Xavier Castaner

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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55 publications

En préparation | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
Getting the configuration right: The Performance effect of telecom alliance networks
Castañer X., Zaheer A., Mimeo.
Towards a theory of resource accumulation: The role of internal and external resource accumulation methods and their complementarity
Castañer X., Zaheer A., Mimeo.
Ownership and corporate governance across institutional contexts
Castañer Xavier, Goranova Maria, Hermes Niels, Kavadis Nikolaos, Zattoni Alessandro, 2022/11/01. Corporate Governance: International Review. Peer-reviewed.
Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation Among Organizations: Establishing the Distinctive Meanings of These Terms Through a Systematic Literature Review
Castañer Xavier, Oliveira Nuno, 2020/07. Journal of Management, 46 (6) pp. 965-1001. Peer-reviewed.
Institutions, Governance, and Strategy in a Changing Global Landscape: The Case of Boards of Directors in Large Listed Firms in France
Castañer Xavier, Kavadis Nikolaos, 2019/07/26. dans Gabrielsson Jonas, Khlif Wafa, Yamak Sibel (eds.) Research Handbook on Boards of Directors, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Toward a Theory of Organizational Integration
Castañer X., Ketokivi M., 2018/12/10. pp. 53-80 dans Advances in Strategic Management, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Run Away or Stick Together? The Impact of Organization-Specific Adverse Events on Alliance Partner Defection
Bruyaka O., Philippe D., Castañer X., 2018/07. Academy of Management Review, 43 (3) pp. 445-469. Peer-reviewed.
The role of middle and top managers in the strategy process
Castañer X., Yu H., 2017/12. pp. 13-32 dans Floyd S. W., Wooldridge B. (eds.) Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Redefining Creativity and Innovation in Organisations: Suggestions for Redirecting Research
Castañer X., 2016/05. International Journal of Innovation Management, 20 (04) p. 1640001. Peer-reviewed.
Who drives corporate restructuring ? Co-existing owners in French firms
Kavadis N., Castañer X., 2015/09. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23 (5) pp. 417-433. Peer-reviewed.
Governance mode vs. governance fit: Performance implications of make-or-ally choices for product innovation in the worldwide aircraft industry, 1942-2000
Castañer X., Mulotte L., Garrette B., Dussauge P., 2014/09. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (9) pp. 1386-1397. Peer-reviewed.
Cultural Innovation by Cultural Organizations
Castañer X., 2014. pp. 263-276 dans Throsby D., Ginsburgh V. (eds.) Handbook of the Economics of Arts and Culture, vol. 2 chap. 11, Elsevier.
Ownership Effects on Unrelated Diversification: An Institutions' Perspective
Kavadis N., Castaner X., 2014. pp. 253-288 dans Villalonga B. (eds.) Finance and Strategy, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Does good governance prevent bad strategy? A study of corporate governance, financial diversification, and value creation by French corporations, 2000–2006
Castañer X., Kavadis N., 2013/07. Strategic Management Journal, 34 (7) pp. 863-876. Peer-reviewed.
Synergy Sources, Target Autonomy and Integration in Acquisitions
Zaheer A., Castañer X., Souder D., 2013/03. Journal of Management, 39 (3) pp. 604-632. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing Acquirers' Synergistic Intent: Cost Reduction, Revenue Enhancement and Bilateral Interactions with the Target
Castañer X., Karim S., 2013/01. pp. 75-108 dans Perrault E. (eds.) Mergers and Acquisitions: Practices, Performance and Perspectives, Nova publishers.
Management Challenges of Cultural Heritage Organizations
Castañer X., 2013. pp. 209-230 dans Rizzo I., Mignosa A. (eds.) Handbook On The Economics of Cultural Heritage chap. Part IV: Management : Strategies and Tools. Chapter 10., Edward Elgar.
Entrepreneurial Initiative Selling Within Organizations: Towards a More Comprehensive Motivational Framework
De Clercq D., Castañer X., Belausteguigoitia I., 2011/09. Journal of Management Studies - Special Issue on Revitalizing Entrepreneurship, 48 (6) pp. 1269-1290. Peer-reviewed.
Expanding to institutionally different countries. Reasons, Firm International Experience, and Entry Mode Choice
Castañer X., Genç M., 2011/03. pp. 1-25 dans Das T. K. (eds.) Strategic Alliances in a Globalizing World, IAP (Information Age Publishing).
Horizontal Alliances as an Alternative to Autonomous Production: Product Expansion Mode Choice in the Worldwide Aircraft Industry 1945-2000
Garrette B., Castañer X., Dussauge P., 2009/08. Strategic Management Journal, 30 (8) pp. 885-894. Peer-reviewed.
Acquisition Goals and Implementation
Castañer X., Karim S., 2009. (0902) Working paper, Université de Lausanne - HEC - IRM.
Country Institutional Differences and the Value of Multinationality: An Empirical Study of Banking
Genç M.E., Castañer X., 2009. (0901) Working paper, Université de Lausanne - HEC - IRM.
Diversification, recentrage et management du portefeuille d’activités
Garrette B., Castañer X., 2009. pp. 409-438 dans Garrette B., Dussauge P., Durand R. (eds.) Strategor: Toute la stratégie d'entreprise chap. 13, Paris, France: Dunod.
Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise
Castañer X., 2009., 5e édition, Paris, FR: Dunod.
Corporate Governance and Diversification: A Study of French Corporations 2000-2005
Castañer X., Kavadis N., 2008. (0812) Working paper, Université de Lausanne - HEC - IRM.
Going Alone or With A Competitor? Product Expansion Mode Choice in the Worldwide Aircraft Industry 1945-2000
Garrette B., Castañer X., Dussauge P., 2008. (0808) Working paper, Université de Lausanne - HEC - IRM.
An Attention-Based View of Selling and Accepting Entrepreneurial Ideas Within Organizations
Castañer X., De Clercq D., Belausteguigoitia I., 2007. (860) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
Do Scale Alliances With Competitors Improve Product Performace? A Study of the Aircraft Industry, 1949-2000
Castañer X., Garrette B., Dussauge P., Mulotte L., 2007. (863) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
The Determinants of Artistic Innovation: Bringing in the Role of Organizations
Castañer X., Campos L., 2007. dans Towse R. (eds.) Recent developments in cultural economics, Edward Elgar.
Where do Synergies Come From? The Role of Similarity and Complementarity in Business Combinations
Castañer X., Genç M. E., 2007., Mimeo.
An Attention-Based View on Intra-Organizational Entrepreneurship
De Clercq D., Castañer X., Belausteguigoitia I., 2006. dans Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Peer-reviewed, Academy of Management.
Governance Dynamics of Existing Activities
Castañer X., Cuervo-Cazurra Á., 2006. (850) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
Learning to Compete or Struggling to Survive? Objectives and Outcomes of Scale and Link Alliances
Dussauge P., Castañer X., Garrette B., 2006. dans Gibbert M., Angehrn A., Durand T. (eds.) Strategic Networks - Learning to Compete, SMS Blackwell Publishing.
The Need for Scale as a Driver of Alliance Formation: Choosing between Collaborative and Autonomous Production
Garrette B., Castañer X., Dussauge P., 2006. pp. 11-20 dans Ariño A., Reuer J R. (eds.) Strategic Alliances - Governance and Contracts, Palgrave McMillan.
The Sources of Potential Value Creation From Business Diversification, Business Cycles, And Shareholder Value Generation
Castañer X., Bascle G., 2006. (841) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
Lobbying For and Getting Entrepreneurial Ideas Accepted within Established Organizations. Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference Best Paper Proceedings.
De Clercq D., Castañer X., Belausteguigoitia I., 2005/06. pp. 361-374 dans Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Wellesley, MA, USA, Zahra Z. et al..
Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise
Castañer X. (en coll. avec les membres du Département Stratégie et Politique d'entreprise HEC Paris sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor") , 2005., Dunod, Paris.
The Need for Scale as a Driver of Alliance Formation: Choosing between Collaborative and Autonomous Production
Garrette B., Castañer X., Dussauge P., 2005. (821) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
To Integrate or not to Integrate? Complementarity, similarity and acquisition value creation
Castañer X., Zaheer A., Souder D., 2005. (814) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
Strategic Planning as an Integrative Device
Ketokivi M., Castañer X., 2004/09. Administrative Science Quarterly, 49 (3) pp. 337-365. Peer-reviewed.
Country institutional differences and multinational advantage in banking
Castañer X, Genç M., 2004. (792) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
Planning as an Integrative Device
Castañer X., Ketokivi M., 2003. (775) Cahier de recherche, Groupe HEC Paris.
La competitivitat empresarial i territorial de Catalunya en l'Europa del 2010
Castañer X., 2002. pp. 80-140 dans Ramon R., Ruiz A. (eds.) Catalunya a l'Europa del 2010, Editorial Mediterrània and Fundació Jaume Bofill.
The Determinants of Artistic Innovation: Bringing the Role of Organizations
Castañer X., Campos L., 2002. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26 (1) pp. 29-52. Peer-reviewed.
Where do synergies come from in mergers and acquisitions ? The role of similarity and complementarity
Castañer X., Genç M., 2001/09. Working paper, University of Minnesota - Strategic Management Research Center.
Acquisition process problems and how acquirers overcome them: Evidence from eight case studies
Castañer X., Genç E., 2001. Working paper, University of Minnesota - Strategic Management Research Center.
Gestión de proyectos culturales. Análisis de casos
Bonet L., Castañer X., Font J., 2001. 255, Ariel.
Un plan estratégico para la Orquesta de Barcelona ante la Apertura del Auditorio
Castañer X., 2001. pp. 65-79 dans Bonet L., Castañer X., Font J. (eds.) Gestión de Proyectos Culturales, Ariel.
Política industrial
Castañer X., 1998. dans Subirats J., Gomà R. (eds.) Políticas Públicas en España : Contenido, Estilos Políticos y Modelos de Gestión, Ariel.
Les especificitats de la gestió d'organitzacions artístiques i culturals
Castañer X., 1997. Revista Economica de Catalunya 31 pp. 84-101. Peer-reviewed.
The Tension Between Artistic Leaders and Management in Arts Organizations: The Case of the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra
Castañer X., 1997. pp. 379-416 dans Fitzgibbon M., Kelly A. (eds.) From Maestro to Manager. Critical Issues in Arts and Culture Management chap. 18, Oak Tree Press.
La competitivitat de l'empresa industrial a Catalunya. Entorn, estratègies i polítiques públiques
Puig P., Castañer X., Domingo S., 1996., Fundació Empresarial Catalana and Edicions 62, Barcelona.
Evolutionary and Institutional Perspectives on Industrial Policy
Castañer X., 1995. dans Proceedings of the Community of European Management Schools' (CEMS) Academic Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Instability of Artistic Leadership in Arts Organizations: The Case of the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra
Castañer X., 1995. dans Proceedings of the International Conference on Arts Management. Peer-reviewed.
The Networked and Knowledge-based Organization: Towards a New Theory of the Firm
Castañer X., 1995. dans Proceedings of the Community of European Management Schools' (CEMS) Academic Conference. Peer-reviewed.
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