory mechanisms in temporo-parietal cortex support self-location and first-person perspective.
Ionta S., Heydrich L., Lenggenhager B., Mouthon M., Fornari E., Chapuis D., Gassert R., Blanke O., 2011. Neuron, 70 (2) pp. 363-374. Peer-reviewed.
Strategic Adaptation in Function of Chronicity of Schizophrenic Symptoms During A Fluency Task: An fMRI Study
Jaugey L., Urben S., Vianin P., Marquet P., Fornari E., Halfon O., Bovet P., Magistretti P., Holzer L., 2011. pp. 232S-233S dans 66th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Topography of EEG multivariate phase synchronization in early Alzheimer's disease.
Knyazeva M.G., Jalili M., Brioschi A., Bourquin I., Fornari E., Hasler M., Meuli R., Maeder P., Ghika J., 2010/09. Neurobiology of Aging, 31 (7) pp. 1132-1144.
Cannabinoids time-profiles, subjective and clinical effects, simulating driving capability after smoking a joint made of neat cannabis containing 11% THC
Giroud C., Thomas A., Battistella G., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2010. dans SOFT 2010, Annual Meeting of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in Frontal Activation in Adult Patients with Schizophrenia and in Psychotic Adolescents with Schizophrenic Symptoms in Two Fmri Tasks
Jaugey Laure, Holzer Laurent, Marquet Pierre, Fornari Eleonora, Halfon Olivier, Bovet Pierre, Magistretti Pierre, Vianin Pascal, 2010. pp. 85S dans 65th Annual Convention of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Early white matter alterations in men predisposed to FXTAS revealed by MT imaging.
Fornari E., Battistella G., Maeder P., Niederhauser J., Gronchi A., Isidor N., Vingerhoets F., Jacquemont S., 2010. dans OHBM 2010, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Effect of repetitive arm cycling following botulinum toxin injection for poststroke spasticity: evidence from FMRI.
Diserens K., Ruegg D., Kleiser R., Hyde S., Perret N., Vuadens P., Fornari E., Vingerhoets F., Seitz R.J., 2010. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24 (8) pp. 753-762.
Impact of cannabis inhalation on driving skills in occasional smokers
Thomas A., Battistella G., Maeder P., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Chtioui H., Appenzeller M., Buclin T., Staub C., Mangin P. et al., 2010. dans Tri-Annual Meeting of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety.
Mapping the impact of cannabis on driving skills in occasional smokers. 84 MT-PM cognition and attention. Executive Function
Battistella G., Maeder P., Thomas A., Mall J.F., Annoni J.M., Appenzeller M., Favrat B., Chtioui H., Buclin T., Staub C. et al., 2010. dans OHBM 2010, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Mental imagery for full and upper human bodies: common right hemisphere activations and distinct extrastriate activations.
Blanke O., Ionta S., Fornari E., Mohr C., Maeder P., 2010. Brain Topography, 23 (3) pp. 321-332. Peer-reviewed.
Temporo-parietal cortex encodes location of the self: joining fMRI with neuroscience robotics to study bodily self-consciousness
Ionta S., Lenggenhager B., Mouthon M., Fornari E., Chapuis D., Gassert R., Blanke O., 2010. pp. 135-136 dans 33rd European Conference on Visual Perception, Perception. Peer-reviewed.
Temporo-Parietal Junction encodes the Embodied Self: Neuro-Robotics, fMRI, and Lesion mapping.
Ionta S., Heydrich L., Lenggenhager B., Mouthon M., Fornari E., Chapuis D., Gassert R., Blanke O., 2010. dans OHBM 2010, 16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Interest of qualitative and quantitative profiling of endocannabinoids for evaluation of their implication in drug addiction process
Thomas A., Giroud C., Fornari E., Hopfgartner E., Staub C., 2009/08., 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists Conference in Geneva pp. S1-21 dans SFTA (eds.) Annales de Toxicologie Analytique (ATA). Peer-reviewed, Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique (SFTA).
Acute effects of cannabis smoking on skills related to driving in occasional and heavy smokers
Giroud C., Battistella G., Buclin T., Mall JF., Thomas P., Favrat B., Mangin P., Maeder P., Fornari E., 2009/03. dans Lausanne, CHUV, CIBM-MR Research Meeting. March 16th. Oral presentation.
Abnormal EEG Synchronization Correlates with Demyelination in Alzheimer's Disease
Knyazeva M., Fornari E., Jalili M., Meuli R., Maeder P., 2009. pp. S112 dans OHBM 2009, 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage. Peer-reviewed.
Acute aphasia after right hemisphere stroke
Dewarrat G. M., Annoni J. M., Fornari E., Carota A., Bogousslavsky J., Maeder P., 2009. Journal of Neurology pp. 1461-1467. Peer-reviewed.
Blood cannabinoids levels and effects on cognitive performance and behavior as a function of joint smoking procedure and inhalation technique
Giroud Christian, Favrat Bernard, Thomas Aurélien, Battistella Giovanni, Mall Jean-Frédéric, Appenzeller Monique, Lauer Estelle, Buclin Thierry, Fornari Eleonora, Maeder Philippe et al., 2009. pp. S12 dans SOFT 2009 Annual Meeting, Society of Forensic Toxicologists. Peer-reviewed.
Cannabis intoxication with perceptual disturbances under clinical setting : O44
Giroud Christian, Thomas Aurélien, Mall Jean-Frédéric, Favrat Bernard, Appenzeller Monique, Buclin Thierry, Fornari Eleonara, Battistella Giovanni, Maeder Philippe, Staub Christian et al., 2009. p. 22 dans 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Annales de Toxicologie Analytique. Peer-reviewed.
Cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
Jaugey L., Vianin P., Marquet P., Magistretti P., Bovet P., Holzer E., Meuli R., Fornari E., 2009. dans CIBM-CHUV MR Research Meeting.
High Resolution Auditory FMRI at 7 T
van der Zwaag W., Fornari E., Maeder P., Gruetter R., Meuli R., 2009. p. 1608 dans ISMRM 2009, 17th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 18th Annual Meeting of the Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT), Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Local landmark-based registration for fMRI group studies of nonprimary auditory cortex.
Viceic D., Campos R., Fornari E., Spierer L., Meuli R., Clarke S., Thiran J.P., 2009. NeuroImage, 44 (1) pp. 145-153.
Neuroimaging acute effects of cannabis smoking on skills related to driving with fMRI : results of a pilot study : V7
Giroud Christian, Thomas Aurélien, Chtioui Haithem, Appenzeller Monique, Favrat Bernard, Buclin Thierry, Staub Christian, Mangin Patrice, Maeder Philippe, Fornari Eleonora, 2009. p. 89 dans Pragst F., Peters F.T. (eds.) 16. GTFCh-Symposium Gesellschaft für Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie, Toxichem + Krimtech. Peer-reviewed.
Projecting the self to past and future in mental time
Collette S., Arzy S., Ionta S., Fornari E., Blanke O., 2009. pp. S76 dans OHBM 2009, 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective mental time: the functional architecture of projecting the self to past and future.
Arzy Shahar, Collette Sven, Ionta Silvio, Fornari Eleonora, Blanke Olaf, 2009. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (10) pp. 2009-2017. Peer-reviewed.
Alzheimer's disease and interhemispheric visual integration: decrease of fMRI bold response in VP/V4 areas.
Uldry L., Bourquin I., Brioschi A., Fornari E., Ghika J., Maeder P., Meuli R., 2008/07. dans 2008.07.12-16, 6th FENS 2008 - Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. Hall 1 Alzheimer's 2, 048.10. Poster Board C10. Programm P. 102.
Demyelination of subcortical white matter in early Alzheimer's Disease
Fornari E., Knyazeva M., Meuli R., Ghika J., Brioschi A., Bourquin I., Maeder P., 2008/07. dans 6th FENS 2008 - Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. Hall 1 Alzheimer's 2, 048.3 Poster Board C3. Programm P. 102.
Imaging multivariate EEG synchronization in Alzheimer's patients
Knyazeva M., Jalili M., Ghika J., Fornari E., Maeder P., Hasler M., Meuli R., 2008/07. dans 2008.07.12-16, 6th FENS 2008 - Forum of European Neuroscience, Geneva, Switzerland. Hall 1 Alzheimer's 2, 048.7. Poster Board C7. Programm P. 102.
Mapping demyelination of the subcortical white matter in early Alzheimer?s disease
Fornari E., Knyazeva M., Meuli R., Ghika J., Brioschi A., Bourquin I., Maeder P., 2008/06. dans 2008.06.15-19, OHBM 2008, 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Melbourne, Australia. Abstract S494 -146 M-PM.
Glutathione precursor, N-acetyl-cysteine, improves mismatch negativity in schizophrenia patients.
Lavoie S., Murray M.M., Deppen P., Knyazeva M.G., Berk M., Boulat O., Bovet P., Bush A.I., Conus P., Copolov D. et al., 2008. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 33 (9) pp. 2187-99. Peer-reviewed.
Interhemispheric Visual Integration in Alzheimer's Disease: Decrease of FMRI BOLD Response in VP/V4 Areas.
Uldry L., Bourquin I., Brioschi A., Ghika J., Maeder P., Meuli R., Fornari E., 2008. p. 2034 dans ISMRM 2008, 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Regional Demyelination of Subcortical White Matter in Early Alzheimer's Disease: A Magnetization Transfer Imaging Study.
Fornari E., Knyazeva M., Maeder P., Ghika J., Brioschi A., Bourquin I., Meuli R., 2008. p. 3532 dans ISMRM 2008, 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
fMRI responses in medial frontal cortex that depend on the temporal frequency of visual input.
Srinivasan R., Fornari E., Knyazeva M.G., Meuli R., Maeder P., 2007/07. Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation Cérébrale, 180 (4) pp. 677-691. Peer-reviewed.
Myelination shapes functional activity in the developing brain.
Fornari E., Knyazeva M.G., Meuli R., Maeder P., 2007. Neuroimage, 38 (3) pp. 511-518.
Interhemispheric integration at different spatial scales: the evidence from EEG coherence and FMRI.
Knyazeva M.G., Fornari E., Meuli R., Maeder P., 2006/07. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96 (1) pp. 259-275. Peer-reviewed.
Human auditory belt areas specialized in sound recognition: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
Viceic D., Fornari E., Thiran J.P., Maeder P.P., Meuli R., Adriani M., Clarke S., 2006. Neuroreport, 17 (16) pp. 1659-1662. Peer-reviewed.
Imaging of a synchronous neuronal assembly in the human visual brain
Knyazeva M. G., Fornari E., Meuli R., Innocenti G., Maeder P., 2006/01. Neuroimage, 29 (2) pp. 593-604. Peer-reviewed.
Intentional motor phantom limb syndrome.
Staub F., Bogousslavsky J., Maeder P., Maeder-Ingvar M., Fornari E., Ghika J., Vingerhoets F., Assal G., 2006. Neurology, 67 (12) pp. 2140-2146. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple Networks for Interhemispheric Integration in the Visual Brain: fMRI BOLD Response Increases with EEG Synchronization
Fornari E., Knyazeva M., Maeder P., Meuli R., 2006. p. 536 dans ISMRM 2006, 14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Visuo-motor pathways in humans revealed by event-related fMRI.
Martuzzi R., Murray M.M., Maeder P.P., Fornari E., Thiran J., Clarke S., Michel C.M., Meuli R.A., 2006. Experimental Brain Research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale, 170 (4) pp. 472-487. Peer-reviewed.
A combined fMRI/MTI study of the developing visual spatial integration in children
Fornari E., Knyazeva M.G., Martuzzi R., Maeder P., Meuli R., 2005. p. 300 dans ISMRM 2005, 13rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Sound recognition and localization in man: specialized cortical networks and effects of acute circumscribed lesions.
Adriani M., Maeder P., Meuli R., Thiran A.B., Frischknecht R., Villemure J.G., Mayer J., Annoni J.M., Bogousslavsky J., Fornari E. et al., 2003. Experimental Brain Research, 153 (4) pp. 591-604. Peer-reviewed.
Unilateral hemispheric lesions disrupt parallel processing within the contralateral intact hemisphere: an auditory fMRI study.
Adriani M., Bellmann A., Meuli R., Fornari E., Frischknecht R., Bindschaedler C., Rivier F., Thiran J.P., Maeder P., Clarke S., 2003. NeuroImage, 20 (Suppl 1) pp. S66-S74. Peer-reviewed.
Functional activation of microgyric visual cortex in a human.
Innocenti G.M., Maeder P., Knyazeva M.G., Fornari E., Deonna T., 2001/11. Annals of Neurology, 50 (5) pp. 672-676. Peer-reviewed.
Auditory localisation and recognition after left inferior collicular lesion: effects of work load on cortical activation patterns (fMRI study)
Adriani M., Clarke S., Bellmann A., Maeder P., Meuli R., Thiran J.P., Fornari E., de Tribolet N., 2001. pp. S856 dans 7th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Neuroimage. Peer-reviewed.
Auditory localisation in patients with right hemispherectomy: performance and fMRI data.
Bellmann A., Clarke S., Adriani M., Maeder P., Meuli R., Fornari E., Thiran J.P., Foletti G., Villemure J.G., 2001. pp. S861 dans 7th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Neuroimage. Peer-reviewed.
Distinct pathways involved in sound recognition and localization: a human fMRI study.
Maeder P.P., Meuli R.A., Adriani M., Bellmann A., Fornari E., Thiran J.P., Pittet A., Clarke S., 2001. Neuroimage, 14 (4) pp. 802-816. Peer-reviewed.
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