Jean-Philippe Bonardi

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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54 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1998 |
Safe Bets, Long Shots, and Toss-Ups: Strategic Engagements Between Activists and Firms
Holburn Guy L. F., Maxwell John W., Bonardi Jean-Philippe, 2024. Management Science, 70 (11) pp. 7443-7462. Peer-reviewed.
Managing Pandemics: How to Contain COVID-19 Through Internal and External Lockdowns and Their Release
Bonardi Jean-Philippe, Gallea Quentin, Kalanoski Dimitrija, Lalive Rafael, 2023/09. Management Science, 69 (9) pp. 5316-5335. Peer-reviewed.
Corporate Political Connections: A Multidisciplinary Review
Wei Yifan, Jia Nan, Bonardi Jean-Philippe, 2023/07. Journal of Management, 49 (6) pp. 1870-1910. Peer-reviewed.
EXPRESS: Firms, Activist Attacks, and the Forward-Looking Management of Reputational Risks
Amer Estefania, Bonardi Jean-Philippe, 2022/09/06. Strategic Organization p. 147612702211249. Peer-reviewed.
Saving the world from your couch: the heterogeneous medium-run benefits of COVID-19 lockdowns on air pollution
Bonardi Jean-Philippe, Gallea Quentin, Kalanoski Dimitrija, Lalive Rafael, Madhok Raahil, Noack Frederik, Rohner Dominic, Sonno Tommaso, 2021/07/01. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (7) p. 074010.
The Case for Reopening Economies by Sectors
Bonardi Jean-Philippe, Bris Arturo, Brülhart Marius, Danthine Jean-Pierre, Jondeau Eric, Rohner Dominic, Thoenig Mathias, 2020/05/19. Harvard Business Review.
Firms, Breach of Norms, and Reputation Damage
Breitinger D., Bonardi J.-P., 2019. Business & Society, 58 (6) pp. 1143-1176. Peer-reviewed.
Corporate political activity, public policy uncertainty, and firm outcomes: A meta-analysis
Hadani M., Bonardi J.-P., Dahan N.M., 2017/08. Strategic Organization, 15 (3) pp. 338-366. Peer-reviewed.
A productive clash of cultures: Injecting economics into leadership research
Zehnder C., Herz H., Bonardi J.-P., 2017/02. The Leadership Quarterly, 28 (1) pp. 65-85. Peer-reviewed.
CSR, Reputation Insurance and Firms’ Long Term Response to Negative Public Exposure
Amer E., Bonardi J.-P., 2016/01. p. 11969 dans Academy of Management Proceedings. Peer-reviewed, Academy of Management.
Private politics daily: What makes firms the target of internet/media criticism? An empirical investigation of firm, industry, and institutional factors
Breitinger D., Bonardi J.-P., 2016. Advances in Strategic Management, 34 pp. 331-363. Peer-reviewed.
Reputation Cascades
Bonardi J.-P., 2016. pp. 626-629 dans Carroll C.E. (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation, SAGE Publications, Inc..
Political Knowledge and the Resource-Based View of the Firm
Bonardi J.-P., Vanden Bergh R., 2015. pp. 12-28 dans Lawton T.C., Rajwani T.S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Non-Market Strategy chap. 2, Routledge.
International Expansion, Diversification and Regulated Firm Nonmarket Strategy
Urbiztondo S., Bonardi J.-P., Quélin B., 2013/09. Managerial and Decision Economics, 34 (6) pp. 379-396. Peer-reviewed.
Asset freezing, corporate political resources and the Tullock paradox
Bonardi J.-P., Urbiztondo S., 2013. Business and Politics, 15 (3) pp. 275-293. Peer-reviewed.
The phenomenon of reputational damage: What is it? What does it cause?
Breitinger D., Bonardi J.-P., 2013. p. 12893 dans Academy of Management Proceedings. Peer-reviewed, The Academy of Management.
When groups should not imitate their most successful members
Woike J.K., Bonardi J.-P., Garcia-Retamero R., 2013. pp. 3795-3800 dans Knauff M., Pauen M., Sebanz N., Wachsmuth I. (eds.) Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Peer-reviewed.
Corporate political activity and firm outcomes: A meta-analysis
Hadani M., Dahan N., Bonardi J.-P., 2012/08. pp. 1000-1012 dans Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management. Peer-reviewed.
Political market and regulatory uncertainty: Insights and implications for integrated strategy
Kingley A., Vanden Bergh R., Bonardi J.-P., 2012/08. Academy of Management Perspectives, 26 (3) pp. 52-67. Peer-reviewed.
Public Policy: Moving Beyond Firm Creation
Petty J.S., Bonardi J.-P., 2012/03. dans Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation International Research and Policy Roundtable. Peer-reviewed.
Corporate political resources and the Resource-based view of the firm
Bonardi J.-P., 2011/08. Strategic Organization, 9 (3) pp. 247-255. Peer-reviewed.
Dealing with Destructive Activists
Bonardi J.-P., 2011. pp. 31-40 dans Palazzo G., Wentland M. (eds.) Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century, Pearson.
The challenges of building theory by combining lenses
Okhuysen G., Bonardi J.-P., 2011/01. Academy of Management Review, 36 (1) pp. 6-11. Peer-reviewed.
International expansion, diversification and regulated firms' nonmarket strategy
Urbiztondo S., Bonardi J.-P., Quélin B., 2009/04. (14436) 40 MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany.
The political economy of international regulatory convergence in public utilities
Bonardi J.-P., Urbiztondo S., Quélin B., 2009. International Journal of Management and Network Economics, 1 (2) pp. 232-256. Peer-reviewed.
The internal limits to firms' nonmarket activities
Bonardi J.-P., 2008/09. European Management Review, 5 (3) pp. 165-174. Peer-reviewed.
Open source software development, innovation, and coordination costs
Bonardi J.-P., Warin T., 2007/12. pp. 104-116 dans Global business and economics anthology, Worcester, MA: Business & Economics Society International.
Nonmarket Performance: Evidence from U.S. Electric Utilities
Bonardi J.-P., Holburn G., VandenBergh R., 2006/12. Academy of Management Journal, 49 (6) pp. 1209-1228. Peer-reviewed.
Nonmarket Strategy Performance: Evidence from U.S. Electric Utilities
Bonardi J.-P., Holburn G. L. F., Vanden Bergh R. G., 2006/08. pp. KK1-KK6 dans Academy of Management Proceedings. Peer-reviewed, The Academy of Management.
Aluminium Foiled? The Alcan-Pechiney Merger
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., 2006. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Cheesed Off: Canada Pizza War in the Era of Free Trade
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., 2006. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Corporate Political Strategies for Widely Salient Issues
Bonardi J.-P., Keim G., 2005/07. Academy of Management Review, 30 (3) pp. 555-576. Peer-reviewed.
The Attractiveness of Political Markets: Implication for Firm Strategies
Bonardi J.-P., Hillman A., Keim G., 2005/04. Academy of Management Review, 30 (2) pp. 397-413. Peer-reviewed.
Bank of Nova Scotia and the Peso Crisis (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., Holburn G., 2005. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Chiquita and the Banana Trade War
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., 2005. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Bonardi J.-P., Holburn G., 2005. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Global and political strategies in deregulated industries: the asymmetric behaviors of former monopolies
Bonardi J.-P., 2004/02. Strategic Management Journal, 25 (2) pp. 101-120. Peer-reviewed.
Doman and the US-Canada Softwood Lumber Dispute (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., 2004. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., Holburn G., 2004. Ivey Business School Publishing.
The Future of the International Financial System
Bonardi J.-P., 2004. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Managing Network Externalities in High Tech Markets
Bonardi J.-P., Durand R., 2003/11. Academy of Management Executive (now: Academy of Management Perspectives), 17 (4) pp. 40-52. Peer-reviewed.
Movatis and the GM Food Activists (+Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., 2003. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Crisis in Japan (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., 2002/04. Ivey Business School Publishing.
AIG and China's Accession to the WTO (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., Frost T., 2002. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Competition Policy in Europe: the Example of Merger Control
Bonardi J.-P., 2002. pp. 114-118 dans Conklin D. (eds.) Canadian Competition Policy: Preparing for the Future, Pearson Education Canada.
Infosys in Germany (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., Keim G., 2001/06. Ivey Business School Publishing. : L’invention d’un nouveau métier
Bonardi J.-P., 2001. dans Dumont A. (eds.) Innover dans les services : De l'évident à l'impensable chap. 8, Village Mondial.
Komia and the 3G Wireless Auction in Poland (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., 2001. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Rosenbluth International : des technologies et des hommes
Bonardi J.-P., 2001. dans Dumont A. (eds.) Innover dans les services. De l'évident à l'impensable chap. 2, Village Mondial.
Standardization of Network Technologies: Market Processes or the Result of Inter-Firm Co-operation?
Quelin B. V., Abdessemed T., Bonardi J.-P., Durand R., 2001. Journal of Economic Surveys, 15 (4) pp. 543–569. Peer-reviewed.
Strategic Management and Deregulation: British Telecom (A and B) (+ Teaching Note)
Bonardi J.-P., 2001. Ivey Business School Publishing.
Market and Nonmarket Strategies During Deregulation: The Case of British Telecom
Bonardi J.-P., 1999. Business and Politics, 1 (2) pp. 203-232. Peer-reviewed.
Le marché et l’entrepreneur: Apports de l’Economie autrichienne à la théorie de la firme
Bonardi J.-P., 1998. pp. 277-298 dans Laroche H., Nioche J.P. (eds.) Repenser la stratégie : fondements et perspectives chap. 10, Paris: Vuibert.
Regulatory Body, Rent-seeking and Market Activities: the Case of Telecomunications in Europe.
Bonardi J.-P., Quélin B.V., 1998. pp. 133-180 dans Eliasson G., Karlson N. (eds.) The Limits of Government: On Policy Competence and Economic Growth chap. 5, Stockholm: University of the City Press.
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