Guillaume Guex

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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16 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 |
Lexical diversity measurement using subsample entropy: formalism and evaluation
Jeanson Loïc, Guex Guillaume, Xanthos Aris, 2024/11/16. pp. 439-448 dans JADT 2024, mots comptés, textes déchiffrés, tome 1. Peer-reviewed, Anne Dister, Dominique Longrée.
Estimation of flow trajectories in a multi-lines transportation network
Guex Guillaume, Loup Romain, Bavaud François, 2023/07/19. Applied Network Science, 8 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Vers une estimation robuste des proportions lexicales
Guex Guillaume, Xanthos Aris, 2021/02/16. dans Actes des 15èmes Journées Internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles (JADT 2020). Peer-reviewed.
Sparse Randomized Shortest Paths Routingwith Tsallis Divergence Regularization
Leleux Pierre, Courtain Sylvain, Guex Guillaume, Saerens Marco, 2020/07/01..
Covariance and Correlation Kernels on a Graph in the Generalized Bag-of-Paths Formalism
Guex Guillaume, Courtain Sylvain, Saerens Marco, 2020/01/30..
Randomized Shortest Paths with Net Flows and Capacity Constraints
Courtain Sylvain, Leleux Pierre, Kivimaki Ilkka, Guex Guillaume, Saerens Marco, 2019/12/19..
La dette publique n’a pas d’impact sur la croissance et les taux d’intérêt
Guex Guillaume, Guex Sébastien, 2019/05/22. La Vie économique.
Randomized optimal transport on a graph: framework and new distance measures
Guex Guillaume, Kivimäki Ilkka, Saerens Marco, 2019/03. Network Science, 7 (1) pp. 88-122.
Debt, economic growth and interest rates: An empirical study of the Swiss case, presenting a new long-term dataset: 1894-2014
Guex Guillaume, Guex Sébastien, 2018/07/24. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 154 (16) pp. 1-13.
A Constrained Randomized Shortest-Paths Framework for Optimal Exploration
Lebichot Bertrand, Guex Guillaume, Kivimäki Ilkka, Saerens Marco, 2018/07/01..
Interpolating between random walks and optimal transportation routes: Flow with multiple sources and targets
Guex Guillaume, 2016/05. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 450 pp. 264-277.
The transformed optimal transportation problem: sensitivity andsegregation of the children-to-school constrained assignment in Lausanne
Emmanouilidis Theophile, Guex Guillaume, Bavaud François, 2016/01/01. dans Proceedings of Spatial Accuracy 2016.
Flow-based dissimilarities: shortest path, commute time, max-flow and free energy
Guex Guillaume, Bavaud François, 2015. pp. 101-111 dans Lausen B., Krolak-Schwerdt S., Böhmer M. (eds.) Data Analysis, Learning by Latent Structures, and Knowledge Discovery, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Peer-reviewed, Springer.
On the robust measurement of inflectional diversity
Xanthos A., Guex G., 2015. pp. 241-254 dans Tuzzi A., Benesova M., Macutek J. (eds.) Recent Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics, De Gruyter.
Spatial Graphs Cost and Efficiency: Exploring Edges Competition by MCMC
Guex Guillaume, 2014. pp. 97-108 dans Geographic Information Science. Peer-reviewed, Springer International Publishing.
Interpolating between random walks and shortest paths: a path functional approach
Bavaud F., Guex G., 2012. pp. 68-81 dans Aberer K., Flache A., Jager W., Liu L., Tang J., Gueret C. (eds.) Social Informatics, Springer.
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