Maël Schnegg

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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6 publications

2023 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 |
External complexity and the design of management control systems: a case study
Davila Antonio, Derchi Giovanni-Battista, Oyon Daniel, Schnegg Maël, 2023. Management Accounting Research.
Using management control systems to support agility
Markides C., Oyon D., Schnegg M., 2018. dans Heracleous L., Prange C. (eds.) AgilityX: How organizations thrive in unpredictable times chap. 7, Cambridge University Press.
Determinants of environment monitoring intensity and its impact on firm’s innovativeness
Davila A., Markides C., Oyon D., Schnegg M, 2017. dans European Accounting Association Annual Conference (EAA).
Romande Energie: Preparing for a changing landscape
Davila A., Oyon D., Schnegg M., 2015. HEC Lausanne-UNIL.
The Landscape Monitor. Look Outside Your Firm: A Tool to Sense What's Coming
Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, Parmigiani Pilar, Schnegg maël, 2015. IESE Insight pp. 58-60.
Monitoring the external business environment: a case study of a producer and distributor of electricity in Switzerland
Davila Antonio, Oyon Daniel, Schnegg Maël, 2013. dans EIASM 7th Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control. Peer-reviewed.
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