Suren Erkman

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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36 publications

2023 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1997 |
Vers un matériel hospitalier écoresponsable : exemple du gobelet à médicaments [Towards eco-responsible medical devices : life cycle analysis of medicine cups]
Charmillot T., Erkman S., Chèvre N., Castioni J., 2023/11/22. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (851) pp. 2212-2218. Peer-reviewed.
Food Consumption in the City: Practices and patterns in urban Asia and the Pacific
Sahakian M., Saloma C. (eds.)Erkman S., 2017., Routledge.
Recycling and utilisation of carbon dioxide in the European Union’s directives
Piguet F., Meylan F., Largey T., Erkman S., 2017. European energy and environmental law review, 26 (1) pp. 2-12. Peer-reviewed.
The Close-Up Imager Onboard the ESA ExoMars Rover: Objectives, Description, Operations, and Science Validation Activities
Josset J.-L., Westall F., Hofmann B.A., Spray J., Cockell C., Kempe S., Griffiths A.D., Christina de Sanctis M., Colangeli L., Koschny D. et al., 2017. Astrobiology, 17 pp. 595-611. Peer-reviewed.
Understanding household food metabolism: relating micro-level material flow analysis to consumption practices
Leray Loïc, Sahakian Marlyne, Erkman Suren, 2016/07. Journal of Cleaner Production, 125 pp. 44-55. Peer-reviewed.
Material constraints related to storage of future European renewable electricity surpluses with CO2 methanation
Meylan F.D., Moreau V., Erkman S., 2016. Energy Policy, 94 pp. 366-376. Peer-reviewed.
Urban food consumption in Metro Manila: Interdisciplinary approaches towards apprehending practices, patterns and impacts
Chakraborty L.B., Sahakian M., Rani U., Shenoy M., Erkman S., 2016. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20 pp. 559-570. Peer-reviewed.
CO2 utilization in the perspective of industrial ecology, an overview
Meylan Frédéric D., Moreau Vincent, Erkman Suren, 2015/12. journal of CO2 utilization, 12 pp. 101-108. Peer-reviewed.
Géopolitique des métaux
Beck Barbara, Erkman Suren (eds.), 2013/09/03. Revue économique et social RES, 71 3 79, RES.
Building on planet Mars student project
Nussbaumer A., Zurbruegg P., Erkman E., Besson T., 2013. pp. 1411-1418 dans Cruz Paulo J . S . (eds.) Structure and Architecture : Concepts, Application and Challenges chap. 175, Taylor & Francis.
L'avenir de l'industrie est vert et collaboratif
Erkman S., Besson T., 2011/04. Bilan pp. 40-42.
Alerte aux micropolluants: pesticides, biocides, détergents, médicaments et autres substances chimiques dans l'environnement
Chèvre N., Erkman S., 2011. Le Savoir Suisse, 74, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Towards a global criteria based framework for the sustainability assessment of bioethanol supply chains: application to the Swiss dilemma : is local produced bioethanol more sustainable than bioethanol imported from Brazil?
Corbière-Nicollier T., Blanc I., Erkman S., 2011. Ecological Indicators, 11 pp. 1447-1458. Peer-reviewed.
L'écologie industrielle : une nouvelle stratégie de développement
Erkman S., Besson T., 2010/08. Revue Environnement, Ambiente e Territorio in Valle d'Aosta, 47 pp. 21-24.
Life cycle assessment of bio-fuels in West Africa: what a challenge!
Schwab-Castella P., Tourane Corbière-Nicollier T., Erkman S., 2009/09. dans 4th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, LCM2009, September 6-9, 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
A spatially explicit life cycle inventory of the global textile chain
Steinberger J.K., Friot D., Jolliet O., Erkman S., 2009. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 14 pp. 443-455. Peer-reviewed.
Les préoccupations environnementales de l'industrie horlogère
Aubert S., Besson T., Erkman S., 2009. Journal de la Haute Horlogerie pp. 13-17.
Risk assessment of herbicide mixtures in a large European lake
Chèvre N., Edder P., Ortelli D., Tatti E., Erkman S., Rapin F., 2008. Environmental Toxicology, 23 pp. 269-277. Peer-reviewed.
A regional Industrial Symbiosis methodology and its implementation in Geneva, Switzerland
Massard G., Erkman S., 2007., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology dans 3rd International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Zürich, Switzerland.
L'empreinte écologique : un indicateur ambigu
Piguet F., Blanc I., Corbière-Nicollier T., Erkman S., 2007. Futuribles, 334 pp. 5-­24. Peer-reviewed.
The Historical Background of Industrial Ecology. Historischer Überblick zur Industrial Ecology
Erkman S., 2007. pp. 31-47 dans Isenmann R., Hauff M. von (eds.) Industrial Ecology : Mit Ökologie Zukunftsorientiert Wirtschaften, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.
Industrial ecology: a new planning platform for developing countries
Erkman S., Ramaswamy R., 2006. pp. 106-128 dans Green K., Randles S. (eds.) Industrial Ecology and Spaces of Innovation chap. 5, Edward Elgar Publishing.
L'économie circulaire en Chine : vers une prise en compte de l'environnement dans le système économique chinois?
Fan X., Bourg D., Erkman S., 2006. Futuribles : analyse, prévision, prospective 324 pp. 21-41.
Industrial Ecological Solutions
Erkman S., Ramaswamy R., 2005. pp. 297?310 dans Nemerow N. L., Agardy F. J. (eds.) Environmental Solutions : [environmental problems and the all-inclusive global, scientific, political, legal, economic, medical, and engineering bases to solve them] chap. 12, Elsevier Academic Press.
Vers une écologie industrielle:Comment mettre en pratique le développement durable dans une société hyper-industrielle
Erkman S. (eds.)Erkman S., 2004., 2e édition enrichie 252, Charles Léopold Mayer.
Applied industrial ecology : a new platform for planning sustainable societies : focus on developing countries with case studies from India
Erkman S., Ramaswamy R., 2003. 159, Aicra Publ..
Ecologie Industrielle
Erkman S., 2003. pp. 263-282 dans Une strategies de Development durable chap. 16, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Industrial Ecology Codified in Law as part of the Local Agenda 21: Case study of Geneva
Erkman S., Ramaswamy R., 2003. dans Institute of Innovation Research. Peer-reviewed, CRIC.
Perspectives on industrial ecology
Erkman S., 2003. pp. 338-342 dans Bourg D., Erkman S. (eds.) Perspectives on Industrial Ecology chap. 28, Greenleaf Publishing.
Développement durable: L'écologie industrielle: une stratégie de développement
Erkman S., 2002. Revue économique et sociale : RES, bulletin de la Société d'Etudes Economiques et Sociales, 60 pp. 63-66. Peer-reviewed.
The recent history of industrial Ecology
Erkman S., 2002. pp. 27-35 dans Ayres R. U., Ayres L. W. (eds.) A handbook of industrial Ecology chap. 3, Edgar Elgar Publishing.
Industrial ecology: a new perspective on the future of the industrial system.
Erkman S., 2001/09/22. Swiss medical weekly, 131 (37-38) pp. 531-538. Peer-reviewed.
L'écologie industrielle, une stratégie de développement
Erkman S., 2001. Le Débat, 113 pp. 106-121. Peer-reviewed.
Cleaner Production at the System Level: Industrial Ecology as a Tool for Development Planning (Case Studies in India)
Erkman S., Ramaswamy R., 2000., United Nations Environmental Program pp. 1-18 dans UNEP's 6th International High-level Seminar on Cleaner Production, Montréal, Canada.
Vers une écologie industrielle
Ouazzani J., Erkman S., Charles E., Mayer L., 1999. p. 45 dans Biofutur, Elsevier.
Industrial ecology: An historical view
Erkman S., 1997. Journal of Cleaner Production, 5 pp. 1-10. Peer-reviewed.
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