James Irving

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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86 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000 |
Reconstruction of High-Resolution 3D GPR Data from 2D Profiles: A Multiple-Point Statistical Approach
Zhang Chongmin, Gravey Mathieu, Mariéthoz Grégoire, Irving James, 2024/06/08. Remote Sensing, 16 (12) p. 2084. Peer-reviewed.
Prestack Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration With an Exact Adjoint Operator for Ground-Penetrating Radar
Xu Linan, Irving James, Holliger Klaus, 2024. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62 pp. 1-14.
Reconstruction of Missing GPR Data Using Multiple-Point Statistical Simulation
Zhang Chongmin, Gravey Mathieu, Mariéthoz Grégoire, Irving James, 2024. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62 pp. 1-17. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a drone-based ground-penetrating radar system for efficient and safe 3D and 4D surveying of alpine glaciers
Ruols Bastien, Baron Ludovic, Irving James, 2023/11/23. Journal of Glaciology pp. 1-12. Peer-reviewed.
A multi-method approach for the investigation of termite mound structures (Kalahari Basin, Botswana)
Van Thuyne John, Irving James, Verrecchia Eric P., 2023/07. CATENA, 228 p. 107158.
Fast 3D ground penetrating radar simulations for glaciers
Hunziker J., Slob E.C., Irving J., 2023/04. Computers & Geosciences, 173 p. 105320. Peer-reviewed.
Weighted Diffraction-Based Migration Velocity Analysis of Common-Offset GPR Reflection Data
Liu Yu, Irving James, Holliger Klaus, 2023. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61 pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Geometry of sedimentary deposits and evolution of the landforms in the Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana
Mokatse Thuto, Vainer Shlomy, Irving James, Schmidt Christoph, Kgosidintsi Boniface, Shemang Elisha, Verrecchia Eric P., 2022/10. Geomorphology, 415 p. 108406. Peer-reviewed.
High-resolution velocity estimation from surface-based common-offset GPR reflection data
Liu Yu, Irving James, Holliger Klaus, 2022/03/24. Geophysical Journal International, 230 (1) pp. 131-144. Peer-reviewed.
High-resolution velocity estimation from surface-based common-offset GPR reflection data
Liu Yu, Irving James, Holliger Klaus, 2022/03/24. Geophysical Journal International, 230 (1) pp. 131-144.
Using deep generative neural networks to account for model errors in Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion
Levy Shiran, Hunziker Jürg, Laloy Eric, Irving James, Linde Niklas, 2022. Geophysical Journal International, 228 (2) pp. 1098-1118. Peer-reviewed.
Subglacial Channels, Climate Warming, and Increasing Frequency of Alpine Glacier Snout Collapse
Egli Pascal E., Belotti Bruno, Ouvry Boris, Irving James, Lane Stuart N., 2021/11/16. Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (21). Peer-reviewed.
Conditional stochastic inversion of common-offset ground-penetrating radar reflection data
Xu Zhiwei, Irving James, Liu Yu, Zhu Peimin, Holliger Klaus, 2021/09/01. Geophysics, 86 (5) pp. WB147-WB157.
Characterization of subglacial marginal channels using 3-D analysis of high-density ground-penetrating radar data
Egli Pascal E., Irving James, Lane Stuart N., 2021/03/18. Journal of Glaciology pp. 1-14.
Conditional stochastic inversion of common-offset ground-penetrating radar reflection data
Xu Zhiwei, Irving James, Liu Yu, Zhu Peimin, Holliger Klaus, 2020/09/30. dans SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020.
Impact of poroelastic effects on the inversion of fracture properties from amplitude variation with offset and azimuth data in horizontal transversely isotropic media
Barbosa Nicolás D., Köpke Corinna, Caspari Eva, Germán Rubino J., Irving James, Holliger Klaus, 2020/09/01. Geophysics, 85 (5) pp. N27-N39.
Hybrid analytical and numerical approach for modeling fluid flow in simplified three-dimensional fracture networks
Roubinet D., Demirel S., Voytek E. B., Wang X., Irving J., 2020/03/26. Geofluids, 2020 pp. 1-14.
Estimation of the 3D correlation structure of an alluvial aquifer from surface‐based multi‐frequency ground‐penetrating radar reflection data
Zhiwei Xu, Irving James, Lindsay Kyle, Bradford John, Zhu Peimin, Holliger Klaus, 2019/09/23. Geophysical Prospecting.
Basis-constrained Bayesian Markov-chain Monte Carlo difference inversion for geoelectrical monitoring of hydrogeologic processes
Oware Erasmus Kofi, Irving James, Hermans Thomas, 2019/07. Geophysics, 84 (4) pp. A37-A42.
Bayesian Inference of Subglacial Channel Structures From Water Pressure and Tracer‐Transit Time Data: A Numerical Study Based on a 2‐D Geostatistical Modeling Approach
Irarrazaval Inigo, Werder Mauro A., Linde Niklas, Irving James, Herman Frederic, Mariethoz Gregoire, 2019/06. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124 (6) pp. 1625-1644. Peer-reviewed.
Using GPR to investigate the subglacial hydrology of an alpine glacier
Egli Pascal Emanuel, Sala Martino, Irving James, Lane Stuart Nicholas (eds.), 2019/05/13., IGS Symposium on Glacial Erosion and Sedimentation - oral presentation.
Reduction of conceptual model uncertainty using ground-penetrating radar profiles: Field-demonstration for a braided-river aquifer
Pirot Guillaume, Huber Emanuel, Irving James, Linde Niklas, 2019/04. Journal of Hydrology, 571 pp. 254-264.
Hydrogeophysical parameter estimation using iterative ensemble smoothing and approximate forward solvers
Köpke Corinna, Elsheikh Ahmed H., Irving James, 2019/03/20. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7.
Comparison of REV size and tensor characteristics for the electrical and hydraulic conductivities in fractured rock
Demirel Serdar, Irving James, Roubinet Delphine, 2019/03/01. Geophysical Journal International, 216 (3) pp. 1953-1973.
Stochastic inversion for soil hydraulic parameters in the presence of model error: An example involving ground-penetrating radar monitoring of infiltration
Köpke Corinna, Irving James, Roubinet Delphine, 2019/02. Journal of Hydrology, 569 pp. 829-843.
A quantitative comparison of GPR sections to reduce geological prior uncertainty
Pirot G., Huber E., Irving J., Linde N., 2018/09/09. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Basis-constrained Bayesian-McMC: Hydrologic process parameterization of stochastic geoelectrical imaging of solute plumes
Oware Erasmus Kofi, Awatey Michael, Hermans Thomas, Irving James, 2018/08/27. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018.
Accounting for model error in Bayesian solutions to hydrogeophysical inverse problems using a local basis approach
Köpke Corinna, Irving James, Elsheikh Ahmed H., 2018/06. Advances in Water Resources, 116 pp. 195-207.
Relating topological and electrical properties of fractured porous media: Insights into the characterization of rock fracturing
Roubinet Delphine, Irving James, Pezard Philippe, 2018/01/10. Minerals, 8 (1) p. 14.
Characterizing near-surface fractured-rock aquifers: Insights provided by the numerical analysis of electrical resistivity experiments
Demirel S., Roubinet D., Irving J., Voytek E., 2018. Water, 10 p. 1117.
On uncertainty quantification in hydrogeology and hydrogeophysics
Linde Niklas, Ginsbourger David, Irving James, Nobile Fabio, Doucet Arnaud, 2017/12. Advances in Water Resources, 110 pp. 166-181.
The geometry and dynamics of subglacial channels underneath Alpine temperate glaciers
Lane Stuart Nicholas, Egli Pascal Emanuel, Ruttimann Sébastien, Irving James, Mankoff Ken, Rennie Colin (eds.), 2017/09/18., 10th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics in Padova, Italy.
Intricacies in the interpretation of vertical radar profiling caused by borehole effects
Rossi M., Cassiani G., Vignoli G., Irving J., Deiana R., Binley A., 2017/09/03. 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
2.5-D discrete-dual-porosity model for simulating geoelectrical experiments in fractured rock
Caballero Sanz Victor, Roubinet Delphine, Demirel Serdar, Irving James, 2017/05. Geophysical Journal International, 209 (2) pp. 1099-1110.
Facies discrimination with electrical resistivity tomography using a probabilistic methodology: Effect of sensitivity and regularization
Hermans T., Irving J., 2017. Near Surface Geophysics, 15 pp. 13-25.
Analytical analysis of borehole experiments for the estimation of subsurface thermal properties
Lembcke L.G.M., Roubinet D., Gidel F., Irving J., Pehme P., Parker B.L., 2016. Advances in Water Resources, 91 pp. 88-103.
Streaming potential modeling in fractured rock: Insights into the identification of hydraulically active fractures
Roubinet D., Linde N., Jougnot D., Irving J., 2016. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 pp. 4937-4944. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing electrical resistivity tomography for hydrofacies detection using a sensitivity dependent probabilistic method
Hermans T., Irving J., 2015/09/06. Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Accounting for model error in Bayesian solutions to near-surface geophysical inverse problems
Irving James, Köpke Corinna, Roubinet Delphine, 2015/07/10. Near-Surface Asia Pacific Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 7-10 July 2015.
Development of a new semi-analytical model for cross-borehole flow experiments in fractured media
Roubinet D., Irving J., Day-Lewis F.D., 2015. Advances in Water Resources, 76 pp. 97-108.
Systematic evaluation of sequential geostatistical resampling within MCMC for posterior sampling of near-surface geophysical inverse problems
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Holliger K., 2015. Geophysical Journal International, 202 pp. 961-975.
Discrete-dual-porosity model for electric current flow in fractured rock
Roubinet D., Irving J., 2014. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119 pp. 767-786.
Integration of hydrological and geophysical data beyond the local scale: Application of Bayesian sequential simulation to field data from the Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon site, Québec, Canada
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Lefebvre R., Irving J., Holliger K., 2014. Journal of Hydrology, 514 pp. 271-280. Peer-reviewed.
Studying hydrological properties and processes at scales from centimeters to watersheds: SEG-AGU Hydrogeophysics Workshop; Boise, Idaho, 8-11 July 2012
Knight Rosemary, Irving James, van der Kruk Jan, 2013/01/08. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 94 (2) pp. 21-21.
Examining the information content of time-lapse crosshole GPR data collected under different infiltration conditions to estimate unsaturated soil hydraulic properties
Scholer M., Irving J., Looms M.C., Nielsen L., Holliger K., 2013. Advances in Water Resources, 54 pp. 38-56. Peer-reviewed.
Hydrogeophysical data integration at larger scales: Application of Bayesian sequential simulation for the characterization of heterogeneous alluvial aquifers
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Gloaguen E., Lefèbvre R., Holliger K., 2013. The Leading Edge, 32 pp. 766-774. Peer-reviewed.
Regional-scale integration of multi-scale hydrological and geophysical data using a two-step Bayesian sequential simulation approach
Ruggeri P., Irving J., Gloaguen E., Holliger K., 2013. Geophysical Journal International, 194 pp. 289-303. Peer-reviewed.
The state of the science and vision of the future: Report from the Hydrogeophysics Workshop
Knight R., Cannia J., Doetsch J., Fleming J., Grimm B., Heinze D., Hobza C., Huisman J., Irving J., Kemna A. et al., 2013. The Leading Edge, 32 pp. 814-818.
Analysis of an iterative deconvolution approach for estimating the source wavelet during waveform inversion of crosshole ground-penetrating radar data
Belina F., Irving J., Ernst J., Holliger K., 2012. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 78 pp. 20-30. Peer-reviewed.
Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo inversion of time-lapse cross hole ground-penetrating radar data to characterize the vadose zone at the Arrenaes field site, Denmark
Scholer M., Irving J., Looms M., Nielsen L., Holliger K., 2012. Vadose Zone Journal, 11 pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of time-lapse GPR data collected under natural and forced infiltration conditions to estimate vadose zone hydraulic parameters
Scholer M., Irving J., Looms M.C., Nielsen L., Holliger K., 2012. pp. 1-5 dans SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts.
Evaluation of the reconstruction limits of a frequency-independent crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of dispersion
Belina F., Irving J., Holliger K., 2012. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 78 pp. 9-19. Peer-reviewed.
Waveform inversion of crosshole georadar data: influence of source wavelet variability and the suitability of a single wavelet assumption
Belina F., Irving J., Ernst J., Holliger K., 2012. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50 pp. 4610-4625. Peer-reviewed.
A non-linear Bayesian approach for upscaling local-scale hydraulic conductivity measurements based on local- and regional-scale geophysical data
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. pp. 1348-1352 dans 81st SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
Bayesian-MCMC inversion of time-lapse geophysical data to characterize vadose zone hydraulic behaviour
Scholer M., Irving J., Looms M., Nielsen L., Holliger K., 2011. dans GeoHydro, Quebec, Canada.
Estimating vadose zone hydraulic properties using ground penetrating radar: The impact of prior information
Scholer M., Irving J., Binley A., Holliger K., 2011. Water Resources Research, 47 pp. W10512. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of controlled changes in grain size and pore space characteristics on the hydraulic conductivity and spectral induced polarization response of "proxies" of saturated alluvial sediments
Koch K., Kemna A., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15 pp. 1785-1794. Peer-reviewed.
Integration of local-scale hydrological and regional-scale geophysical based on a nonlinear Bayesian sequential simulation approach
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. dans IAMG, Salzburg.
Inversion of multiple intersecting high-resolution crosshole GPR profiles for hydrological characterization at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
Dafflon B., Irving J., Barrash W., 2011. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 73 pp. 305-314. Peer-reviewed.
Multiple-scale hydrological and geophysical data integration through non-linear Bayesian sequential simulation
Ruggeri P., Gloaguen E., Irving J., Holliger K., 2011. dans GeoHydro, Quebec, Canada.
Calibration of high-resolution geophysical data with tracer test measurements to improve hydrological predictions
Dafflon B., Irving J., Holliger K., 2010. Advances in Water Resources, 33 pp. 55 - 68. Peer-reviewed.
Estimation of the correlation structure of crustal velocity heterogeneity from seismic reflection data
Scholer M., Irving J., Holliger K., 2010. Geophysical Journal International, 183 pp. 1408 - 1428. Peer-reviewed.
Geostatistical inversion of seismic and GPR reflection images: what can we actually resolve?
Irving J., Holliger K., 2010., SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstract dans 80th SEG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Geostatistical inversion of seismic and GPR reflection images: what can we actually resolve?
Irving J., Holliger K., 2010. Geophysical Research Letters, 37 pp. L21306. Peer-reviewed.
Inversion for the stochastic structure of subsurface velocity heterogeneity from surface-based geophysical reflection images
Irving J., Scholer M., Holliger K., 2010. pp. 77 - 96 dans Miller R., Bradford J., Holliger K. (eds.) Advances in Near-Surface Seismology and Ground-Penetrating Radar, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Inversion of multiple intersecting high‐resolution crosshole GPR profiles for hydrological characterization
Dafflon Baptiste, Barrash Warren, Irving James, 2010/01. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010.
Quantitative integration of high-resolution hydrogeophysical data through Monte-Carlo-type conditional simulations
Dafflon B., Irving J., Holliger K., 2010., Delft University of Technology, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers dans First International Conference on Frontiers in Shallow Subsurface Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
Source-wavelet estimation during full-waveform inversion of ground-penetrating radar data
Belina F., Irving J., Ernst J., Holliger K., 2010., European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers pp. A09 dans 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland.
Spectral induced polarization: Laboratory measurements on sandy quartz samples of varied pore characteristics
Koch K., Kemna A., Irving J., Holliger K., 2010., European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers pp. P26 dans 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Zurich, Switzerland.
Stochastic inversion of tracer test and electrical geophysical data to estimate hydraulic conductivities.
Irving J., Singha K., 2010. Water Resources Research, 46 pp. W11514. Peer-reviewed.
Estimation of the lateral correlation structure of subsurface water content from surface-based ground-penetrating radar reflection images
Irving J., Knight R., Holliger K., 2009. Water Resources Research, 45 pp. W12404.1-W12404.14. Peer-reviewed.
Simulated-annealing-based conditional simulation for the local-scale characterization of heterogeneous aquifers
Dafflon B., Irving J., Holliger K., 2009. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68 pp. 60 - 70. Peer-reviewed.
Use of high-resolution geophysical data to characterize heterogeneous aquifers: influence of data integration method on hydrological predictions
Dafflon B., Irving J., Holliger K., 2009. Water Resources Research, 45 pp. W09407. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative integration of high-resolution hydrogeophysical data:A novel approach to Monte-Carlo-type conditional stochastic simulations and implications for hydrological predictions
Dafflon B., Irving J., Holliger K., 2008. Journal of Earth Science, 20 pp. 580-591.
A comparison of the use of radar images and neutron probe data to determine the horizontal correlation length of water content
Knight R., Irving J., Tercier P., Freeman G., Murray C., Rockhold M., 2007. pp. 31-44 dans Hyndman D., Day-Lewis F., Singha K. (eds.) Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes, AGU Geophysical Monograph Series.
Improving crosshole radar velocity tomograms: a new approach to incorporating high-angle traveltime data
Irving J., Knoll M., Knight R., 2007. Geophysics, 72 pp. J31-J41. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical modeling of ground-penetrating radar in 2-D using MATLAB
Irving J., Knight R., 2006. Computers & Geosciences, 32 pp. 1247-1258. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical simulation of antenna transmission and reception for crosshole ground-penetrating radar
Irving J., Knight R., 2006. Geophysics, 71 pp. K37-K45. Peer-reviewed.
Accounting for the effect of antenna length to improve crosshole GPR velocity estimates
Irving J., Knight R., 2005. pp. 1188-1191 dans SEG Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Effect of antennas on velocity estimates obtained from crosshole GPR data
Irving J., Knight R., 2005. Geophysics, 70 pp. K39-K42. Peer-reviewed.
Shot-profile migration of GPR data
Schragge J., Irving J., Artman B., 2004. pp. 337-340 dans 10th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar.
The effect of vertical measurement resolution on the correlation structure of a ground-penetrating radar reflection image.
Knight R., Tercier P., Irving J., 2004. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 pp. L21607. Peer-reviewed.
Removal of wavelet dispersion from ground-penetrating radar data
Irving J., Knight R., 2003. Geophysics, 68 pp. 960-970. Peer-reviewed.
Saturation-dependent velocity anisotropy in borehole radar data
Irving J., Knight R., 2003. dans Proceedings of the 6th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems.
The use of ground penetrating radar for site characterization at Hanford
Knight R., Irving J., Freeman E., Tercier P., 2003. dans 16th EEGS Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems.
Estimation and correction of wavelet dispersion in GPR data
Irving J., Knight R., 2000. pp. 561-566 dans 8th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, SPIE.
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