Jenny Gentizon

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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18 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |
La pratique infirmière avancée : une réponse aux défis du système de santé.
Gentizon J., Colomer-Lahiguera S., Mabire C., Eicher M., Robatto L., Peguet C., 2024/12/11. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (898-2) pp. 2323-2324. Peer-reviewed.
Achieving Comprehensive, Patient-Centered Cancer Services: Optimizing the Role of Advanced Practice Nurses at the Core of Precision Health.
Colomer-Lahiguera S., Gentizon J., Christofis M., Darnac C., Serena A., Eicher M., 2024/06. Seminars in oncology nursing, 40 (3) p. 151629. Peer-reviewed.
Medication Literacy and Medication Self‐Management: A Cross‐Sectional Study in Hospitalised Patients (65+) With Polypharmacy
Mortelmans Laura, Gentizon Jenny, Dilles Tinne, 2024/01. Journal of Nursing Management, 2024 (1).
Impact of an INtervention to increase MOBility in older hospitalized medical patients (INTOMOB): Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Mooser B., Bergsma D., Liechti F.D., Baumgartner C., Gentizon J., Méan M., Wertli M.M., Mancinetti M., Schmidt-Leuenberger J., Aubert C.E., 2023/10/31. BMC geriatrics, 23 (1) p. 705. Peer-reviewed.
Feasibility and Acceptability of an INtervention TO Increase MOBility in Older Hospitalized Medical Patients (INTOMOB): A Mixed-Methods Pilot Study.
Bergsma D., Panait C., Leist P., Mooser B., Pantano L., Liechti F.D., Gentizon J., Baumgartner C., Mancinetti M., Méan M. et al., 2023/09. Gerontology & geriatric medicine, 9 p. 23337214231202148. Peer-reviewed.
Adapting the Geriatric Institutional Assessment Profile for different countries and languages: A multi-language translation and content validation study.
Zisberg A., Lickiewicz J., Rogozinski A., Hahn S., Mabire C., Gentizon J., Malinowska-Lipień I., Bilgin H., Tulek Z., Pedersen M.M. et al., 2022/10. International journal of nursing studies, 134 p. 104283. Peer-reviewed.
Conceptualization and content validation of the MEDication literacy assessment of geriatric patients and informal caregivers (MED-fLAG).
Gentizon J., Fleury M., Büla C., Mabire C., 2022/08/19. Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 6 (1) p. 87. Peer-reviewed.
Medication Literacy in Hospitalized Older Adults: Concept Development.
Gentizon J., Bovet E., Rapp E., Mabire C., 2022/01/04. Health literacy research and practice, 6 (2) pp. e70-e83. Peer-reviewed.
Instruments assessing medication literacy in adult recipients of care: A systematic review of measurement properties.
Gentizon J., Hirt J., Jaques C., Lang P.O., Mabire C., 2021/01. International journal of nursing studies, 113 p. 103785. Peer-reviewed.
Optimiser une formation en soins aigus auprès d’infirmiers-ères : l’importance d’identifier les facteurs qui influencent le transfert des apprentissages.
Gentizon Jenny, Chochard Yves, Gallant Serge, 2020/12. Objectif Soins & Management 278 pp. 53-59.
Littératie en matière de médicaments des patients âgés : compétences nécessaires à l’autogestion des medicaments [Medication literacy in older patients : skills needed for self-management of medications]
Gentizon J., Büla C., Mabire C., 2020/11/11. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (714) pp. 2165-2168. Peer-reviewed.
Prévention de la fragilité chez les personnes de 65 ans et plus : fiche d’informations de l’institut Joanna Briggs (JBI) basé sur des données probantes
Pellet Joanie, Gentizon Jenny, 2020. Revue Soins Infirmiers.
Assessing the Transfer of Nursing Competencies: Analysis of the effects of intermediate care training in a hospital setting
Chochard Yves, Gentizon Jenny, Gallant Serge, 2019. Measurement and Evaluation in Education, 42 (3) pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
Le savoir au service des patients: évaluation du transfert des connaissances auprès d’infirmiers-ères, après une formation e-Learning sur la gestion de la douleur
Gentizon Jenny, Kottelat Yolande, Hamel-Lauzon Gloria, Szostak Viviane, Gallant Serge, 2019. Science of Nursing and Health Practices, 2 (1) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
L’utilisation de la croix qualité en gériatrie: une approche novatrice
Hamel-Lauzon Gloria, Gentizon Jenny, Szostak Viviane, Bouchard Danielle, 2018/10. Objectif Soins & Management 265.
Evaluation des difficultés psychosociales des personnes VIH au sein d’une consultation infirmière [Evaluation of psychosocial difficulties and needs of persons living with HIV in a nurse consultation]
Courvoisier C., Manuel I.C., Gentizon J., Niklas-Lyon V., Tissot F., 2017/04/12. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (558) pp. 787-791. Peer-reviewed.
La pratique fondée sur des preuves chez les infirmières de centres hospitaliers universitaires en Suisse romande : étude descriptive et corrélationnelle [Evidence based practice of nurses working in university hospitals in the French speaking part of Switzerland: a descriptive and correlational study]
Gentizon J., Borrero P., Vincent-Suter S., Ballabeni P., Morin D., Eicher M., 2016/12. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 127 pp. 28-42. Peer-reviewed.
Carrière professionnelle : trois bonnes raisons de choisir la gériatrie
Novel Bernadette, Gentizon Jenny, Jayet Nicolas, Szostak Viviane, 2016/03. Revue Soins Infirmiers pp. 70-72.
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