Yury Podladchikov

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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156 publications

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 |
Melt Migration and Chemical Differentiation by Reactive Porosity Waves
Bessat Annelore, Pilet Sébastien, Podladchikov Yuri Y., Schmalholz Stefan M., 2022. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (2). Peer-reviewed.
An explicit GPU-based material point method solver for elastoplastic problems (ep2-3De v1.0)
Wyser Emmanuel, Alkhimenkov Yury, Jaboyedoff Michel, Podladchikov Yury Y., 2021/12/22. Geoscientific Model Development, 14 (12) pp. 7749-7774.
Physics-inspired pseudo-transient method and its application in modelling focused fluid flow with geological complexity
Wang Lawrence Hongliang, Yarushina Viktoriya M, Alkhimenkov Yury, Podladchikov Yury, 2021/12/16. Geophysical Journal International, 229 (1) pp. 1-20.
Resolving Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Poroelastic Media Using Graphical Processing Units (GPUs)
Alkhimenkov Yury, Räss Ludovic, Khakimova Lyudmila, Quintal Beatriz, Podladchikov Yury, 2021/07. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (7).
Stability of discrete schemes of Biot's poroelastic equations
Alkhimenkov Y, Khakimova L, Podladchikov YY, 2021/02/14. Geophysical Journal International, 225 (1) pp. 354-377.
A fast and efficient MATLAB-based MPM solver: fMPMM-solver v1.1
Wyser Emmanuel, Alkhimenkov Yury, Jaboyedoff Michel, Podladchikov Yury Y., 2020/12/10. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (12) pp. 6265-6284.
2D Hydro‐Mechanical‐Chemical Modeling of (De)hydration Reactions in Deforming Heterogeneous Rock: The Periclase‐Brucite Model Reaction
Schmalholz Stefan M., Moulas Evangelos, Plümper Oliver, Myasnikov Artem V., Podladchikov Yuri Y., 2020/11. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 (11).
Sustainable densification of the deep crust
Malvoisin Benjamin, Austrheim Håkon, Hetényi György, Reynes Julien, Hermann Jörg, Baumgartner Lukas P., Podladchikov Yury Y., 2020/07/01. Geology, 48 (7) pp. 673-677.
Spontaneous formation of fluid escape pipes from subsurface reservoirs
Räss Ludovic, Simon Nina S. C., Podladchikov Yury Y., 2018/07. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). Peer-reviewed.
M2Di: Concise and efficient MATLAB 2-D Stokes solvers using the Finite Difference Method : M2DI MATLAB 2-D STOKES SOLVERS
Räss Ludovic, Duretz Thibault, Podladchikov Yury Y., Schmalholz Stefan M., 2017/02. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (2) pp. 755-768.
Saint-Venant Equations and Friction Law for Modelling Self-Channeling Granular Flows: From Analogue to Numerical Simulation
Longchamp C., Caspar O., Jaboyedoff M., Podladchikov Y., 2015/07. Applied Mathematics, 6 (7) pp. 1161-1173.
(De)compaction of porous viscoelastoplastic media: Model formulation
Yarushina Viktoriya M., Podladchikov Yuri Y., 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 120 (6) pp. 4146-4170.
(De)compaction of porous viscoelastoplastic media: Solitary porosity waves
Yarushina Viktoriya M., Podladchikov Yuri Y., Connolly James A. D., 2015. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 120 (7) pp. 4843-4862.
An analytical solution for solitary porosity waves: dynamic permeability and fluidization of nonlinear viscous and viscoplastic rock
Connolly J. A. D., Podladchikov Y. Y., 2015. Geofluids, 15 (1-2) pp. 269-292.
Bubbles attenuate elastic waves at seismic frequencies: First experimental evidence
Tisato Nicola, Quintal Beatriz, Chapman Samuel, Podladchikov Yury, Burg Jean-Pierre, 2015. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (10) pp. 3880-3887.
Coupling changes in densities and porosity to fluid pressure variations in reactive porous fluid flow: Local thermodynamic equilibrium
Malvoisin Benjamin, Podladchikov Yury Yu, Vrijmoed Johannes C., 2015. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 16 (12) pp. 4362-4387.
Current challenges for explaining (ultra)high-pressure tectonism in the Pennine domain of the Central and Western Alps
Schenker F.L., Schmalholz S.M., Moulas E., Pleuger J., Baumgartner L.P., Podladchikov Y.Y., Vrijmoed J., Buchs N., Muntener O., 2015. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33 pp. 869-886. Peer-reviewed.
Mechanically- v. diffusion-controlled metamorphic microstructure: a symplectite example from Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (Greece)
Moulas E., Tajcmanova L., Vrijmoed J. C., Podladchikov Y., 2015. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33 (8) pp. 849-858.
Shear heating induced strain localisation across the scales
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2015. Philosophical Magazine, 95 pp. 3192-3207. Peer-reviewed.
Thermodynamic equilibrium at heterogeneous pressure
Vrijmoed J. C., Podladchikov Y. Y., 2015. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 170 (1).
Viscous relaxation of grain-scale pressure variations
Dabrowski M., Powell R., Podladchikov Y., 2015. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33 pp. 859-868.
A purely structural restoration of the NFP20-East cross section and potential tectonic overpressure in the Adula nappe (central Alps)
Pleuger Jan, Podladchikov Yuri Y., 2014. Tectonics, 33 (5) pp. 656-685.
Chimneys, channels, pathway flow or water conducting features - an explanation from numerical modelling and implications for {CO2} storage
Raess L, Yarushina VM, Simon NSC, Podladchikov YY, 2014. Energy Procedia, 63 pp. 3761 - 3774.
Effects of lithosphere buckling on subsidence and hydrocarbon maturation: A case-study from the ultra-deep East Barents Sea basin
Gac Sebastien, Huismans Ritske S., Simon Nina S. C., Faleide Jan Inge, Podladchikov Yuri Y., 2014. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 407 pp. 123-133.
Grain-scale pressure variations and chemical equilibrium in high-grade metamorphic rocks
Tajcmanova L., Podladchikov Y., Powell R., Moulas E., Vrijmoed J. C., Connolly J. A. D., 2014. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32 (2) pp. 195-207.
Kinematics and dynamics of tectonic nappes: 2-D numerical modelling and implications for high and ultra-high pressure tectonism in the Western Alps
Schmalholz S.M., Duretz T., Schenker F.L., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2014. Tectonophysics, 631 pp. 160-175. Peer-reviewed.
Metamorphism under stress: The problem of relating minerals to depth
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2014. Geology, 42 (8) pp. 733-734. Peer-reviewed.
Observational and modeling perspectives on the mechanical properties of the lithosphere
Burov E., Watts T., Podladchikov Y., Evans B., 2014. Tectonophysics, 631 pp. 1-3.
Physics-controlled thickness of shear zones caused by viscous heating: implications for crustal shear localization
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Yuen D.A., 2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 pp. 4904-4911. Peer-reviewed.
Relationship between tectonic overpressure, deviatoric stress, driving force, isostasy and gravitational potential energy
Schmalholz S.M., Medvedev S., Lechmann S.M., Podladchikov Y., 2014. Geophysical Journal International, 197 pp. 680-696. Peer-reviewed.
Stress field associated with elliptical inclusions in a deforming matrix: Mathematical model and implications for tectonic overpressure in the lithosphere
Moulas Evangelos, Burg Jean-Pierre, Podladchikov Yuri, 2014. Tectonophysics, 631 pp. 37-49.
Tectonic overpressure in weak crustal-scale shear zones and implications for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks
Schmalholz Stefan M., Podladchikov Yuri Y., 2013/05/28. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (10) pp. 1984-1988. Peer-reviewed.
Episodic Slip and Waves of Fluid-Filled Porosity
Podladchikov Y. Y., Miller S. A., 2013. Poromechanics V. Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics pp. 790-3.
Formation of intracratonic basins by lithospheric shortening and phase changes: a case study from the ultra-deep East Barents Sea basin
Gac Sebastien, Huismans Ritske S., Simon Nina S. C., Podladchikov Yuri Y., Faleide Jan Inge, 2013. Terra Nova, 25 (6) pp. 459-464.
Landslide-triggered tsunami modelling in alpine lakes
Franz M., Podladchikov Y. Y., Jaboyedoff M., Derron M.-H., 2013., Sapienza Università Editrice pp. 409-416 dans Genevois R., Prestininzi A. (eds.) International Conference Vajont 1963-2013. Thoughts and analyses after 50 years since the catastrophic landslide. Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment.. Peer-reviewed.
Rifting assisted by shear heating and formation of the Lomonosov Ridge
Minakov A. N., Podladchikov Yu Yu, Faleide J. I., Huismans R. S., 2013. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 373 pp. 31-40.
The problem of depth in geology: When pressure does not translate into depth
Moulas E., Podladchikov Y. Y., Aranovich L. Ya , Kostopoulos D., 2013. Petrology, 21 (6) pp. 527-538.
A Hydromechanical Model for Lower Crustal Fluid Flow
Connolly J. A. D., Podladchikov Y. Y., 2012. pp. 599-658 dans Metasomatism and the Chemical Transformation of Rock, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
A two-phase composite in simple shear: Effective mechanical anisotropy development and localization potential
Dabrowski M., Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117 pp. B08406. Peer-reviewed.
Devolatilization-induced pressure build-up: Implications for reaction front movement and breccia pipe formation
Aarnes I., Podladchikov Y.Y., Svensen H., 2012. Geofluids, 12 pp. 265-279. Peer-reviewed.
On the origin of the ultradeep East Barents Sea basin
Gac S., Huismans R.S., Podladchikov Y.Y., Faleide J.I., 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117 pp. B04401. Peer-reviewed.
Tectonic subsidence of the Lomonosov Ridge
Minakov A.N., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2012. Geology, 40 pp. 99-102. Peer-reviewed.
Volcanic arcs fed by rapid pulsed fluid flow through subducting slabs
John T., Gussone N., Podladchikov Y.Y., Bebout G.E., Dohmen R., Halama R., Klemd R., Magna T., Seitz H.M., 2012. Nature Geoscience, 5 pp. 489-492. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of fluid saturation on the reflection coefficient of a poroelastic layer
Quintal B., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2011. Geophysics, 76 pp. N1-N12. Peer-reviewed.
An analytical benchmark with combined pressure and shear loading for elastoplastic numerical models
Yarushina V.M., Dabrowski M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2010. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11 pp. Q08006. Peer-reviewed.
Density variations in the thickened crust as a function of pressure, temperature, and composition
Semprich J., Simon N.S.C., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2010. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99 pp. 1487-1510. Peer-reviewed.
Experimental and analytic modeling of piercement structures
Nermoen A., Galland O., Jettestuen E., Fristad K., Podladchikov Y.Y., Svensen H., Malthe-Sorenssen A., 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115 pp. B10202. Peer-reviewed.
How contact metamorphism can trigger global climate changes: Modeling gas generation around igneous sills in sedimentary basins
Aarnes I., Svensen H., Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2010. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 pp. 7179-7195. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling of craton stability using a viscoelastic rheology
Beuchert M.J., Podladchikov Y.Y., Simon N.S.C., Ruepke L.H., 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115 pp. B11413. Peer-reviewed.
Plastic yielding as a frequency and amplitude independent mechanism of seismic wave attenuation
Yarushina V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2010. Geophysics, 75 pp. N51-N63. Peer-reviewed.
Sandstone dikes in dolerite sills: Evidence for high-pressure gradients and sediment mobilization during solidification of magmatic sheet intrusions in sedimentary basins
Svensen H., Aarnes I., Podladchikov Y.Y., Jettestuen E., Harstad C.H., Planke S., 2010. Geosphere, 6 pp. 211-224. Peer-reviewed.
Subsurface hydrocarbon e.g. oil, reservoir location parameter determining method for e.g. seismic data acquisition area, involves calculating ratio data to represent vertical spectral components with horizontal spectral components
Podladchikov Y., Lambert M., Dewarrat R., Schmalholz S., 2010..
Viscoelastic mantle convection and lithospheric stresses
Beuchert M.J., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2010. Geophysical Journal International, 183 pp. 35-63. Peer-reviewed.
A thin elastic core can control large-scale patterns of lithosphere shortening
Marques F.O., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277 pp. 80-85. Peer-reviewed.
An alternative model for ultra-high pressure in the Svartberget Fe-Ti garnet-peridotite, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Vrijmoed J.C., Podladchikov Y.Y., Andersen T.B., Hartz E.H., 2009. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21 pp. 1119-1133. Peer-reviewed.
Assimilation and diffusion during xenolith-magma interaction: a case study of the Variscan Karkonosze Granite, Bohemian Massif
Adamuszek M., John T., Dabrowski M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Gertisser R., 2009. Mineralogy and Petrology, 97 pp. 203-222. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of hydrothermal seeps from the Salton Sea geothermal system (California, USA) constrained by temperature monitoring and time series analysis
Svensen H., Hammer O., Mazzini A., Onderdonk N., Polteau S., Planke S., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 114 pp. B09201. Peer-reviewed.
Generation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by self-localizing thermal runaway
John T., Medvedev S., Ruepke L.H., Andersen T.B., Podladchikov Y.Y., Austrheim H., 2009. Nature Geoscience, 2 pp. 137-140. Peer-reviewed.
Low-frequency reflections from a thin layer with high attenuation caused by interlayer flow
Quintal B., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009. Geophysics, 74 pp. N14-N22. Peer-reviewed.
Matrix rheology effects on reaction rim growth II: coupled diffusion and creep model
Schmid D.W., Abart R., Podladchikov Y.Y., Milke R., 2009. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27 pp. 83-91. Peer-reviewed.
Multiphase Flow in Multi-Component Porous Visco-Elastic Media
Tantserev E., Galerne C. Y., Podladchikov Y. Y., 2009. Poro-Mechanics Iv.
Siberian gas venting and the end-Permian environmental crisis
Svensen H., Planke S., Polozov A.G., Schmidbauer N., Corfu F., Podladchikov Y.Y., Jamtveit B., 2009. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277 pp. 490-500. Peer-reviewed.
Spectral modification of seismic waves propagating through solids exhibiting a resonance frequency: A 1D coupled wave propagation-oscillation model
Frehner M., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009. Geophysical Journal International, 176 pp. 589-600. Peer-reviewed.
Spontaneous dissipation of elastic energy by self-localizing thermal runaway
Braeck S., Podladchikov Y.Y., Medvedev S., 2009. Physical Review E, 80 p. 046105. Peer-reviewed.
Strike-slip faulting as a trigger mechanism for overpressure release through piercement structures. Implications for the Lusi mud volcano, Indonesia
Mazzini A., Nermoen A., Krotkiewski M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Planke S., Svensen H., 2009. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26 pp. 1751-1765. Peer-reviewed.
Transformation-induced jointing as a gauge for interfacial slip and rock strength
Iyer K., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2009. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280 pp. 159-166. Peer-reviewed.
Automated thermotectono-stratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study
Ruepke L., Schmalholz S.M., Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2008. AAPG Bulletin, 92 pp. 309-326. Peer-reviewed.
Fractional steps methods for transient problems on commodity computer architectures
Krotkiewski M., Dabrowski M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2008. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171 pp. 122-136. Peer-reviewed.
Post-emplacement melt flow induced by thermal stresses: Implications for differentiation in sills
Aarnes I., Podladchikov Y.Y., Neumann E.R., 2008. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 276 pp. 152-166. Peer-reviewed.
Stress release in exhumed intermediate and deep earthquakes determined from ultramafic pseudotachylyte
Andersen T.B., Mair K., Austrheim H., Podladchikov Y.Y., Vrijmoed J.C., 2008. Geology, 36 pp. 995-998. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of mantle composition on density in the extending lithosphere
Simon N.S.C., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2008. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272 pp. 148-157. Peer-reviewed.
Toasting the jelly sandwich: The effect of shear heating on lithospheric geotherms and strength
Hartz E.H., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2008. Geology, 36 pp. 331-334. Peer-reviewed.
Vertical motions of the fjord regions of central East Greenland: Impact of glacial erosion, deposition, and isostasy
Medvedev S., Hartz E.H., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2008. Geology, 36 pp. 539-542. Peer-reviewed.
Decompaction weakening and channeling instability in ductile porous media: Implications for asthenospheric melt segregation
Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 112 pp. B10205. Peer-reviewed.
Failure patterns caused by localized rise in pore-fluid overpressure and effective strength of rocks
Rozhko A.Y., Podladchikov Y.Y., Renard F., 2007. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 pp. L22304. Peer-reviewed.
Magnetic field visualization of magnetic minerals and grain boundary regions using magneto-optical imaging
Bobyl A.V., Podladchikov Y.Y., Austrheim H., Jamtveit B., Johansen T.H., Shantsev D.V., 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 112 pp. B04105. Peer-reviewed.
Passive low frequency spectral analysis: Exploring a new field in geophysics
Graf Rene, Schmalhoiz Stefan M., Podladchikov Yuri, Saenger Erik H., 2007. World Oil, 228 (1) pp. 47-+.
Spontaneous thermal runaway as an ultimate failure mechanism of materials
Braeck S., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2007. Physical Review Letters, 98 p. 095504. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of nonhydrostaticity on elastoplastic compaction and decompaction
Yarushina V.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2007. Izvestiya - Physics of the Solid Earth, 43 pp. 67-74. Peer-reviewed.
Controls on the Deformation of the Central and Southern Andes (10-35° S): Insight from Thin-Sheet Numerical Modeling
Medvedev Sergei, Podladchikov Yuri, Handy Mark R, Scheuber Ekkehard, 2006. pp. 475-494 dans The Andes, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Fold amplification rates and dominant wavelength selection in multilayer stacks
Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2006. Philosophical Magazine, 86 pp. 3409-3423. Peer-reviewed.
Growth and characterization of complex mineral surfaces
Jettestuen E., Jamtvelt B., Podladchikov Y.Y., De Villiers S., Amundsen H.E.F., Meakin P., 2006. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 249 pp. 108-118. Peer-reviewed.
Initiation of localized shear zones in viscoelastoplastic rocks
Kaus B.J.P., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2006. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 111 pp. B04412. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of mineral phase transitions on sedimentary basin subsidence and uplift
Kaus B.J.P., Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., Schmalholz S.M., 2005. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233 pp. 213-228. Peer-reviewed.
Mantled porphyroclast gauges
Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2005. Journal of Structural Geology, 27 pp. 571-585. Peer-reviewed.
Structural softening of the lithosphere
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Jamtveit B., 2005. Terra Nova, 17 pp. 66-72. Peer-reviewed.
Are isolated stable rigid clasts in shear zones equivalent to voids ?
Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2004. Tectonophysics, 384 pp. 233-242. Peer-reviewed.
Dome structures in collision orogens: Mechanical investigation of the gravity/compression interplay
Burg JP, Kaus BJP, Podladchikov YY, 2004. pp. 47-66 dans Whitney DL, Teyssier C, Siddoway CS (eds.) Gneiss domes in orogeny chap. 47, Geological Society of America.
Fluid flow in compressive tectonic settings: Implications for midcrustal seismic reflectors and downward fluid migration
Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 109 pp. B04201. Peer-reviewed.
Folding of a finite length power law layer
Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., Marques F.O., 2004. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 109 pp. B03407. Peer-reviewed.
Hydrothermal vent complexes associated with sill intrusions in sedimentary basins
Jamtveit B., Svensen H., Podladchikov Y. Y., Planke S., 2004. pp. 233-241 dans Breitkreuz C., Petford N. (eds.) Physical Geology of High-Level Magmatic Systems, Geological Society, London.
Analytical solutions for deformable elliptical inclusions in general shear
Schmid D.W., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2003. Geophysical Journal International, 155 pp. 269-288. Peer-reviewed.
Control of folding by gravity and matrix thickness: Implications for large-scale folding
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Burg J.P., 2002. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 pp. B12005. Peer-reviewed.
Inverse Modelling of Sedimentary Basins
Podladchikov Y. Y., Schmalholz S. M., Schmid D. W., 2002. pp. 625-629 dans Anile AngeloMarcello, Capasso Vincenzo, Greco Antonio (eds.) Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Palaeo-heat flow assessment using automatic inverse modelling of sedimentary basin formation
Schmalholz S. M., Podladchikov Yu Yu, 2002. Bollettino di Geofisica, Teorica ed Applicata, 42 (1-2) pp. 91-4.
The Pannonian basin: Dynamic modelling of the transition from passive to active rifting
Huismans RS, Podladchikov YY, Cloetingh SAPL, 2002..
Thermo-tectonic modelling for palaeo-heat flow assessment: results from a deep water basin
Cavazza D., Grigo D., Schmalholz S. M., Podladchikov Yu Yu, 2002. Bollettino di Geofisica, Teorica ed Applicata, 42 (1-2) pp. 38-41.
Universal scaling in transient creep
Dysthe D.K., Podladchikov Y.Y., Renard F., Feder J., Jamtveit B., 2002. Physical Review Letters, 89 p. 246102. Peer-reviewed.
A coupled petrological-tectonic model for sedimentary basin evolution: the influence of metamorphic reactions on basin subsidence
Petrini K., Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2001. Terra Nova, 13 pp. 354-359. Peer-reviewed.
A spectral/finite difference method for simulating large deformations of heterogeneous, viscoelastic materials
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Schmid D.W., 2001. Geophysical Journal International, 145 pp. 199-208. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic modeling of the transition from passive to active rifting, application to the Pannonian basin
Huismans R.S., Podladchikov Y.Y., Cloetingh S.A.P.L., 2001. Tectonics, 20 pp. 1021-1039. Peer-reviewed.
Forward and reverse modeling of the three-dimensional viscous Rayleigh-Taylor instability
Kaus B.J.P., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2001. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 pp. 1095-1098. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling of viscoelastic plume-lithosphere interaction using the adaptive multilevel wavelet collocation method
Vasilyev O.V., Podladchikov Y.Y., Yuen D.A., 2001. Geophysical Journal International, 147 pp. 579-589. Peer-reviewed.
Strain and competence contrast estimation from fold shape
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2001. Tectonophysics, 340 pp. 195-213. Peer-reviewed.
Transition from passive to active rifting: Relative importance of asthenospheric doming and passive extension of the lithosphere
Huismans R.S., Podladchikov Y.Y., Cloetingh S.A.P.L., 2001. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 106 pp. 11271-11291. Peer-reviewed.
Two-dimensional inverse modeling of sedimentary basin subsidence
Poplavskii K.N., Podladchikov Y.Y., Stephenson R.A., 2001. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 106 pp. 6657-6671. Peer-reviewed.
Viscoelastic folding: Maxwell versus Kelvin rheology
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2001. Geophysical Research Letters, 28 pp. 1835-1838. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamic link between the level of ductile crustal flow and style of normal faulting of brittle crust
Bertotti G., Podladchikov Y.Y., Daehler A., 2000. Tectonophysics, 320 pp. 195-218. Peer-reviewed.
Finite amplitude folding: Transition from exponential to layer length controlled growth
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2000. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181 pp. 617-633. Peer-reviewed.
From buckling to asymmetric folding of the continental lithosphere: numerical modelling and application to the Himalayan syntaxes
Burg J. P., Podladchikov Y., 2000. pp. 219-236 dans Khan M. A., Treloar P. J., Searle M. P., Jan M. Q. (eds.) Tectonics of the Nanga Parbat Syntaxis and the Western Himalaya, Geological Society.
Inverse modelling of sedimentary basins
Podladchikov Y.Y., Schmalholz S.M., Schmid D.W., 2000. pp. 1-5 dans Anile M., Capasso V., Graco A. (eds.) Progress in industrial mathematics, ECMI 2000.
Lithospheric pressure-depth relationship in compressive regions of thickened crust
Petrini K., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2000. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 18 pp. 67-77. Peer-reviewed.
Perspectives on tectonic modeling
Cloetingh S., Podlachikov Y. Y., 2000. Tectonophysics, 320 (3-4) pp. 169-173.
Temperature-dependent viscoelastic compaction and compartmentalization in sedimentary basins
Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2000. Tectonophysics, 324 pp. 137-168. Peer-reviewed.
Buckling versus folding: Importance of viscoelasticity
Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1999. Geophysical Research Letters, 26 pp. 2641-2644. Peer-reviewed.
Lithospheric scale folding: numerical modelling and application to the Himalayan syntaxes
Burg J.P., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1999. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 88 pp. 190-200. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling the effects of fault heterogeneity and fault movement on radionuclide transport
Hicks T., Wickham S., Bruel D., Jeong W. C., Connolly P., Golke M., Podlachikov Y., Rodrigues N., Yearsley R., Nea , 1999. Water Conducting Features in Radionuclide Migration pp. 325-334.
New extended thin-sheet approximation for geodynamic applications - I. Model formulation
Medvedev S.E., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1999. Geophysical Journal International, 136 pp. 567-585. Peer-reviewed.
New extended thin-sheet approximation for geodynamic applications - II. Two-dimensional examples
Medvedev S. E., Podladchikov Y. Y., 1999. Geophysical Journal International, 136 (3) pp. 586-608.
Thermo-mechanical approach to validation of deep crustal and lithospheric structures inferred from multidisciplinary data: application to the Western and Northern Alps
Burov E., Podladchkov Y., Grandjean G., Burg J. P., 1999. Terra Nova, 11 (2-3) pp. 124-131.
Visualization and Analysis of Mixing Dynamical Properties in Convecting Systems with Different Rheologies
Ten A. A., Yuen D. A., Podladchikov Yu Yu, 1999. Visual Geosciences, 4 (1) pp. 1-15.
A new multilayered model for intraplate stress-induced differential subsidence of faulted lithosphere, applied to rifted basins
Van Balen R.T., Podladchikov Y.Y., Cloetingh S.A.P.L., 1998. Tectonics, 17 pp. 938-954. Peer-reviewed.
Compaction-driven fluid flow in viscoelastic rock
Connolly J.A.D., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1998. Geodinamica Acta, 11 pp. 55-84. Peer-reviewed.
Comparison of mixing properties in convection with the particle-line method
Ten A.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., Yuen D.A., Larsen T.B., Malevsky A.V., 1998. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 pp. 3205-3208. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling of compaction driven flow in poro-viscoelastic medium using adaptive wavelet collocation method
Vasilyev O.V., Podladchikov Y.Y., Yuen D.A., 1998. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 pp. 3239-3242. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical modelling of growth strata and grain-size distributions associated with fault-bend folding
Den Bezemer T., Kooi H., Podladchikov Y., Cloetingh S., 1998. Cenozoic Foreland Basins of Western Europe, 134 pp. 381-401.
The effect of inplane force variations on a faulted elastic thin-plate, implications for rifted sedimentary basins
van Balen R. T., Podladchikov Y. Y., 1998. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (20) pp. 3903-3906. Peer-reviewed.
Applicability of wavelet algorithm for geophysical viscoelastic flow
Vasilyev O.V., Yuen D.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1997. Geophysical Research Letters, 24 pp. 3097-3100. Peer-reviewed.
Fractal features in mixing of non-Newtonian and Newtonian mantle convection
Ten A., Yuen D.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., Larsen T.B., Pachepsky E., Malevsky A.V., 1997. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 146 pp. 401-414. Peer-reviewed.
Parameters controlling sonic velocities in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastics Permian shelf-margin (upper San Andres formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico)
Kenter J.A.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Reinders M., Van der Gaast S.J., Fouke B.W., Sonnenfeld M.D., 1997. Geophysics, 62 pp. 505-520. Peer-reviewed.
Salt diapirism with simultaneous brittle faulting and viscous flow
Poliakov Alexei N. B., Podladchikov Yuri Yu. , Dawson Ethan Ch. , Talbot Christopher J., 1996. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 100 (1) pp. 291-302.
Sedimentary cycles and paleogeography of the Dnieper Donets Basin during the late Visean-Serpukhovian based on multiscale analysis of well logs
Dvorjanin E.S., Samoyluk A.P., Egurnova M.G., Zaykovsky N.Y., Podladchikov Y.Y., Van den Belt F.J.G., De Boer P.L., 1996. Tectonophysics, 268 pp. 169-187. Peer-reviewed.
Spacing of consecutive normal faulting in the lithosphere: A dynamic model for rift axis jumping (Tyrrhenian Sea)
Spadini G., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1996. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 144 pp. 21-34. Peer-reviewed.
The rise of solid-state diapirs
Weinberg R.F., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1995. Journal of Structural Geology, 17 pp. 1183-1195. Peer-reviewed.
Crystallization of hydrous magmas - Calculation of associated thermal effects, volatile fluxes, and isotopic alteration
Podladchikov Y.Y., Wickham S.M., 1994. Journal of Geology, 102 pp. 25-45. Peer-reviewed.
Diapiric ascent of magmas through power-law crust and mantle
Weinberg R.F., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 99 pp. 9543-9559. Peer-reviewed.
Fractal plastic shear bands
Poliakov A.N.B., Herrmann H.J., Podladchikov Y.Y., Roux S., 1994. Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, 2 pp. 567-581. Peer-reviewed.
A rheological model of a fractured solid
Lyakhovsky V., Podladchikov Y., Poliakov A., 1993. Tectonophysics, 226 (1-4) pp. 187-198.
An explicit inertial method for the simulation of viscoelastic flow - an evaluation of elastic effects on diapiric flow in 2-layers and 3-layers models
Poliakov A. N. B., Cundall P. A., Podladchikov Y. Y., Lyakhovsky V. A., 1993. Flow and Creep in the Solar System : Observations, Modeling and Theory, 391.
Crustal anatexis during the influx of mantle volatiles
Litvinovsky B.A., Podladchichov Y.Y., 1993. Lithos, 30 pp. 93-107. Peer-reviewed.
Inclusions in volcanic rocks and a mechanism for triggering volcanic eruptions
Bindeman I. N., Podladchikov Y. Y., 1993. Modern Geology, 19 pp. 1-11.
Initiation of salt diapirs with frictional overburdens - Numerical experiments
Poliakov A.N.B., Podladchikov Y.Y., Talbot C., 1993. Tectonophysics, 228 pp. 199-210. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical analysis of how sedimentation and redistribution of surficial sediments affects salt diapirism
Poliakov A.N.B., Van Balen R., Podladchikov Y.Y., Daudre B., Cloetingh S.A.P.L., Talbot C., 1993. Tectonophysics, 226 pp. 199-216. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical models of complex diapirs
Podladchikov Y.Y., Talbot C., Poliakov A.N.B., 1993. Tectonophysics, 228 pp. 189-198. Peer-reviewed.
P-T trends of metamorphism and related geodynamic models
Perchuk L, Podladchikov YY, 1993. Moscow University Geology Bulletin, 48 (5) pp. 17-29.
The Angar-Vitim Batholith: the Largest Granitoid Pluton
Litvinovskiy BA., Zanvilevich AN, Alakshin AM, Podladchikov Yu, 1993. 143, RAN.
Diapirism and topography
Poliakov A.N.B., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1992. Geophysical Journal International, 109 pp. 553-564. Peer-reviewed.
Formation large volumes of silicic magmas: the open system anatexis model
Litvinovskiy BA, Podladchikov Y, 1992. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 33 (11) pp. 50-58.
Hydrodynamic modelling of some metamorphic processes
Perchuk L.L., Podladchikov Y.Y., Poliakov A.N.B., 1992. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 10 pp. 311-319. Peer-reviewed.
About transportation and eruption mechanisms of related inclusions in volcanic rocks
Bindemann I.N., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1991. Izvetiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Geologicheskaya, 9 pp. 48-56. Peer-reviewed.
The mechanism of transport and eruption of cognate inclusions in volcanic rocks
Bindeman I. N., Podladchikov Yu Yu, 1991. International Geology Review, 33 (9) pp. 879-888.
Thick early archean oceanic crust as deduced from the gregarious batholiths formation
Shchipanskii A.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1991. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 320 pp. 1212-1216. Peer-reviewed.
Non-local model of variable moduli viscoelastic body
Miasnikov V.P., Liakhovsky V.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1990. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 312 pp. 302-305. Peer-reviewed.
Nonlocal model of a viscoelastic body with different moduli in tension and compression
Myasnikov V. P., Lyakhovskii V. A., Podladchikov Yu Yu, 1990. Soviet Physics - Doklady, 35 (5) pp. 444-5.
On the melting of acidic volcanites in the contact of basic magma at shallow depth
Litvinovsky B. A., Podladtchikov Y. Y., Zanvilevitch A. N., Dunitchev V. M., 1990. Geokhimiya 6 pp. 807-814.
Dynamics of acid volcanite melting on the contact with basite dikes (Kunashir Is)
Litvinovsky B.A., Podladchikov Y.Y., 1989. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 306 pp. 948-952. Peer-reviewed.
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