Claire Arnold

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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4 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2007 |
Dual domestications and origin of traits in grapevine evolution.
Dong Y., Duan S., Xia Q., Liang Z., Dong X., Margaryan K., Musayev M., Goryslavets S., Zdunić G., Bert P.F. et al., 2023/03/03. Science, 379 (6635) pp. 892-901. Peer-reviewed.
A tale of three vines: current and future threats to wild Eurasian grapevine by vineyards and invasive rootstocks
Petitpierre B., Arnold C., Phelps L.N., Guisan A., 2023. Diversity and Distributions, 29 (12) pp. 1594-1608. Peer-reviewed.
Eloge des lianes
Arnold Claire, 2022/03/08., Actes Sud.
Naturalised Vitis rootstocks in Europe and consequences to native wild grapevine.
Arrigo N., Arnold C., 2007. PLoS One, 2 (6) pp. e521. Peer-reviewed.
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