Alessandra Lintas

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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19 publications

Event-Related Potentials and Fast Optical Imaging of Cortical Activity During an Auditory Oddball Task
Jaquerod Manon E., Villa Alessandro E. P., Knight Ramisha, Lintas AlessandraSNF/Careers/POLAP1_178329true, Journal article support, non U.S Gov't.
Detection of quadratic phase coupling by cross-bicoherence and spectral Granger causality in bifrequencies interactions.
Abe T., Asai Y., Lintas A., Villa AEP, 2024/04/12. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 8521. Peer-reviewed.
Electrophysiological Markers of Fairness and Selfishness Revealed by a Combination of Dictator and Ultimatum Games
Miraghaie Ali M., Pouretemad Hamidreza, Villa Alessandro E. P., Mazaheri Mohammad A., Khosrowabadi Reza, Lintas Alessandra, 2022/05/09. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16.
Attention Networks in ADHD Adults after Working Memory Training with a Dual n-Back Task
Dotare Masashi, Bader Michel, Mesrobian Sarah K., Asai Yoshiyuki, Villa Alessandro E. P., Lintas Alessandra, 2020/10/08. Brain Sciences, 10 (10) p. 715.
Early Attentional Modulation by Working Memory Training in Young Adult ADHD Patients during a Risky Decision-Making Task.
Jaquerod M.E., Mesrobian S.K., Villa AEP, Bader M., Lintas A., 2020/01/09. Brain sciences, 10 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Event-Related Potentials during a Gambling Task in Young Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Mesrobian S.K., Villa A. E. P., Bader M., Götte L., Lintas A., 2018. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12 p. 79. Peer-reviewed.
Unsupervised Analysis of Event-related Potentials (ERPs) during an emotional Go/NoGo Task
Masulli P., Masulli F., Rovetta S., Lintas A., Villa A.E.P., 2017/02. pp. 151-161 dans Loia V., Pedrycz W., Petrosino A. (eds.) Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing Applications WILF 2016, Springer International Publishing.
Event Related Potentials Reveal Fairness in Willingness-to-share
Lintas Alessandra, Vysyaraju Sarat Chandra, Jaquerod Manon, Villa Alessandro E. P., 2017. pp. 191-198 dans Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2017, Springer International Publishing.
Theoretical Models of Decision-Making in the Ultimatum Game: Fairness vs. Reason
Guy T.V., Kárný M., Lintas A., Villa A.E.P., 2016. pp. 185-191 dans Wang R., Pan X. (eds.) Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (V) chap. 26, Springer Nature.
Imperfect Decision Making and Risk Taking Are Affected by Personality
Mesrobian S. K., Bader M., Götte L., Villa A. E. P., Lintas A., 2015. pp. 145-184 dans Guy T. V. , Kárný M., Wolpert D. H. (eds.) Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation and Scalability chap. 6, Springer Nature.
Neural Dynamics Associated to Preferred Firing Sequences
Villa A.E.P., Lintas A., Cabessa J., 2015. pp. 597-604 dans Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV), Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics. Peer-reviewed, Springer Netherlands.
Visual thalamocortical circuits in parvalbumin-deficient mice
Lintas A., Schwaller B., Villa A.E.P., 2013/11. pp. 107-118 dans Brain Research. Peer-reviewed, Elsevier BV.
Effect of Feedback Information on Neuroeconomic Performance in ADHD and Control Participants
Mesrobian Sarah K., Lintas Alessandra, Bader Michel, Götte Lorenz, Villa Alessandro E.P., 2013/09/27., Society for Neuroeconomics dans 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics. Peer-reviewed.
Event-related potentials associated with participant’s personality while performing an iterated ultimatum game
Lintas Alessandra, Mesrobian Sarah K., Villa Alessandro E.P., 2013/09/27., Society for Neuroeconomics dans 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Neuroeconomics. Peer-reviewed.
The calcium-binding protein parvalbumin modulates the firing 1 properties of the reticular thalamic nucleus bursting neurons
Alberi L., Lintas A., Kretz R., Schwaller B., Villa A.E.P., 2013/06/01. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109 (11) pp. 2827-2841. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Emotion and Personality on Deviation from Purely Rational Decision-Making
Fiori M., Lintas A., Mesrobian S., Villa A. E. P., 2013/02. pp. 129-161 dans Guy T. V., Karny M., Wolpert D. (eds.) Decision Making and Imperfection chap. 5, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Dopamine deficiency increases synchronized activity in the rat subthalamic nucleus
Lintas A., Silkis I.G., Albéri L., Villa A.E.P., 2012/01. Brain Research, 1434 pp. 142-151. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroheuristics of Decision Making: From Neuronal Activity to EEG
Villa A.E. P., Missonnier P., Lintas A., 2012. pp. 159-194 dans Intelligent Systems Reference Library chap. 7, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Effect of emotion on the imperfectness of decision making
Villa A., Fiori M., Mesrobian S., Lintas A., Shaposhnyk V., Missonnier P., 2011. dans Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Decision Making with Multiple Imperfect Decision Makers.
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