Laura Morend-Ruffieux

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2021 | 2016 | 2013 |
Use of an Online Ultrasound Simulator to Teach Basic Psychomotor Skills to Medical Students During the Initial COVID-19 Lockdown: Quality Control Study.
Meuwly J.Y., Mandralis K., Tenisch E., Gullo G., Frossard P., Morend L., 2021/11/01. JMIR medical education, 7 (4) pp. e31132. Peer-reviewed.
Working with actors and non-actors as simulated patients: An advantage?
Viret Francine, Vadot Sara, Morend Laura, Christen Ariane, Bonvin Raphael, 2016/08/08. MedEdPublish, 5 p. 61.
La visibilité du genre dans quelques revues de sociologie du travail : Comparaisons France et Grande-Bretagne (1987-2012)
Le Feuvre N., Bataille P., Morend L., 2013/05. Cahiers du Genre, 54 pp. 121-150. Peer-reviewed.
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