Judith Schneider - ARCHIVE

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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5 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2016 |
Molecular assessment of dietary variation in neighbouring primate groups
Schneider J., Brun L., Taberlet P., Fumagalli L., van de Waal E., 2023/08. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14 (8) pp. 1925-1936. Peer-reviewed.
Focal vs. fecal: Seasonal variation in the diet of wild vervet monkeys from observational and DNA metabarcoding data.
Brun L., Schneider J., Carrió E.M., Dongre P., Taberlet P., Van de Waal E., Fumagalli L., 2022/10. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (10) pp. e9358. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing environmental DNA metabarcoding and camera trap surveys as complementary tools for biomonitoring of remote desert water bodies
Mas-Carrió E., Schneider J., Nasanbat B., Ravchig S., Buxton M., Nyamukondiwa C., Stoffel C., Augugliaro C., Ceacero F., Taberlet P. et al., 2022/05. Environmental DNA, 4 (3) pp. 580-595. Peer-reviewed.
Comprehensive coverage of human last meal components revealed by a forensic DNA metabarcoding approach.
Schneider J., Mas-Carrió E., Jan C., Miquel C., Taberlet P., Michaud K., Fumagalli L., 2021/04/23. Scientific Reports, 11 (1) p. 8876. Peer-reviewed.
Detection of Invasive Mosquito Vectors Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) from Water Samples.
Schneider J., Valentini A., Dejean T., Montarsi F., Taberlet P., Glaizot O., Fumagalli L., 2016. PloS one, 11 (9) pp. e0162493. Peer-reviewed.
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