Julien Chopin

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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49 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
Violent Partners or a Specific Class of Offenders? A Criminal Career Approach to Understanding Men Involved in Intimate Partner Sexual Violence
Chopin Julien, Fortin Francis, Paquette Sarah, Guay Jean-Pierre, Péloquin Olivier, Chartrand Eric, 2025/03. Sexual Abuse, 37 (2) pp. 153-180. Peer-reviewed.
What Works to Reduce Sex Workers' Risk of Crime Victimization? A Scoping Review
Molnar Lorena, Chopin Julien, 2025/01/23. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Interactions Between Offender and Crime Characteristics Leading to a Lethal Outcome in Cases of Sexually-Motivated Abductions
Beauregard Eric, Chopin Julien, 2024/10/01. Sexual Abuse, 36 (7) pp. 774-798. Peer-reviewed.
How to get away with (sexual) murder? Unraveling cold cases in sexual homicide using a hybrid modeling probabilistic approach
Chopin Julien, Beauregard Eric, 2024/07. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 42 (4) pp. 293-312. Peer-reviewed.
A Criminological Perspective on the Sexual Victimization of Older Adults
Georgoulis Hana, Beauregard Eric, Chopin Julien, 2024/03. Current Psychiatry Reports, 26 (3) pp. 53-59. Peer-reviewed.
Is Criminal Expertise a Feature of Unsolved Sexual Assault Involving Theft?
Reale Kylie S., Eric Beauregard, Julien Chopin, 2024/01. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Less exposed, more vulnerable? Understanding the sexual victimization of women with disabilities under the lens of victimological theories
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, Nadine Deslauriers-Varin, 2024/01. International Review of Victimology.
Adverse childhood experience trajectories and individual high risk-behaviors of sexual offenders: A developmental victimology perspective.
Chopin J., Beauregard E., DeLisi M., 2023/12. Child abuse & neglect, 146 p. 106457. Peer-reviewed.
Sexual Victimization Involving Solo Female Offenders: A Crime Script Approach
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, Sarah Paquette, 2023/11. Crime & Delinquency.
Understanding the Sexual Victimization of Child and Elder Victims under the Lens of Interactional Victimology: A Routine Activities Theory Approach
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, 2023/09/19. Justice Quarterly.
Offending Patterns in Cases of Sexual Violence Committed by Multiple Perpetrators
Sarah Paquette, Olivia Ha, Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, Evan McCuish, 2023/09/11. Victims & Offenders.
La durée des évènements traumatiques et la polyvictimisation durant l'enfance sont-ils associés au développement de facteurs de risques chez les agresseurs sexuels ? : Une approche multidimensionnelle de victimologie développementale
Chopin Julien, Beauregard Eric, Molnar Lorena, 2023/09/08. Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité, 1 (1).
From the virtual frontlines: law enforcement’s experience with social media in policing activities
Fortin Francis, Kentzinger Katia, Delle Donne Julia, Chopin Julien, 2023/05/19. Journal of Crime and Justice.
Why didn’t you resist? Situational influences on victim resistance during a rape
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, 2023/05. International Review of Victimology.
Geeks and Newbies: Investigating the Criminal Expertise of Online Sex Offenders
Julien Chopin, Sarah Paquette, Francis Fortin, 2023/04/03. Deviant Behavior.
Developmental Sequela for Sexual Homicide: Testing an Integrated Multi-Theoretical Model
Julien Chopin, Matt DeLisi, Eric Beauregard, 2023/04. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
The Unusual Case of Sexual Homicide Against Males: Comparisons and Classification
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, 2023/04. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Men Can Be Victims Too: Latent Class Analysis of Extrafamilial Male-on-Male Sexual Assault Scripts
Gabrielle Bélair, Julien Chopin, Francis Fortin, Eric Beauregard, 2023/03/27. Victims & Offenders.
Manifestation of sadism in sexual homicide: a criminological contribution
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, 2023/03/16. Psychology, Crime & Law.
Sous-culture pédophile et processus d’enculturation en matière de cybersécurité
Julien Chopin, David Décary-Hétu, Emmanuelle Marois, Léanne Vincendon, 2023/03/11. Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité.
What Is Distinctive about the Sexual Victimization of Female Adolescents? A Comparison with the Sexual Victimization of Children and Adults
Sarah Paquette, Julien Chopin, 2023/02/17. Victims & Offenders.
Strangulation in sexual homicide: Is it opportunity, victim's vulnerability or sadism?
Anny Kim, Eric Beauregard, Julien Chopin, 2023/02. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.
Sadistic Sexual Crimes Against Children: Comparing the Manifestation of Sexual Sadism and Crime-Commission Process
Kylie S. Reale, Julien Chopin, Alexandre Gauthier, Eric Beauregard, 2022/11/15. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Requiem for A Dream: A Lifestyle and Routine Activities Victimological Analysis to Explore the Sexual Victimization of Illicit Drug Users
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, Catherine Arseneault, 2022/10/21. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.
An exploration of unsolved missing persons cases suspected of a criminal outcome: A forensic victimology approach
Julien Chopin, Eric Beauregard, Christophe Baroche, Miganouch Piridjani, Magalie Sabot, Francis Fortin, 2022/10. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling.
An Analysis of Mobility Patterns in Sexual Homicide
Chopin Julien, Caneppele Stefano, Beauregard Eric, 2020/05. Homicide Studies, 24 (2) pp. 178-202.
The Mobility Crime Triangle for Sexual Offenders and the Role of Individual and Environmental Factors
Chopin Julien, Caneppele Stefano, 2019/10. Sexual Abuse, 31 (7) pp. 812-836.
Personnes et libertés dans une société en mal de "sécurité"
Chopin Julien, Campistol Claudia, Jendly Manon, 2019/09/01. dans Personne et Liberté: de la biologie au droit. Etat des lieux d'une connexion, Institut francophone pour la justice et la démocratie; L.G.D.J, pp. 419-434.
Geocoding child sexual abuse: An explorative analysis on journey to crime and to victimization from French police data
Chopin Julien, Caneppele Stefano, 2019/05. Child Abuse & Neglect, 91 pp. 116-130. Peer-reviewed.
Foreign offenders in prison and on probation in Europe: Trends from 2005 to 2015 (inmates) and situation in 2015 (inmates and probationers)
Aebi Marcelo F., Berger-Kolopp Léa, Burkhardt Christine, Chopin Julien, Hashimoto Yuji Z., Tiago Mélanie M, 2019. 80, Council of Europe Publishing.
La gestion des informations dans le cadre de l'analyse criminelle de la délinquance sexuelle sérielle : Vers une réduction empirique de ViCLAS
Chopin Julien, Aebi Marcelo F., 2019. Criminologie, 52 (2) p. 164. Peer-reviewed.
Étude sur l'impact d'un délai d'effacement automatique pour les profils ADN de personnes prévenues
Cinaglia Giulia, Chopin Julien, Villettaz Patrice, Delémont Olivier, 2019. Criminologie, 52 (2) p. 141.
Consommateurs ou auto-producteurs de cannabis: une étude exploratoire sur les facteurs divergents
Granville Ashely, Chopin Julien, Esseiva Pierre, Udrisard Robin, Zobel Frank, Jendly Manon, 2018/09. Revue Internationale de Police Technique et Scientifique, 3 pp. 259-273.
The level of attrition in domestic violence: A valid indicator of the efficiency of a criminal justice system?
Chopin Julien, Aebi Marcelo F. , 2018/08/07. European Journal of Criminology pp. Online First. Peer-reviewed.
Consommateurs ou auto-producteurs de cannabis: une étude exploratoire sur les facteurs divergents
Granville Ashely, Chopin Julien, Esseiva Pierre, Udrisard Robin, Zobel Frank, Jendly Manon, 2018/07/01. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique , 71 (3) pp. 259-273. Peer-reviewed.
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics SPACE II: Persons Serving Non-Custodial Sanctions and Measures in 2016
Aebi Marcelo F., Chopin Julien, 2018., Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Les données de police permettent-elles la détection des agresseurs sexuels sériels ? Une analyse de la validité concourante de ViCLAS.
Chopin Julien, Aebi Marcelo F, 2018. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique, 1 pp. 21-36.
Les données de police permettent-elles la détection des agresseurs sexuels sériels? Une analyse de la validité concourante de VICLAS
Chopin Julien, Aebi Marcelo F., 2018. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, LXXI (1) pp. 21-36. Peer-reviewed.
The Mobility Crime Triangle for Sexual Offenders and the Role of Individual and Environmental Factors.
Chopin Julien, Caneppele Stefano, 2018. Sexual abuse, online first. Peer-reviewed.
Nothing is permanent except change: A case study of crime displacement in Switzerland
Grossrieder L., Chopin J., Jendly M., Genessay T., Baechler S., 2017/07/20. Security Journal, 30 (3) pp. 749-771. Peer-reviewed.
Nothing is permanent except change: A case study of crime displacement in Switzerland
Grossrieder Lionel, Chopin Julien, Jendly Manon, Genessay Thibault, Baechler Simon, 2017/07. Security Journal, 30 (3) pp. 749-771.
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics SPACE II: Persons Serving Non-Custodial Sanctions and Measures in 2015
Aebi Marcelo F., Chopin Julien, 2017., Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
The Tree That Hides the Forest? Testing the Construct Validity of ViCLAS through an Empirical Study of Missing Data
Chopin Julien, Aebi Marcelo F., 2017. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Online first. Peer-reviewed.
Le suivi des affaires de violence conjugale à travers la chaîne pénale vaudoise: Etude longitudinale des affaires traitées en 2012
Chopin Julien, Meireles Pauline, Aebi Marcelo F., 2016/04., Ecole des sciences criminelles (ESC).
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics SPACE II: Survey 2014 Persons Serving Non-Custodial Sanctions and Measures in 2014
Aebi Marcelo F., Chopin Julien, 2016., Council of Europe.
International Comparisons of Prison Statistics: Key Facts and Figures of the SPACE 2014
Aebi Marcelo, Burkhardt Christine, Chopin Julien, Tiago Mélanie M., 2016. pp. 319-329 dans Kolarić Dragana (eds.) International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” 2016, Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies.
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics SPACE II: Persons Serving Non-Custodial Sanctions and Measures in 2014
Aebi M. F., Chopin J., 2015., Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics SPACE II: Persons Serving Non-Custodial Sanctions and Measures in 2013
Aebi M.F., Chopin J., 2014. 86, Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Analyse de la mobilité criminelle entre les cantons de Genève et Vaud (2009-2012)
Grossrieder L., Chopin J., Jendly M., 2013., Ecole des sciences criminelles (ESC).
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