Sara Mitri

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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36 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
Environment-Organism Feedbacks Drive Changes in Ecological Interactions.
Meacock O.J., Mitri S., 2025/01. Ecology letters, 28 (1) pp. e70027. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of reduced facilitation in a four-species bacterial community.
Piccardi P., Ulrich E., Garcia-Garcerà M., Martino R.D., Testa SEA, Mitri S., 2024/12. Evolution letters, 8 (6) pp. 828-840. Peer-reviewed.
Artificial selection improves pollutant degradation by bacterial communities.
Arias-Sánchez F.I., Vessman B., Haym A., Alberti G., Mitri S., 2024/09/07. Nature communications, 15 (1) p. 7836. Peer-reviewed.
Oxidative stress changes interactions between 2 bacterial species from competitive to facilitative.
Di Martino R., Picot A., Mitri S., 2024/02. PLoS biology, 22 (2) pp. e3002482. Peer-reviewed.
From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time.
Burz S.D., Causevic S., Dal Co A., Dmitrijeva M., Engel P., Garrido-Sanz D., Greub G., Hapfelmeier S., Hardt W-D, Hatzimanikatis V. et al., 2023/12/20. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, 87 (4) pp. e0006323. Peer-reviewed.
Microbial interactions in theory and practice: when are measurements compatible with models?
Picot A., Shibasaki S., Meacock O.J., Mitri S., 2023/10. Current opinion in microbiology, 75 p. 102354. Peer-reviewed.
A spatially structured mathematical model of the gut microbiome reveals factors that increase community stability.
Shibasaki S., Mitri S., 2023/09/15. iScience, 26 (9) p. 107499. Peer-reviewed.
Breaking down microbial hierarchies.
Sulheim S., Mitri S., 2023/05. Trends in microbiology, 31 (5) pp. 426-427. Peer-reviewed.
Microbial invasion of a toxic medium is facilitated by a resident community but inhibited as the community co-evolves.
Piccardi P., Alberti G., Alexander J.M., Mitri S., 2022/12. The ISME journal, 16 (12) pp. 2644-2652. Peer-reviewed.
Classifying Interactions in a Synthetic Bacterial Community Is Hindered by Inhibitory Growth Medium.
Dos Santos A.R., Di Martino R., Testa SEA, Mitri S., 2022/10/26. mSystems, 7 (5) pp. e0023922. Peer-reviewed.
Ecological modelling approaches for predicting emergent properties in microbial communities.
van den Berg N.I., Machado D., Santos S., Rocha I., Chacón J., Harcombe W., Mitri S., Patil K.R., 2022/07. Nature ecology & evolution, 6 (7) pp. 855-865. Peer-reviewed.
Exclusion of the fittest predicts microbial community diversity in fluctuating environments.
Shibasaki S., Mobilia M., Mitri S., 2021/10. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 18 (183) p. 20210613. Peer-reviewed.
Controlling evolutionary dynamics to optimize microbial bioremediation
Shibasaki Shota, Mitri Sara, 2020/07. Evolutionary Applications, 13 (9) pp. 2460-2471. Peer-reviewed.
Toxicity drives facilitation between 4 bacterial species.
Piccardi P., Vessman B., Mitri S., 2019/08/06. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (32) pp. 15979-15984. Peer-reviewed.
Artificially selecting microbial communities: If we can breed dogs, why not microbiomes?
Arias-Sánchez F.I., Vessman B., Mitri S., 2019/08. PLoS biology, 17 (8) pp. e3000356. Peer-reviewed.
Bridging the Holistic-Reductionist Divide in Microbial Ecology.
Tecon R., Mitri S., Ciccarese D., Or D., van der Meer J.R., Johnson D.R., 2019. mSystems, 4 (1) pp. e00265-18. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial structure affects phage efficacy in infecting dual-strain biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Testa S., Berger S., Piccardi P., Oechslin F., Resch G., Mitri S., 2019. Communications biology, 2 p. 405. Peer-reviewed.
Handling unpredictable ecosystems.
Niehus R., Mitri S., 2018/08. Nature ecology & evolution, 2 (8) pp. 1207-1208. Peer-reviewed.
Cooperation, competition and antibiotic resistance in bacterial colonies.
Frost I., Smith WPJ, Mitri S., Millan A.S., Davit Y., Osborne J.M., Pitt-Francis J.M., MacLean R.C., Foster K.R., 2018/06. The ISME journal, 12 (6) pp. 1582-1593. Peer-reviewed.
The evolution of siderophore production as a competitive trait.
Niehus R., Picot A., Oliveira N.M., Mitri S., Foster K.R., 2017/06. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 71 (6) pp. 1443-1455. Peer-reviewed.
The Evolution of Quorum Sensing as a Mechanism to Infer Kinship.
Schluter J., Schoech A.P., Foster K.R., Mitri S., 2016/03. PLoS computational biology, 12 (4) pp. e1004848. Peer-reviewed.
Pleiotropy and the low cost of individual traits promote cooperation.
Mitri S., Foster K.R., 2016/02. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 70 (2) pp. 488-494.
Highly variable individual donor cell fates characterize robust horizontal gene transfer of an integrative and conjugative element.
Delavat F., Mitri S., Pelet S., van der Meer J.R., 2016. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (24) pp. E3375-E3383. Peer-reviewed.
Resource limitation drives spatial organization in microbial groups.
Mitri S., Clarke E., Foster K.R., 2016. ISME Journal, 10 (6) pp. 1471-1482. Peer-reviewed.
The ecology and evolution of microbial competition
Ghoul M., Mitri S., 2016. Trends in Microbiology, 24 (10) pp. 833-845. Peer-reviewed.
Migration and horizontal gene transfer divide microbial genomes into multiple niches.
Niehus R., Mitri S., Fletcher A.G., Foster K.R., 2015. Nature Communications, 6 p. 8924. Peer-reviewed.
Evolving cooperation: From biology to engineering
Hauert S., Mitri S., Keller L., Floreano D., 2014. pp. 203-217 dans Vargas P.A., Di Paolo E.A , Harvey I., Husbands P. (eds.) The horizons of evolutionary robotics, MIT press.
The genotypic view of social interactions in microbial communities.
Mitri S., Foster K.R., 2013. Annual Review of Genetics, 47 pp. 247-273.
Using robots to understand social behaviour.
Mitri S., Wischmann S., Floreano D., Keller L., 2013. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 88 (1) pp. 31-39. Peer-reviewed.
Relatedness influences signal reliability in evolving robots.
Mitri S., Floreano D., Keller L., 2011. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 278 (1704) pp. 378-383. Peer-reviewed.
Social evolution in multispecies biofilms.
Mitri S., Xavier J.B., Foster K.R., 2011. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 Suppl 2 pp. 10839-10846.
E-puck a robotic platform for studying the evolution of communication
Floreano D, Mitri S., Hubert J., 2010. pp. 303-306 dans Nolfi S., Mirolli M. (eds.) Evolution of communication and language in embodied agents chap. 19, Springer.
Evolutionary conditions for the emergence of communication
Mitri S., Floreano D., Keller L., 2010. pp. 123-134 dans Nolfi S., Mirolli M. (eds.) Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agent chap. 8, Springer.
The evolution of information suppression in communicating robots with conflicting interests.
Mitri S., Floreano D., Keller L., 2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (37) pp. 15786-15790. Peer-reviewed.
Evolution of altruistic robots
Floreano D., Mitri S., Perez-Uribe A., Keller L., 2008. pp. 232-248 dans Zurada J.M., Yen G.G., Wang J. (eds.) Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers, Springer Verlag.
Evolutionary conditions for the emergence of communication in robots.
Floreano D., Mitri S., Magnenat S., Keller L., 2007. Current Biology, 17 (6) pp. 514-519. Peer-reviewed.
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