Jacques Gaume

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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104 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
Booster effects and mechanisms of web-based personalised normative feedback alcohol intervention for college students: A pragmatic randomised controlled trial.
Bedendo A., Gaume J., McCambridge J., Noto A.R., Souza-Formigoni MLO, 2024/07/01. Drug and alcohol dependence, 260 p. 111337. Peer-reviewed.
Substance use and its association with mental health among Swiss medical students: A cross-sectional study.
Gaume J., Carrard V., Berney S., Bourquin C., Berney A., 2024/06. The International journal of social psychiatry, 70 (4) pp. 808-817. Peer-reviewed.
Young adults' change talk within brief motivational intervention in the emergency department and booster sessions is associated with a decrease in heavy drinking over 1 year.
Blanc S., Studer J., Magill M., McCambridge J., Bertholet N., Hugli O., Daeppen J.B., Gaume J., 2024/05. Psychology of addictive behaviors, 38 (3) pp. 243-254. Peer-reviewed.
Mediational Analyses of the Effects of Social Behaviour and Network Therapy on Alcohol Use.
Bedendo A., Gaume J., Studer J., Tober G., Raistrick D., Heather N., Souza-Formigoni MLO, McCambridge J., 2024. European addiction research, 30 (1) pp. 14-22. Peer-reviewed.
Mental health and burnout during medical school: Longitudinal evolution and covariates.
Carrard V., Berney S., Bourquin C., Ranjbar S., Castelao E., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Schmid Mast M., Preisig M. et al., 2024. PloS one, 19 (4) pp. e0295100. Peer-reviewed.
Who benefits from brief motivational intervention among young adults presenting to the emergency department with alcohol intoxication: A latent-class moderation analysis.
Gaume J., Blanc S., Magill M., McCambridge J., Bertholet N., Hugli O., Daeppen J.B., 2023/08. Alcohol, clinical & experimental research, 47 (8) pp. 1614-1623. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship between medical students' empathy, mental health, and burnout: A cross-sectional study.
Carrard V., Bourquin C., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Schmid Mast M., Berney A., 2022/12. Medical teacher, 44 (12) pp. 1392-1399. Peer-reviewed.
Behavioral economics indices predict alcohol use and consequences in young men at 4-year follow-up.
Gaume J., Murphy J.G., Studer J., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Bertholet N., 2022/11. Addiction, 117 (11) pp. 2816-2825. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of a Novel Brief Motivational Intervention for Alcohol-Intoxicated Young Adults in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Gaume J., Bertholet N., McCambridge J., Magill M., Adam A., Hugli O., Daeppen J.B., 2022/10/03. JAMA network open, 5 (10) pp. e2237563. Peer-reviewed.
Serial mediation analysis of treatment-specific processes in two contrasting alcohol treatments.
Gaume J., Heather N., Tober G., Studer J., Bedendo A., Raistrick D., McCambridge J., 2022/09. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 140 p. 108799. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of physician empathy on patient outcomes: a gender analysis.
Surchat C., Carrard V., Gaume J., Berney A., Clair C., 2022/02. The British journal of general practice, 72 (715) pp. e99-e107. Peer-reviewed.
Study protocol for the ETMED-L project: longitudinal study of mental health and interpersonal competence of medical students in a Swiss university using a comprehensive framework of empathy.
Berney A., Carrard V., Berney S., Schlegel K., Gaume J., Gholam M., Bart P.A., Preisig M., Wac K., Schmid Mast M. et al., 2021/12/03. BMJ open, 11 (12) pp. e053070. Peer-reviewed.
Motivational interviewing technical and relational skills, change talk, and alcohol outcomes-A moderated mediation analysis.
Gaume J., Magill M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2021/08. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 89 (8) pp. 707-716. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of the Illegal Substances Market and Substance Users' Social Situation and Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Gaume J., Schmutz E., Daeppen J.B., Zobel F., 2021/05/07. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18 (9) p. 4960. Peer-reviewed.
Developing a brief motivational intervention for young adults admitted with alcohol intoxication in the emergency department - Results from an iterative qualitative design.
Gaume J., Grazioli V.S., Paroz S., Fortini C., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., 2021. PloS one, 16 (2) pp. e0246652. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans la communauté
Daeppen J.B., Gaume J., Bodenmann P., Buclin T., Fauvel A., Paroz S., Widmer D., Baumann M., 2020/10/21. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (711) p. 2007.
Components evaluation of a web-based personalized normative feedback intervention for alcohol use among college students: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial with a dismantling design.
Bedendo A., McCambridge J., Gaume J., Souza AAL, Formigoni MLOS, Noto A.R., 2020/06. Addiction, 115 (6) pp. 1063-1074. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans la communauté []
Daeppen J.B., Gaume J., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Fauvel A., Paroz S., Widmer D., Baumann M., 2019/11/27. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (673) p. 2213. Peer-reviewed.
Do what you say and say what you are going to do: A preliminary meta-analysis of client change and sustain talk subtypes in motivational interviewing.
Magill M., Bernstein M.H., Hoadley A., Borsari B., Apodaca T.R., Gaume J., Tonigan J.S., 2019/10. Psychotherapy research, 29 (7) pp. 860-869. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling empathy as synchrony in clinician and patient vocally encoded emotional arousal: A failure to replicate.
Gaume J., Hallgren K.A., Clair C., Schmid Mast M., Carrard V., Atkins D.C., 2019/04. Journal of counseling psychology, 66 (3) pp. 341-350. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans la communauté
Daeppen J.B., Gaume J., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Fauvel A., Paroz S., Widmer D., Baumann M., 2019/01/17. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (634) p. 170. Peer-reviewed.
An introduction to student’s work. Interprofessional community immersion in Santiniketan, India
Widmer Daniel, Ouvrard Patrick, Guinchard Blaise, Bhattacharya Kumkum, Bhattacharya Ranjit, Vaucher Carla, Baumann Madeleine, Rossi Ilario, Gaume Jacques, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2019. Primary and hospital care.
Cigarette and Cannabis Use in Young Swiss Men: Examination of the Bidirectional, Longitudinal Associations Between Frequency of Use and Descriptive Norms.
Studer J., Bertholet N., Baggio S., Gaume J., Grazioli V.S., Rougemont-Bücking A., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2018/07. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 79 (4) pp. 585-590. Peer-reviewed.
A mediation analysis of treatment processes in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial.
Gaume J., Heather N., Tober G., McCambridge J., 2018/04. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 86 (4) pp. 321-329. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudian·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans la communauté
Daeppen J.B., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Fauvel A., Gaume J., Paroz S., Widmer D., Baumann M., 2018/03/14. Revue medicale suisse, 14 (598) p. 588. Peer-reviewed.
A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing process: Technical, relational, and conditional process models of change.
Magill M., Apodaca T.R., Borsari B., Gaume J., Hoadley A., Gordon REF, Tonigan J.S., Moyers T., 2018/02. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 86 (2) pp. 140-157. Peer-reviewed.
Readiness to Change Predicts Drinking: Findings from 12-Month Follow-Up of Alcohol Use Disorder Outpatients.
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., 2017/01. Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 52 (1) pp. 65-71. Peer-reviewed.
Are young men who overestimate drinking by others more likely to respond to an electronic normative feedback brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use?
Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., Cunningham J.A., Burnand B., Gmel G., Gaume J., 2016/12. Addictive behaviors, 63 pp. 97-101. Peer-reviewed.
Ambivalence: Prerequisite for success in motivational interviewing with adolescents?
Feldstein Ewing S.W., Apodaca T.R., Gaume J., 2016/11. Addiction, 111 (11) pp. 1900-1907. Peer-reviewed.
The Alcohol Intervention Mechanisms Scale (AIMS): Preliminary Reliability and Validity of a Common Factor Observational Rating Measure.
Magill M., Apodaca T.R., Walthers J., Gaume J., Durst A., Longabaugh R., Stout R.L., Carroll K.M., 2016/11. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 70 pp. 28-34. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans la communauté
Daeppen J.B., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Gaume J., Gervasoni J.P., Paroz S., Widmer D., Baumann M., 2016/10. Revue Médicale Suisse, 12 (533) pp. 1676-1677.
Change Talk During Brief Motivational Intervention With Young Adult Males: Strength Matters.
Gaume J., Magill M., Mastroleo N.R., Longabaugh R., Bertholet N., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2016/06. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 65 pp. 58-65. Peer-reviewed.
Therapist and client discussions of drinking and coping: a sequential analysis of therapy dialogues in three evidence-based alcohol use disorder treatments.
Magill M., Walthers J., Mastroleo N.R., Gaume J., Longabaugh R., Apodaca T.R., 2016/06. Addiction, 111 (6) pp. 1011-1020. Peer-reviewed.
Reliability and Validity of an Observational Measure of Client Decision-Making: The Client Language Assessment - Proximal/Distal (CLA-PD).
Magill M., R Apodaca T., Karno M., Gaume J., Durst A., Walthers J., L Stout R., DiClemente C., 2016. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 63 pp. 10-17. Peer-reviewed.
Socioeconomic status and substance use among Swiss young men: a population-based cross-sectional study.
Charitonidi E., Studer J., Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., 2016. Bmc Public Health, 16 (1) p. 333. Peer-reviewed.
Under what conditions? Therapist and client characteristics moderate the role of change talk in brief motivational intervention.
Gaume J., Longabaugh R., Magill M., Bertholet N., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2016. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84 (3) pp. 211-220. Peer-reviewed.
Internet-based brief intervention for young men with unhealthy alcohol use: a randomized controlled trial in a general population sample.
Bertholet N., Cunningham J.A., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Gmel G., Burnand B., Daeppen J.B., 2015/11. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 110 (11) pp. 1735-1743. Peer-reviewed.
Do therapist behaviors differ with Hispanic youth? A brief look at within-session therapist behaviors and youth treatment response.
Feldstein Ewing S.W., Gaume J., Ernst D.B., Rivera L., Houck J.M., 2015. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists In Addictive Behaviors, 29 (3) pp. 779-786. Peer-reviewed.
Internet-Based Brief Intervention to Prevent Unhealthy Alcohol Use among Young Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Bertholet N., Cunningham J.A., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Gmel G., Burnand B., Daeppen J.B., 2015. Plos One, 10 (12) pp. e0144146. Peer-reviewed.
Les étudiant·e·s en médecine mènent une recherche dans La communauté. [Male/female medical students conduct research in the community]
Daeppen J.B., Bodenmann P., Burnand B., Gaume J., Genton B., Hofner M.C., Spencer B., Widmer D., 2015. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (483) p. 1564. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement invariance of alcohol instruments with Hispanic youth
Feldstein Ewing S.W., Montanaro E.A., Gaume J., Caetano R., Bryan A.D., 2015. Addictive Behaviors, 46 pp. 113-120. Peer-reviewed.
The alcohol purchase task in young men from the general population.
Bertholet N., Murphy J.G., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Gaume J., 2015. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 146 pp. 39-44. Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss cohort study on substance use risk factors : findings of two waves
Gmel G., Akre C., Astudillo M., Bähler C., Baggio S., Bertholet N., Clair C., Cornuz J., Daeppen J.-B., Deline S. et al., 2015. Sucht, 61 (4) pp. 251-262. Peer-reviewed.
Do brief alcohol motivational interventions work like we think they do?
Bertholet N., Palfai T., Gaume J., Daeppen J.B., Saitz R., 2014. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (3) pp. 853-859. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of counselor characteristics and behaviors on the efficacy of a brief motivational intervention for heavy drinking in young men-a randomized controlled trial.
Gaume J., Magill M., Longabaugh R., Bertholet N., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2014. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (7) pp. 2138-2147. Peer-reviewed.
Internet-based alcohol brief intervention for young men in the general population
Bertholet N., Cunningham J.A., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Burnand B., Daeppen J.B., 2014. dans ISBRA/RSA 2014, Joint Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism and Research Society on Alcoholism.
Mechanisms of action of brief alcohol interventions remain largely unknown - a narrative review.
Gaume J., McCambridge J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., 2014. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 5 p. 108. Peer-reviewed.
Socio-economic status and substance use among young men
Bertholet N., Charitonidi E., Studer J., Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2014. dans ISBRA/RSA 2014, Joint Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism and Research Society on Alcoholism.
Support for the use of the Alcohol Purchase Task in young men from the general population
Bertholet N., Murphy J.G., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Gaume J., 2014. dans ISBRA/RSA 2014, Joint Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism and Research Society on Alcoholism.
Does change talk during brief motivational interventions with young men predict change in alcohol use?
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2013. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44 (2) pp. 177-185.
Effectiveness of a brief integrative multiple substance use intervention among young men with and without booster sessions.
Gmel G., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Flückiger J., Daeppen J.B., 2013. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44 (2) pp. 231-240.
Examining non-response bias in substance use research-Are late respondents proxies for non-respondents?
Studer J., Baggio S., Mohler-Kuo M., Dermota P., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2013. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 132 (1-2) pp. 316-323.
Need for informed consent in substance use studies--harm of bias?
Studer J., Mohler-Kuo M., Dermota P., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Eidenbenz C., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2013. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74 (6) pp. 931-940. Peer-reviewed.
Religion is good, belief is better: religion, religiosity, and substance use among young swiss men.
Gmel G., Mohler-Kuo M., Dermota P., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., Studer J., 2013. Substance Use and Misuse, 48 (12) pp. 1085-1098.
The Change Questionnaire predicts change in hazardous tobacco and alcohol use.
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2013. Addictive Behaviors, 38 (11) pp. 2718-2723.
Brief alcohol intervention as pragmatic intervention: Who is voluntarily taking an offered intervention?
Gmel G., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., 2012. Alcohol, 46 (6) pp. 551-558.
Predictive value of readiness, importance, and confidence in ability to change drinking and smoking.
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2012. Bmc Public Health, 12 (708) p. 708.
Training medical students to conduct motivational interviewing: a randomized controlled trial.
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Bertholet N., Bonvin R., Berney A., Michaud P.A., Layat C., Gaume J., 2012. Patient Education and Counseling, 87 (3) pp. 313-318.
Age of first alcohol intoxication: association with risky drinking and other substance use at the age of 20.
Adam A., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., 2011. Swiss Medical Weekly, 141 p. 13226.
Efficacy of brief motivational intervention in reducing binge drinking in young men: A randomized controlled trial.
Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., Gaume J., Fortini C., Faouzi M., Gmel G., 2011. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 113 (1) pp. 69-75.
How does brief motivational intervention work? A mediation analysis.
Gaume J., Magill M., Bertholet N., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2011. dans INEBRIA 2011, 8th International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems.
Is brief motivational intervention effective in reducing alcohol use among young men voluntarily receiving it? A randomized controlled trial.
Gaume J., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Bertholet N., Daeppen J.B., 2011. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 35 (10) pp. 1822-1830.
Perception of the amount of drinking by others in a sample of 20-year-old men: the more I think you drink, the more I drink.
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2011. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 46 (1) pp. 83-87.
Predictive value of readiness, importance and confidence in ability to change drinking and smoking.
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2011. dans INEBRIA 2011, 8th International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems.
Predictive Value of Readiness, Importance, and Confidence in Ability to Change Drinking and Smoking
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2011. dans AMERSA 2011, 36th Conference of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse.
Training Medical Students to Conduct Motivational Interviewing: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Bertholet N., Bonvin R., Berney A., Michaud P.A., Layat C., Gaume J., 2011. dans INEBRIA 2011, 8th International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems.
Challenging the "inoffensiveness" of regular cannabis use by its associations with other current risky substance use--a census of 20-year-old Swiss men.
Gmel G., Gaume J., Willi C., Michaud P.A., Cornuz J., Daeppen J.B., 2010. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7 (1) pp. 46-59. Peer-reviewed.
Change talk sequence during brief motivational intervention, towards or away from drinking.
Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Gaume J., Daeppen J.B., 2010. Addiction, 105 (12) pp. 2106-2112.
Counselor motivational interviewing skills and young adult change talk articulation during brief motivational interventions.
Gaume Jacques, Bertholet Nicoles, Faouzi Mohamed, Gmel Gerhard, Daeppen Jean-Bernard, 2010. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 39 (3) pp. 272-281.
Do change talk curve-profiles during a brief motivational intervention have an impact on drinking outcomes?
Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Fortini C., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2010. dans 7th Conference of the International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
Do change talk curve-profiles during a brief motivational intervention have an impact on drinking outcomes?
Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gaume J., Fortini C., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2010. dans 33rd Annual National Conference of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA).
Does change talk during brief motivational interventions with young men predict change in alcohol use?
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Fortini C., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2010. dans ICMI 2010, 2nd International Conference on Motivational Interviewing.
Efficacy of brief motivational intervention at army conscription to address alcohol use and related problems: a randomized controlled trial
Daeppen J. B., Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Gmel G., 2010. pp. 81A dans World Congress on International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of Brief Motivational Intervention at Army Conscription to Address Alcohol Use and Related Problems: A randomized Controlled Trial.
Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Gmel G., 2010. dans ISBRA 2010 World Congress, International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism.
Perception of drinking of others in a sample of 20-year-old men: The more I think you drink, the more I drink.
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2010. dans 7th Conference of the International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
Teaching Motivational Interviewing to Medical Students to Improve Behavior Change Counseling Skills.
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Bonvin R., Berney A., Cornuz J., Michaud P.A., Layat C., Bertholet N., Gaume J., 2010. dans ICMI 2010, 2nd International Conference on Motivational Interviewing.
What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy.
Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., Gaume J., 2010. Drug and Alcohol Review, 29 (6) pp. 612-616.
Which change talk dimensions are associated with subsequent drinking among young men receiving a brief motivational intervention in a non-clinical setting?
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Fortini C., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J. B., 2010. pp. 164A dans World Congress on International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research. Peer-reviewed.
Age at First Alcohol Intoxication: Association With Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis and Other Substance Use Among 19 Year-Old Swiss Young Men
Bertholet N., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J., 2009. pp. S17 dans The Art and Science of Generalist Care, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Change Talk during Brief Motivational Intervention: Towards or away from Drinking.
Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Gaume J., Daeppen J.B., 2009. dans 33rd Annual National Conference of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA).
Characteristics of unscreened volunteers for a brief alcohol intervention among 20-year-old men.
Daeppen JB., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., 2009. dans 33rd Annual National Conference of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA).
Counselor skill influences outcomes of brief motivational interventions.
Gaume J., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., 2009. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 37 (2) pp. 151-159. Peer-reviewed.
Efficacy of Brief Motivational Intervention with Young Adults to Address Alcohol Use and Related Problems.
Daeppen JB., Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., 2009. dans 6th Annual Conference of the international Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
How do Counselor and 20-year old Subject Speech Articulate during Brief Motivational Interventions?
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2009. dans 33rd Annual National Conference of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA).
How do counselor and 20-year old subject speech articulate during brief motivational interventions?
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2009. dans 6th Annual Conference of the international Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
Is brief motivational intervention effective to reduce alcohol use and related consequences among young men voluntary to receive it?
Gaume J., Bertholet N., Faouzi M., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2009. dans 6th Annual Conference of the international Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
Teaching Motivational Interviewing to Medical Students to Improve Behavior Change Counseling Skills - Results of a Pilot Test
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Bonvin R., Layat C., Berney A., Bertholet N., 2009. pp. S177-S178 dans 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Journal of General Internal Medicine. Peer-reviewed.
What process research tells about screening and brief intervention efficacy.
Daeppen JB., Bertholet N., Gaume J., 2009. dans 6th Annual Conference of the international Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems (INEBRIA).
The Association between Hazardous Cigarette, Cannabis, and Alcohol Use in a Population of Young Men.
Willi C., Cornuz J., Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2008/05. dans 76. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für interne Medizin.
Administering brief motivational interventions to young men: Results from a pilot census transmissible study among 19 year-old francophone Swiss men.
Gaume J., Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., 2008. 29 (Raisons de santé ; 141), Lausanne : Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive (IUMSP).
Alcohol use in 19 years old men voluntarily showing up for a counseling session during army conscription : preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial
Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Fortini C., Gaume J., 2008. dans 2008 Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism.
Brief alcohol interventions: do counsellors' and patients' communication characteristics predict change?
Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2008/01. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43 (1) pp. 62-69.
Brief motivational intervention to reduce alcohol use in 19 years old men voluntarily showing up for a counseling session during army conscription : a randomized controlled trial
Daeppen J.B., Gmel G., Fortini C., Faouzi M., Gaume J., 2008. dans First International Conference on Motivational Interviewing (ICMI).
Counsellor behaviours and patient language during brief motivational interventions: a sequential analysis of speech
Gaume J., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., 2008. Addiction, 103 (11) pp. 1793-1800. Peer-reviewed.
Counselor skill influence on brief motivational intervention alcohol use outcomes
Gaume J., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., 2008. dans First International Conference on Motivational Interviewing (ICMI).
Counselors influence on brief motivational intervention alcohol use outcomes
Gaume J., Gmel G., Faouzi M., Daeppen J.B., 2008. dans 2008 Joint Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism and the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism.
Efficacy of in-hospital multidimensional interventions of secondary prevention after acute coronary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Auer R., Gaume J., Rodondi N., Cornuz J., Ghali W.A., 2008. Circulation, 117 (24) pp. 3109-3117. Peer-reviewed.
Teaching motivational interviewing to medical students : a pre-post test pilot study
Daeppen J.B., Fortini C., Faouzi M., Bonvin R., Layat Burn C., Gaume J., 2008. pp. 140A dans First International Conference on Motivational Interviewing (ICMI), Alcoholism : clinical and experimental research. Peer-reviewed.
The association between cigarettes smoking, cannabis use and alcohol consumption in a population of young men: results of a population-based survey.
Willi C., Cornuz J., Gaume J., Gmel G., Daeppen J.B., 2008. p. 409 dans 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, April 9-12, 2008, Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Who drinks most of the total alcohol in young men--risky single occasion drinking as normative behaviour.
Gmel G., Gaume J., Faouzi M., Kulling J.P., Daeppen J.B., 2008. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43 (6) pp. 692-697. Peer-reviewed.
Brief alcohol intervention and alcohol assessment do not influence alcohol use in injured patients treated in the emergency department: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Daeppen J.B., Gaume J., Bady P., Yersin B., Calmes J.M., Givel J.C., Gmel G., 2007. Addiction, 102 (8) pp. 1224-1233.
Communication during brief intervention, intention to change, and outcome.
Daeppen J.B., Bertholet N., Gmel G., Gaume J., 2007. Substance Abuse, 28 (3) pp. 43-51. Peer-reviewed.
Intervention motivationnelle brève multisubstances auprès des jeunes adultes [A brief motivational intervention targeting multi-risk behaviours among young people]
Seneviratne A., Fortini C., Gaume J., Daeppen J.B., 2007. Revue Médicale Suisse, 3 (118) pp. 1691-1694. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatismes dus a l'alcool: une étude aux départements des urgences du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) [Alcohol-related injuries--an emergency department study in the Lausanne University Hospital]
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