Catherine Ronet

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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38 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells.
Morotti M., Grimm A.J., Hope H.C., Arnaud M., Desbuisson M., Rayroux N., Barras D., Masid M., Murgues B., Chap B.S. et al., 2024/05. Nature, 629 (8011) pp. 426-434. Peer-reviewed.
Orthogonal cytokine engineering enables novel synthetic effector states escaping canonical exhaustion in tumor-rejecting CD8+ T cells.
Corria-Osorio J., Carmona S.J., Stefanidis E., Andreatta M., Ortiz-Miranda Y., Muller T., Rota I.A., Crespo I., Seijo B., Castro W. et al., 2023/05. Nature immunology, 24 (5) pp. 869-883. Peer-reviewed.
In and out: Leishmania metastasis by hijacking lymphatic system and migrating immune cells.
Jha B., Reverte M., Ronet C., Prevel F., Morgenthaler F.D., Desponds C., Lye L.F., Owens K.L., Scarpellino L., Dubey L.K. et al., 2022. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12 p. 941860. Peer-reviewed.
Low-Dose Radiotherapy Reverses Tumor Immune Desertification and Resistance to Immunotherapy.
Herrera F.G., Ronet C., Ochoa de Olza M., Barras D., Crespo I., Andreatta M., Corria-Osorio J., Spill A., Benedetti F., Genolet R. et al., 2022/01. Cancer discovery, 12 (1) pp. 108-133. Peer-reviewed.
VEGFR-2 redirected CAR-T cells are functionally impaired by soluble VEGF-A competition for receptor binding.
Lanitis E., Kosti P., Ronet C., Cribioli E., Rota G., Spill A., Reichenbach P., Zoete V., Dangaj Laniti D., Coukos G. et al., 2021/08. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 9 (8) pp. e002151. Peer-reviewed.
Cell-autonomous inflammation of BRCA1-deficient ovarian cancers drives both tumor-intrinsic immunoreactivity and immune resistance via STING.
Bruand M., Barras D., Mina M., Ghisoni E., Morotti M., Lanitis E., Fahr N., Desbuisson M., Grimm A., Zhang H. et al., 2021/07/20. Cell reports, 36 (3) p. 109412. Peer-reviewed.
Optimized gene engineering of murine CAR-T cells reveals the beneficial effects of IL-15 coexpression.
Lanitis E., Rota G., Kosti P., Ronet C., Spill A., Seijo B., Romero P., Dangaj D., Coukos G., Irving M., 2021/02/01. The Journal of experimental medicine, 218 (2) pp. e20192203. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperation between Constitutive and Inducible Chemokines Enables T Cell Engraftment and Immune Attack in Solid Tumors.
Dangaj D., Bruand M., Grimm A.J., Ronet C., Barras D., Duttagupta P.A., Lanitis E., Duraiswamy J., Tanyi J.L., Benencia F. et al., 2019/06/10. Cancer cell, 35 (6) pp. 885-900.e10. Peer-reviewed.
TLR2 Signaling in Skin Nonhematopoietic Cells Induces Early Neutrophil Recruitment in Response to Leishmania major Infection.
Ronet C., Passelli K., Charmoy M., Scarpellino L., Myburgh E., Hauyon La Torre Y., Turco S., Mottram J.C., Fasel N., Luther S.A. et al., 2019/06. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 139 (6) pp. 1318-1328. Peer-reviewed.
Antiviral screening identifies adenosine analogs targeting the endogenous dsRNA Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV1) pathogenicity factor.
Kuhlmann F.M., Robinson J.I., Bluemling G.R., Ronet C., Fasel N., Beverley S.M., 2017/01/31. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (5) pp. E811-E819. Peer-reviewed.
Exacerbated Leishmaniasis Caused by a Viral Endosymbiont can be Prevented by Immunization with Its Viral Capsid.
Castiglioni P., Hartley M.A., Rossi M., Prevel F., Desponds C., Utzschneider D.T., Eren R.O., Zangger H., Brunner L., Collin N. et al., 2017. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11 (1) pp. e0005240. Peer-reviewed.
Tilting the balance between RNA interference and replication eradicates Leishmania RNA virus 1 and mitigates the inflammatory response.
Brettmann E.A., Shaik J.S., Zangger H., Lye L.F., Kuhlmann F.M., Akopyants N.S., Oschwald D.M., Owens K.L., Hickerson S.M., Ronet C. et al., 2016/10/25. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (43) pp. 11998-12005. Peer-reviewed.
Mammalian Innate Immune Response to a Leishmania-Resident RNA Virus Increases Macrophage Survival to Promote Parasite Persistence.
Eren R.O., Reverte M., Rossi M., Hartley M.A., Castiglioni P., Prevel F., Martin R., Desponds C., Lye L.F., Drexler S.K. et al., 2016/09/14. Cell host & microbe, 20 (3) pp. 318-328. Peer-reviewed.
Leishmaniavirus-Dependent Metastatic Leishmaniasis Is Prevented by Blocking IL-17A.
Hartley M.A., Bourreau E., Rossi M., Castiglioni P., Eren R.O., Prevel F., Couppié P., Hickerson S.M., Launois P., Beverley S.M. et al., 2016. PLoS Pathogens, 12 (9) pp. e1005852. Peer-reviewed.
Presence of Leishmania RNA Virus 1 in Leishmania guyanensis Increases the Risk of First-Line Treatment Failure and Symptomatic Relapse.
Bourreau E., Ginouves M., Prévot G., Hartley M.A., Gangneux J.P., Robert-Gangneux F., Dufour J., Sainte-Marie D., Bertolotti A., Pratlong F. et al., 2016. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 213 (1) pp. 105-111. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence and Distribution of Leishmania RNA Virus 1 in Leishmania Parasites from French Guiana.
Ginouvès M., Simon S., Bourreau E., Lacoste V., Ronet C., Couppié P., Nacher M., Demar M., Prévot G., 2016. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (1) pp. 102-106.
Severe Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Patient Coinfected with Leishmania braziliensis and Its Endosymbiotic Virus.
Parmentier L., Cusini A., Müller N., Zangger H., Hartley M.A., Desponds C., Castiglioni P., Dubach P., Ronet C., Beverley S.M. et al., 2016. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94 (4) pp. 840-843. Peer-reviewed.
A scoring method to standardize lesion monitoring following intra-dermal infection of Leishmania parasites in the murine ear
Schuster S., Hartley M.A., Tacchini-Cottier F., Ronet C., 2014. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 4 p. 67.
Cross-presenting dendritic cells are required for control of Leishmania major infection.
Ashok D., Schuster S., Ronet C., Rosa M., Mack V., Lavanchy C., Marraco S.F., Fasel N., Murphy K.M., Tacchini-Cottier F. et al., 2014. European Journal of Immunology, 44 (5) pp. 1422-1432.
Leishmania aethiopica field isolates bearing an endosymbiontic dsRNA virus induce pro-inflammatory cytokine response.
Zangger H., Hailu A., Desponds C., Lye L.F., Akopyants N.S., Dobson D.E., Ronet C., Ghalib H., Beverley S.M., Fasel N., 2014. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (4) pp. e2836.
MyD88 and TLR9 dependent immune responses mediate resistance to Leishmania guyanensis infections, irrespective of Leishmania RNA virus burden.
Ives A., Masina S., Castiglioni P., Prével F., Revaz-Breton M., Hartley M.A., Launois P., Fasel N., Ronet C., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (5) pp. e96766.
The immunological, environmental, and phylogenetic perpetrators of metastatic leishmaniasis.
Hartley M.A., Drexler S., Ronet C., Beverley S.M., Fasel N., 2014. Trends in Parasitology, 30 (8) pp. 412-422.
Detection of Leishmania RNA virus in Leishmania parasites.
Zangger H., Ronet C., Desponds C., Kuhlmann F.M., Robinson J., Hartley M.A., Prevel F., Castiglioni P., Pratlong F., Bastien P. et al., 2013. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7 (1) pp. e2006.
The therapeutic potential of immune cross-talk in leishmaniasis.
Hartley M.A., Kohl K., Ronet C., Fasel N., 2013. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 19 (2) pp. 119-130.
Backseat drivers: the hidden influence of microbial viruses on disease.
Hartley M.A., Ronet C., Fasel N., 2012. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 15 (4) pp. 538-545. Peer-reviewed.
Leishmania RNA virus: when the host pays the toll.
Hartley M.A., Ronet C., Zangger H., Beverley S.M., Fasel N., 2012. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2 p. 99.
Leishmania RNA virus controls the severity of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis.
Ives A., Ronet C., Prevel F., Ruzzante G., Fuertes-Marraco S., Schutz F., Zangger H., Revaz-Breton M., Lye L.F., Hickerson S.M. et al., 2011. Science, 331 (6018) pp. 775-778.
Muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis in the New World: The ultimate subversion.
Ronet C., Beverley S.M., Fasel N., 2011. Virulence, 2 (6) pp. 547-552.
Un virus, hôte indésirable de L. guyanensis, détermine la gravité de la forme mucocutanée de la leishmaniose [Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis and an undesired passenger].
Ronet C., Beverley S.M., Fasel N., 2011. Médecine Sciences : M/S, 27 (11) pp. 924-926.
Immune responses to Leishmania guyanensis infection in humans and animal models
Ronet C., Ives A., Bourreau E., Fasel N., Launois P., Masina S., 2010. pp. 165-176 dans Jirillo E., Brandonisio O. (eds.) Protozoa chap. 11, Bentham eBooks.
Regulatory B cells shape the development of Th2 immune responses in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major through IL-10 production.
Ronet C., Hauyon-La Torre Y., Revaz-Breton M., Mastelic B., Tacchini-Cottier F., Louis J., Launois P., 2010. Journal of Immunology, 184 (2) pp. 886-894. Peer-reviewed.
The MyD88 protein 88 pathway is differently involved in immune responses induced by distinct substrains of Leishmania major.
Revaz-Breton M., Ronet C., Ives A., Torre Y.H., Masina S., Tacchini-Cottier F., Launois P., 2010. European Journal of Immunology, 40 (6) pp. 1697-1707. Peer-reviewed.
In leishmaniasis due to Leishmania guyanensis infection, distinct intralesional interleukin-10 and Foxp3 mRNA expression are associated with unresponsiveness to treatment.
Bourreau E., Ronet C., Darsissac E., Lise M.C., Marie D.S., Clity E., Tacchini-Cottier F., Couppie P., Launois P., 2009. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 199 (4) pp. 576-579. Peer-reviewed.
Intralesional regulatory T-cell suppressive function during human acute and chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania guyanensis.
Bourreau E., Ronet C., Darcissac E., Lise M.C., Sainte Marie D., Clity E., Tacchini-Cottier F., Couppie P., Launois P., 2009. Infection and Immunity, 77 (4) pp. 1465-1474. Peer-reviewed.
Leishmania major-specific B cells are necessary for Th2 cell development and susceptibility to L. major LV39 in BALB/c mice.
Ronet C., Voigt H., Himmelrich H., Doucey M.A., Hauyon-La Torre Y., Revaz-Breton M., Tacchini-Cottier F., Bron C., Louis J., Launois P., 2008. Journal of Immunology, 180 (7) pp. 4825-4835. Peer-reviewed.
IL-10 producing CD8+ T cells in human infection with Leishmania guyanensis.
Bourreau E., Ronet C., Couppié P., Sainte-Marie D., Tacchini-Cottier F., Launois P., 2007. Microbes and Infection, 9 (8) pp. 1034-1041.
Leishmania major induces distinct neutrophil phenotypes in mice that are resistant or susceptible to infection.
Charmoy M., Megnekou R., Allenbach C., Zweifel C., Perez C., Monnat K., Breton M., Ronet C., Launois P., Tacchini-Cottier F., 2007. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 82 (2) pp. 288-299.
Selective expression of the V beta 14 T cell receptor on Leishmania guyanensis--specific CD8+ T cells during human infection.
Kariminia A., Bourreau E., Ronet C., Couppie P., Sainte-Marie D., Tacchini-Cottier F., Launois P., 2007. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 195 (5) pp. 739-747.
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