Julia Steinberger

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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87 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2003 | 1999 | 1998 |
Democratizing provisioning systems: a prerequisite for living well within limits
Steinberger Julia, Guerin Gauthier, Hofferberth Elena, Pirgmaier Elke, 2024/12/02. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 20 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Cars, capitalism and ecological crises: understanding systemic barriers to a sustainability transition in the German car industry
Keil A. Katharina, Steinberger Julia K., 2023/06/20. New Political Economy. Peer-reviewed.
The climate change research that makes the front page: Is it fit to engage societal action?
Perga Marie-Elodie, Sarrasin Oriane, Steinberger Julia, Lane Stuart N., Butera Fabrizio, 2023/05. Global Environmental Change, 80 p. 102675. Peer-reviewed.
Decentralized green energy transition promotes peace
Rohner Dominic, Lehning Michael, Steinberger Julia, Tetreault Nicolas, Trutnevyte Evelina, 2023/03/03. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11. Peer-reviewed.
Social outcomes of energy use in the United Kingdom: Household energy footprints and their links to well-being
Baltruszewicz Marta, Steinberger Julia K., Paavola Jouni, Ivanova Diana, Brand-Correa Lina I., Owen Anne, 2023/03. Ecological Economics, 205 p. 107686. Peer-reviewed.
Degrowth can work — here's how science can help
Hickel Jason, Kallis Giorgos, Jackson Tim, O'Neill Daniel W., Schor Juliet B., Steinberger Julia K., Victor Peter A., Ürge-Vorsatz Diana, 2022/12/15. Nature, 612 (7940) pp. 400-403.
Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action
Capstick Stuart, Thierry Aaron, Cox Emily, Berglund Oscar, Westlake Steve, Steinberger Julia K., 2022/09. Nature Climate Change, 12 (9) pp. 773-774.
Translating Planetary Health Principles Into Sustainable Primary Care Services
Gonzalez-Holguera Julia, Gaille Marie, del Rio Carral Maria, Steinberger Julia, Marti Joachim, Bühler Nolwenn, Kaufmann Alain, Chiapperino Luca, Vicedo-Cabrera Ana Maria, Schwarz Joelle et al., 2022/07/13. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Peer-reviewed.
Inverser la tendance : climat et biodiversité. Rencontre entre le Parlement et les scientifiques
Guisan A., Huggel C., Seneviratne S.I., Steinberger J., 2022/05. (6) 24 Swiss Academies Communications, Académie suisse des sciences naturelles (SCNAT), Swiss Academies Communications 17(6).
Bien vivre à l’intérieur des limites planétaires
Steinberger Julia, 2022. pp. 196-201 dans Senn Nicolas, Gaille Marie, del Río Carral María, Gonzalez Holguera Julia (eds.) Santé et environnement : vers une nouvelle approche globale chap. 16, RMS éditions / Médecine et Hygiène.
Corrigendum: Translating planetary health principles into sustainable primary care services.
Gonzalez-Holguera J., Gaille M., Del Rio Carral M., Steinberger J., Marti J., Bühler N., Kaufmann A., Chiapperino L., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Schwarz J. et al., 2022..
Demand-side solutions to climate change mitigation consistent with high levels of well-being
Creutzig Felix, Niamir Leila, Bai Xuemei, Callaghan Max, Cullen Jonathan, Díaz-José Julio, Figueroa Maria, Grubler Arnulf, Lamb William F., Leip Adrian et al., 2022/01. Nature Climate Change, 12 (1) pp. 36-46.
Max-Neef and sustainability: theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions
Correa Lina I. Brand, Steinberger Julia K., 2022. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 25 (1/2) p. 114. Peer-reviewed.
Urgent need for post-growth climate mitigation scenarios
Hickel Jason, Brockway Paul, Kallis Giorgos, Keyßer Lorenz, Lenzen Manfred, Slameršak Aljoša, Steinberger Julia, Ürge-Vorsatz Diana, 2021/08. Nature Energy, 6 (8) pp. 766-768.
Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: An international analysis of social provisioning
Vogel Jefim, Steinberger Julia K., O'Neill Daniel W., Lamb William F., Krishnakumar Jaya, 2021/07. Global Environmental Change, 69 p. 102287. Peer-reviewed.
From Publications to Public Actions: The Role of Universities in Facilitating Academic Advocacy and Activism in the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Gardner Charlie J., Thierry Aaron, Rowlandson William, Steinberger Julia K., 2021/05/31. Frontiers in Sustainability, 2.
Commentary: Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future
Bluwstein Jevgeniy, Asiyanbi Adeniyi P., Dutta Anwesha, Huff Amber, Lund Jens Friis, De Rosa Salvatore Paolo, Steinberger Julia, 2021/05/13. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2.
Final energy footprints in Zambia: Investigating links between household consumption, collective provision, and well-being
Baltruszewicz Marta, Steinberger Julia K., Owen Anne, Brand-Correa Lina I., Paavola Jouni, 2021/03. Energy Research & Social Science, 73 p. 101960.
Household final energy footprints in Nepal, Vietnam and Zambia: composition, inequality and links to well-being
Baltruszewicz Marta, Steinberger Julia K, Ivanova Diana, Brand-Correa Lina I, Paavola Jouni, Owen Anne, 2021/02/01. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (2) p. 025011.
Global redistribution of income and household energy footprints: a computational thought experiment
Oswald Y., Steinberger J.K., Ivanova D., Millward-Hopkins J., 2021. Global Sustainability, 4.
Understanding (and tackling) need satisfier escalation
Brand-Correa Lina I., Mattioli Giulio, Lamb William F., Steinberger Julia K., 2020/12/10. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16 (1) pp. 309-325.
Scientists’ warning on affluence
Wiedmann Thomas, Lenzen Manfred, Keyßer Lorenz, Steinberger Julia, 2020/12. Nature Communications.
Providing decent living with minimum energy: A global scenario
Millward-Hopkins Joel, Steinberger Julia K., Rao Narasimha D., Oswald Yannick, 2020/11. Global Environmental Change, 65 p. 102168.
Inequality, poverty and the privatization of essential services: A ‘systems of provision' study of water, energy and local buses in the UK
Bayliss Kate, Mattioli Giulio, Steinberger Julia, 2020/10/26. Competition & Change p. 102452942096493.
The political economy of car dependence: A systems of provision approach
Mattioli Giulio, Roberts Cameron, Steinberger Julia K., Brown Andrew, 2020/08. Energy Research & Social Science, 66 p. 101486.
Wellbeing Economics for the COVID-19 recovery Ten principles to build back better
Büchs Milena, Baltruszewicz Marta, Bohnenberger Katharina, Busch Jonathan, Dyke James, Elf Patrick, Fanning Andrew, Fritz Martin, Garvey Alice, Hardt Lukas et al., 2020/05/08., Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
Your money or your life? The carbon-development paradox
Steinberger Julia K, Lamb William F, Sakai Marco, 2020/03/27. Environmental Research Letters.
Large inequality in international and intranational energy footprints between income groups and across consumption categories
Yannick Oswald, Anne Owen, Steinberger Julia K., 2020/03. Nature Energy.
Discourses of climate delay
Lamb William F., Mattioli Giulio, Levi Sebastian, Roberts J. Timmons, Capstick Stuart, Creutzig Felix, Minx Jan C., Müller-Hansen Finn, Culhane Trevor, Steinberger Julia K., 2020. Global Sustainability, 3.
Four agendas for research and policy on emissions mitigation and well-being
Roberts J. Timmons, Steinberger Julia K., Dietz Thomas, Lamb William F., York Richard, Jorgenson Andrew K., Givens Jennifer E., Baer Paul, Schor Juliet B., 2020. Global Sustainability, 3.
Patterns and Causes of Food Waste in the Hospitality and Food Service Sector: Food Waste Prevention Insights from Malaysia
Papargyropoulou Effie, Steinberger Julia K., Wright Nigel, Lozano Rodrigo, Padfield Rory, Ujang Zaini, 2019/10/29. Sustainability, 11 (21) p. 6016.
UK financial investment and action on climate change consistent with 1.5 degrees Celsius
Steinberger Julia, Hofferberth Elena, 2019/08., Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.
Roots, Riots, and Radical Change—A Road Less Travelled for Ecological Economics
Pirgmaier Elke, Steinberger Julia, 2019/04/04. Sustainability, 11 (7) p. 2001.
Analyzing Egypt's water footprint based on trade balance and expenditure inequality
Wahba Shimaa M., Scott Kate, Steinberger Julia K., 2018/10. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198 pp. 1526-1535.
Human Scale Energy Services: Untangling a ‘golden thread'
Brand-Correa Lina I., Martin-Ortega Julia, Steinberger Julia K., 2018/04. Energy Research & Social Science, 38 pp. 178-187.
Towards demand-side solutions for mitigating climate change
Creutzig Felix, Roy Joyashree, Lamb William F., Azevedo Inês M. L., Bruine de Bruin Wändi, Dalkmann Holger, Edelenbosch Oreane Y., Geels Frank W., Grubler Arnulf, Hepburn Cameron et al., 2018/04. Nature Climate Change, 8 (4) pp. 260-263.
A good life for all within planetary boundaries
O'Neill Daniel W., Fanning Andrew L., Lamb William F., Steinberger Julia K., 2018/02/05. Nature Sustainability.
Human well-being and climate change mitigation
Lamb William F., Steinberger Julia K., 2017/11/17. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change.
A Framework for Decoupling Human Need Satisfaction From Energy Use
Brand-Correa Lina I., Steinberger Julia K., 2017/11. Ecological Economics, 141 pp. 43-52.
Growth and sustainability in a material world: the self-reinforcing cycle of population, GDP and resource use
Fischer-Kowalski Marina, Steinberger Julia K., 2017/06/30..
Energy Rebound as a Potential Threat to a Low-Carbon Future: Findings from a New Exergy-Based National-Level Rebound Approach
Brockway Paul, Saunders Harry, Heun Matthew, Foxon Timothy, Steinberger Julia, Barrett John, Sorrell Steve, 2017/01/07. Energies, 10 (1) p. 51.
End-user centred infrastructure operation: towards integrated end-use service delivery
Knoeri Christof, Steinberger Julia K., Roelich Katy, 2016/09. Journal of Cleaner Production, 132 pp. 229-239. Peer-reviewed.
Conceptual framework for the study of food waste generation and prevention in the hospitality sector
Papargyropoulou Effie, Wright Nigel, Lozano Rodrigo, Steinberger Julia, Padfield Rory, Ujang Zaini, 2016/03. Waste Management, 49 pp. 326-336.
International inequality of environmental pressures: Decomposition and comparative analysis
Teixidó-Figueras Jordi, Steinberger Julia K., Krausmann Fridolin, Haberl Helmut, Wiedmann Thomas, Peters Glen P., Duro Juan A., Kastner Thomas, 2016/03. Ecological Indicators, 62 pp. 163-173.
Combining energy efficiency measure approaches and occupancy patterns in building modelling in the UK residential context
Marshall Erica, Steinberger Julia K., Dupont Valerie, Foxon Timothy J., 2016/01. Energy and Buildings, 111 pp. 98-108.
Modelling the Delivery of Residential Thermal Comfort and Energy Savings: Comparing How Occupancy Type Affects the Success of Energy Efficiency Measures
Marshall Erica, Steinberger Julia, Foxon Tim, Dupont Valerie, 2016. pp. 327-339 dans Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design, Springer International Publishing.
Understanding China's past and future energy demand: An exergy efficiency and decomposition analysis
Brockway Paul E., Steinberger Julia K., Barrett John R., Foxon Timothy J., 2015/10. Applied Energy, 155 pp. 892-903.
Maintenance and Expansion: Modeling Material Stocks and Flows for Residential Buildings and Transportation Networks in the EU25
Wiedenhofer Dominik, Steinberger Julia K., Eisenmenger Nina, Haas Willi, 2015/08. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19 (4) pp. 538-551.
Towards resource-efficient and service-oriented integrated infrastructure operation
Roelich Katy, Knoeri Christof, Steinberger Julia K., Varga Liz, Blythe Phil T., Butler David, Gupta Rajat, Harrison Gareth P., Martin Chris, Purnell Phil, 2015/03. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 92 pp. 40-52.
Low Carbon Technology Performance vs Infrastructure Vulnerability: Analysis through the Local and Global Properties Space
Dawson David A., Purnell Phil, Roelich Katy, Busch Jonathan, Steinberger Julia K., 2014/11/04. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (21) pp. 12970-12977.
Divergence of Trends in US and UK Aggregate Exergy Efficiencies 1960–2010
Brockway Paul E., Barrett John R., Foxon Timothy J., Steinberger Julia K., 2014/08/19. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (16) pp. 9874-9881.
The food waste hierarchy as a framework for the management of food surplus and food waste
Papargyropoulou Effie, Lozano Rodrigo, K. Steinberger Julia, Wright Nigel, Ujang Zaini bin, 2014/08. Journal of Cleaner Production, 76 pp. 106-115.
Assessing the dynamic material criticality of infrastructure transitions: A case of low carbon electricity
Roelich Katy, Dawson David A., Purnell Phil, Knoeri Christof, Revell Ruairi, Busch Jonathan, Steinberger Julia K., 2014/06. Applied Energy, 123 pp. 378-386.
Managing Critical Materials with a Technology-Specific Stocks and Flows Model
Busch Jonathan, Steinberger Julia K., Dawson David A., Purnell Phil, Roelich Katy, 2014/01/21. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2) pp. 1298-1305.
Transitions in pathways of human development and carbon emissions
Lamb W F, Steinberger J K, Bows-Larkin A, Peters G P, Roberts J T, Wood F R, 2014/01/01. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (1) p. 014011.
Energy requirements of consumption: Urban form, climatic and socio-economic factors, rebounds and their policy implications
Wiedenhofer Dominik, Lenzen Manfred, Steinberger Julia K., 2013/12. Energy Policy, 63 pp. 696-707.
Development and Dematerialization: An International Study
Steinberger Julia K., Krausmann Fridolin, Getzner Michael, Schandl Heinz, West Jim, 2013/10/21. PLoS ONE, 8 (10) pp. e70385.
Critical materials for infrastructure: local vs global properties
Purnell Phil, Dawson David, Roelich Katy E., Steinberger Julia K., Busch Jonathan, 2013/10. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 166 (5) pp. 272-280.
Energy, efficiency and economic growth: a coevolutionary perspective and implications for a low carbon transition
Foxon Timothy, Steinberger Julia, 2013/09., Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.
Natural and socioeconomic determinants of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production and its relation to other resource use indicators
Haberl Helmut, Steinberger Julia K., Plutzar Christoph, Erb Karl-Heinz, Gaube Veronika, Gingrich Simone, Krausmann Fridolin, 2012/12. Ecological Indicators, 23 pp. 222-231.
Energizing Sustainable Cities : Assessing Urban Energy
Grubler Arnulf, Fisk David (eds.)Steinberger Julia, 2012/11/12., Routledge.
Sustainability solution space of the Swiss milk value added chain
Binder C.R., Schmid A., Steinberger J.K., 2012/11. Ecological Economics, 83 pp. 210-220.
Urban Energy Systems
Grubler Arnulf, Bai Xuemei, Buettner Thomas, Dhakal Shobhakar, Fisk David J., Ichinose Toshiaki, Keirstead James E., Sammer Gerd, Satterthwaite David, Schulz Niels B. et al., 2012/09/05. pp. 1307-1400 dans Johansson Thomas B., Nakicenovic Nebojsa, Patwardhan Anand, Gomez-Echeverri Luis (eds.) Global Energy Assessment (GEA), Cambridge University Press.
Pathways of human development and carbon emissions embodied in trade
Steinberger Julia K., Roberts J. Timmons, Peters Glen P., Baiocchi Giovanni, 2012/02. Nature Climate Change, 2 (2) pp. 81-85.
The interrelations of future global bioenergy potentials, food demand, and agricultural technology
Steinberger Julia, Erb Karl-Heinz, Mayer Andreas, Krausmann Fridolin, Lauk Christian, Plutzar Christoph, Haberl Helmut, 2012., Cambridge University Press.
Global bioenergy potentials from agricultural land in 2050: Sensitivity to climate change, diets and yields
Haberl Helmut, Erb Karl-Heinz, Krausmann Fridolin, Bondeau Alberte, Lauk Christian, Müller Christoph, Plutzar Christoph, Steinberger Julia K., 2011/12. Biomass and Bioenergy, 35 (12) pp. 4753-4769.
Comparison of household consumption and regional production approaches to assess urban energy use and implications for policy
Baynes Timothy, Lenzen Manfred, Steinberger Julia K., Bai Xuemei, 2011/11. Energy Policy, 39 (11) pp. 7298-7309.
Spatial and socioeconomic drivers of direct and indirect household energy consumption in Australia
Wiedenhofer Dominik, Lenzen Manfred, Steinberger Julia, 2011/11/01., CSIRO Publishing .
Social Metabolism and Hybrid Structures
Fischer-Kowalski Marina, Steinberger Julia K., 2011/10. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15 (5) pp. 642-644.
Material and Energy Productivity
Steinberger Julia K., Krausmann Fridolin, 2011/02/15. Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (4) pp. 1169-1176.
Energy Reduction Through a Deeper Understanding of Household Consumption : Staying Cool in Metro Manila
Sahakian Marlyne D., Steinberger Julia K., 2011/02. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15 (1) pp. 31-48.
Long-term changes in CO2 emissions in Austria and Czechoslovakia—Identifying the drivers of environmental pressures
Gingrich Simone, Kušková Petra, Steinberger Julia K., 2011/02. Energy Policy, 39 (2) pp. 535-543.
From constraint to sufficiency: The decoupling of energy and carbon from human needs, 1975–2005
Steinberger Julia K., Roberts J. Timmons, 2010/12. Ecological Economics, 70 (2) pp. 425-433.
Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities
Kennedy Christopher, Steinberger Julia, Gasson Barrie, Hansen Yvonne, Hillman Timothy, Havránek Miroslav, Pataki Diane, Phdungsilp Aumnad, Ramaswami Anu, Mendez Gara Villalba, 2010/09. Energy Policy, 38 (9) pp. 4828-4837.
What do economic resource productivities measure?
Steinberger Julia, Krausmann Fridolin, 2010/08/22., International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 11th BIENNIAL conference: Advancing sustainability in a time of crisis.
Reducing energy and material flows in cities
Weisz Helga, Steinberger Julia K, 2010/08. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2 (3) pp. 185-192.
Towards a low carbon society: Setting targets for a reduction of global resource use.
Fischer-Kowalski Marina, Krausmann Fridolin, Steinberger Julia, Ayres Robert, 2010/04., Institute of Social Ecology, IFF - Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (Klagenfurt, Graz, Vienna), Klagenfurt University.
Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis
Steinberger Julia K., Krausmann Fridolin, Eisenmenger Nina, 2010/03. Ecological Economics, 69 (5) pp. 1148-1158.
Considering the normative, systemic and procedural dimensions in indicator-based sustainability assessments in agriculture
Binder Claudia R., Feola Giuseppe, Steinberger Julia K., 2010/02. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 30 (2) pp. 71-81.
Eating the Planet: Feeding and fuelling the world sustainably, fairly and humanely – a scoping study
Erb Karl-Heinz, Haberl Helmut, Krausmann Fridolin, Lauk Christian, Plutzar Christoph, Steinberger Julia, Müller Christoph, Bondeau Alberte, Waha Katharina, Pollak Gudrun, 2009/11., Institute of Social Ecology, IFF - Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (Klagenfurt, Graz, Vienna), Klagenfurt University.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Cities
Kennedy Christopher, Steinberger Julia, Gasson Barrie, Hansen Yvonne, Hillman Timothy, Havranek Miroslav, Pataki Diane, Phdungsilp Aumnad, Ramaswami Anu, Mendez Gara Villalba, 2009/10. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (19) pp. 7297-7302.
Across a Moving Threshold: energy, carbon and the efficiency of meeting global human development needs
Steinberger Julia, Roberts Timmons, 2009/05., Institute of Social Ecology, IFF - Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (Klagenfurt, Graz, Vienna), Klagenfurt University.
A spatially explicit life cycle inventory of the global textile chain
Steinberger J.K., Friot D., Jolliet O., Erkman S., 2009. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 14 pp. 443-455. Peer-reviewed.
Profiting from negawatts : reducing absolute consumption and emissions through a performance-based energy economy
Steinberger J. K., Niel J. van J., Bourg D., 2009. Energy Policy, 37 (1) pp. 361-370.
Inelastic collision rates of trapped metastable hydrogen
Landhuis David, Matos Lia, Moss Stephen C., Steinberger Julia K., Vant Kendra, Willmann Lorenz, Greytak Thomas J., Kleppner Daniel, 2003/02/28. Physical Review A, 67 (2).
Precision Timing of Two Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars
Kaspi Victoria M., Chakrabarty Deepto, Steinberger Julia, 1999/11/01. The Astrophysical Journal, 525 (1) pp. L33-L36.
Large Angular Scale Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and the Feasibility of Its Detection
Keating Brian, Timbie Peter, Polnarev Alexander, Steinberger Julia, 1998/03/10. The Astrophysical Journal, 495 (2) pp. 580-596.
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