Céline Stoffel

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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7 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 |
A comprehensive DNA barcoding reference database for Plecoptera of Switzerland.
Vuataz L., Reding J.P., Reding A., Roesti C., Stoffel C., Vinçon G., Gattolliat J.L., 2024/03/15. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 6322. Peer-reviewed.
Individual genotypes from environmental DNA: Fingerprinting snow tracks of three large carnivore species.
De Barba M., Baur M., Boyer F., Fumagalli L., Konec M., Miquel C., Pazhenkova E., Remollino N., Skrbinšek T., Stoffel C. et al., 2024. Molecular Ecology Resources, 24 pp. e13915. Peer-reviewed.
Social isolation shortens lifespan through oxidative stress in ants.
Koto A., Tamura M., Wong P.S., Aburatani S., Privman E., Stoffel C., Crespi A., McKenzie S.K., La Mendola C., Kay T. et al., 2023/09/27. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 5493. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing environmental DNA metabarcoding and camera trap surveys as complementary tools for biomonitoring of remote desert water bodies
Mas-Carrió E., Schneider J., Nasanbat B., Ravchig S., Buxton M., Nyamukondiwa C., Stoffel C., Augugliaro C., Ceacero F., Taberlet P. et al., 2022/05. Environmental DNA, 4 (3) pp. 580-595. Peer-reviewed.
Two decades of non-invasive genetic monitoring of the grey wolves recolonizing the Alps support very limited dog introgression.
Dufresnes C., Remollino N., Stoffel C., Manz R., Weber J.M., Fumagalli L., 2019/01/16. Scientific Reports, 9 (1) p. 148. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular evolution of juvenile hormone esterase-like proteins in a socially exchanged fluid.
LeBoeuf A.C., Cohanim A.B., Stoffel C., Brent C.S., Waridel P., Privman E., Keller L., Benton R., 2018/12/13. Scientific reports, 8 (1) p. 17830. Peer-reviewed.
Genetic consequences of population expansions and contractions in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) since the Late Pleistocene.
Stoffel C., Dufresnes C., Okello J.B., Noirard C., Joly P., Nyakaana S., Muwanika V.B., Alcala N., Vuilleumier S., Siegismund H.R. et al., 2015. Molecular Ecology, 24 (10) pp. 2507-2520. Peer-reviewed.
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