Eavan Dorcey

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2024 | 2012 | 2010 |
Bacttle: a microbiology educational board game for lay public and schools.
Miguel Trabajo Tania, Dorcey E., van der Meer J.R., 2024/08/29. Journal of microbiology & biology education, 25 (2) pp. e0009724. Peer-reviewed.
Context-dependent dual role of SKI8 homologs in mRNA synthesis and turnover.
Dorcey E., Rodriguez-Villalon A., Salinas P., Santuari L., Pradervand S., Harshman K., Hardtke C.S., 2012. PLoS Genetics, 8 (4) pp. e1002652.
Substantial deletion overlap among divergent Arabidopsis genomes revealed by intersection of short reads and tiling arrays.
Santuari L., Pradervand S., Amiguet-Vercher A.M., Thomas J., Dorcey E., Harshman K., Xenarios I., Juenger T.E., Hardtke C.S., 2010. Genome Biology, 11 (1) pp. R4.
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