Eve Rubli

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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52 publications

Sous presse | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2003 |
"Life goes on": Perspectives on the will to live from residents of Swiss long-term care facilities.
Bornet M.A., Jones L., Jox R.J., Bernard M., Ruedin S., Borasio G.D., Rubli Truchard E. Palliative & supportive care. Peer-reviewed.
Patient altruism at the end of life: A scoping review.
Sterie A.C., Borasio G.D., Deml M.J., Gamondi C., Jox R.J., Larkin P., Trombert A., Rubli Truchard E., Bernard M. Palliative & supportive care. Peer-reviewed.
Factors associated with antibiotics for respiratory infections in Swiss long-term care facilities.
Roux A., Vu D.L., Niquille A., Rubli Truchard E., Bizzozzero T., Tahar A., Morlan T., Colin J., Akpokavie D., Grandin M. et al., 2024/11. The Journal of hospital infection, 153 pp. 90-98. Peer-reviewed.
Introducing "A Question That Might, Perhaps, Scare you": How Geriatric Physicians Approach the Discussion About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Hospitalized Patients.
Sterie A.C., Weber O., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2024/11. Health communication, 39 (12) pp. 2551-2560. Peer-reviewed.
Réponse à l’urgence de former les médecins de famille à la gériatrie : l’assistanat en EMS [Response to the urgent need to train family doctors in geriatrics : residency in long term care facilities]
Corda O., Rubli Truchard E., Bizzozzero T., Ronga A., 2024/05/08. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (873) pp. 920-924. Peer-reviewed.
"What Is the Most Important to Them?" Swiss Health Care Proxies, Nurses, and Physicians Discuss Planning Practices for Aged Care Residents Who No Longer Have Medical Decision-Making Capacity.
Jones L., Rhyner F., Rutz Voumard R., Figari Aguilar F., Rubli Truchard E., Jox R.J., 2024/02. Gerontology, 70 (2) pp. 173-183. Peer-reviewed.
Qualitative Evaluation of a Pilot Physician Training Program in Long-Term Care Facilities in Switzerland.
Truchard E.R., Jones L., Bosisio F., Bizzozzero T., Ronga A., Jox R.J., Büla C., 2024/02. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25 (2) pp. 275-277.e1. Peer-reviewed.
"If I Become a Vegetable, Then no": A Thematic Analysis of How Patients and Physicians Refer to Prognosis When Discussing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
Sterie A.C., Castillo C., Jox R.J., Büla C.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2023. Gerontology & geriatric medicine, 9 p. 23337214231208824. Peer-reviewed.
Les douleurs chroniques à l'âge avancé: en parler ou non?
Singy Pascal, Merminod Gilles, Orest Weber, Semlali Imane, Terrier Anamaria, Rubli Truchard Eve, Decosterd Isabelle, 2023., BIL.
Parler des douleurs chroniques à l’âge avancé
Merminod Gilles, Semlali Imane, Weber Orest, Rubli Truchard Eve, Terrier Anamaria, Decosterd Isabelle, Singy Pascal, 2023. La Gazette médicale, 12 (7) pp. 24-25.
Pain Interventions for people with dementia: a quasi-experimental study.
Spichiger F., Volken T., Bosshard G., Zigan N., Blanc G., Büscher A., Nagl-Cupal M., Bernard M., Rubli Truchard E., Larkin P. et al., 2022/12/29. BMC palliative care, 21 (1) p. 228. Peer-reviewed.
Wish to Die Among Residents of Swiss Long-Term Care Facilities: A Multisite Cross-Sectional Study.
Rubli Truchard E., Monod S., Bula C.J., Dürst A.V., Levorato A., Mazzocato C., Münzer T., Pasquier J., Quadri P., Rochat E. et al., 2022/12. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23 (12) pp. 1935-1941. Peer-reviewed.
Decision-making ethics in regards to life-sustaining interventions: when physicians refer to what other patients decide.
Sterie A.C., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2022/09/02. BMC medical ethics, 23 (1) p. 91. Peer-reviewed.
Les humanités médicales integrées dans un hôpital universitaire
Jox Ralf, Sterie Anca-Cristina, Rubli Truchard Eve, 2022/06/01. pp. 119-132 dans Langues, médecine et société. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascal Singy chap. 9, Editions Lambert-Lucas.
Friendship in Later Life: How Friends Are Significant Resources in Older Persons' Communication about Chronic Pain.
Semlali I., Merminod G., Weber O., Terrier A., Decosterd I., Rubli Truchard E., Singy P., 2022/05/03. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19 (9) p. 5551. Peer-reviewed.
Talking about chronic pain in family settings: a glimpse of older persons' everyday realities.
Merminod G., Weber O., Semlali I., Terrier A., Decosterd I., Rubli Truchard E., Singy P., 2022/04/23. BMC geriatrics, 22 (1) p. 358. Peer-reviewed.
"Do you want us to try to resuscitate?": Conversational practices generating patient decisions regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Sterie A.C., Weber O., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2022/04. Patient education and counseling, 105 (4) pp. 887-894. Peer-reviewed.
Les humanités médicales intégrées dans un hôpital universitaire
Sterie A, Jox RJ, Rubli Truchard E, 2022. dans Langues, médecine et société : Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascal Singy, Lambert Lucas, coll. Médecine et Langage.
Selbstbestimmung im Sterben - Fürsoge zum Leben. Ein verfassungskonformer Gesetzesvorschlag zur Regelung des assistierten Suizids
Wiesing U, Jox RJ, Rubli Truchard E, 2022. pp. 169-178 dans Assistierte Suizid. Ein interdisziplinärer Austausch zu Fragen eines selbstbestimmung Todes., Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
Will to Live in Older Nursing Home Residents: A Cross-Sectional Study in Switzerland.
Bornet M.A., Rubli Truchard E., Bernard M., Pasquier J., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2021/11. Journal of pain and symptom management, 62 (5) pp. 902-909. Peer-reviewed.
Implementing advance care planning in early dementia care: results and insights from a pilot interventional trial.
Bosisio F., Sterie A.C., Rubli Truchard E., Jox R.J., 2021/10/19. BMC geriatrics, 21 (1) p. 573. Peer-reviewed.
'It's not magic': A qualitative analysis of geriatric physicians' explanations of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in hospital admissions.
Sterie A.C., Jones L., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2021/06. Health expectations, 24 (3) pp. 790-799. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the Will to Live: A Scoping Review.
Bornet M.A., Bernard M., Jaques C., Rubli Truchard E., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., 2021/04. Journal of pain and symptom management, 61 (4) pp. 845-857.e18. Peer-reviewed.
Communication About Chronic Pain in Older Persons' Social Networks: Study Protocol of a Qualitative Approach.
Merminod G., Weber O., Vaucher C., Semlali I., Terrier A., Decosterd I., Rubli Truchard E., Singy P., 2021. Frontiers in public health, 9 p. 764584. Peer-reviewed.
“Do resuscitate me but no futile care”: The use of the formula « futile care » in medical interviews
Wenger Vincent, Rubli Truchard Eve, Weber Orest, Jacquin Jérôme, Sterie Anca, 2021..
Planification anticipée concernant la santé chez des personnes avec une capacité de discernement limitée : revue de la littérature et état des lieux en Suisse
Bosisio Francesca, Bornet Marc-Antoine, Haunreiter Katja, Jaques Cécile, Jones Laura, Ritzenthaler Daniela, Jox Ralf, Rubli Truchard Eve, 2020/12/10., Office fédéral de la santé publique.
Life worth living: cross-sectional study on the prevalence and determinants of the wish to die in elderly patients hospitalized in an internal medicine ward.
Bornet M.A., Rubli Truchard E., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Bernard M., Schmied L., Marques-Vidal P., 2020/09/14. BMC geriatrics, 20 (1) p. 348. Peer-reviewed.
COVID-19 et médecine ambulatoire - Patient·e·s âgé·e·s : qu’avons-nous appris ?
Ho L.K.S., Rubli Truchard E., 2020/08/05. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (701) pp. 1444-1445. Peer-reviewed.
La question des directives anticipées lors des maladies nouvelles
Bosisio Francesca, Jox Ralf, Rubli Truchard Eve, 2020/06. Courrier des médecins vaudois (CMV) pp. 26-27.
Wish to Die in Older Patients: Development and Validation of Two Assessment Instruments.
Dürst A.V., Spencer B., Büla C., Fustinoni S., Mazzocato C., Rochat E., Rubli Truchard E., Monod S., Jox R.J., 2020/06. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 (6) pp. 1202-1209. Peer-reviewed.
Infection COVID-19 chez les personnes âgées en Suisse Romande - Un état des lieux entre croyances, convictions et certitudes [COVID-19 infection in the elderly in French-speaking Switzerland: an inventory of beliefs, convictions and certainties]
Nguyen S., Major K., Cochet C., Bizzozzero T., Barbarossa L., Bosshard W., Humbert M., Rubli E., Jox R., D'Amelio P. et al., 2020/04/29. Revue medicale suisse, 16 (N° 691-2) pp. 835-838. Peer-reviewed.
Le Projet de Soins Anticipé ProSA.
Bosisio Francesca, Ritzenthaler Daniela, Rubli Truchard Eve, Jox Ralf, 2020/02. Palliative Flash .
Contenu des discussions concernant la réanimation cardiopulmonaire avec les patients âgés [Content of discussions about cardiopulmonary resuscitation with elderly patients]
Ferré Ibáñez M.R., Sterie A.C., Jox R.J., Rubli Truchard E., 2019/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (670) pp. 2053-2055. Peer-reviewed.
Projet de soins anticipé ou advance care planning - Proposition d’une terminologie commune pour la Suisse romande
Bosisio F., Fassier T., Rubli Truchard E., Pautex S., Jox R.J., 2019/09/11. Revue medicale suisse, 15 (662) pp. 1634-1636. Peer-reviewed.
Advance care planning dispositions: the relationship between knowledge and perception.
Cattagni Kleiner A., Santos-Eggimann B., Fustinoni S., Dürst A.V., Haunreiter K., Rubli-Truchard E., Seematter-Bagnoud L., 2019/04/24. BMC geriatrics, 19 (1) p. 118. Peer-reviewed.
Planning ahead with dementia: what role can advance care planning play? A review on opportunities and challenges.
Bosisio F., Jox R.J., Jones L., Rubli Truchard E., 2018/12/17. Swiss medical weekly, 148 pp. w14706. Peer-reviewed.
Geriatric palliative care: a view of its concept, challenges and strategies.
Voumard R., Rubli Truchard E., Benaroyo L., Borasio G.D., Büla C., Jox R.J., 2018/09/20. BMC geriatrics, 18 (1) p. 220. Peer-reviewed.
Demenz aus palliativmedizinischer Perspektive: warum ein krankheitsspezifisches Advance Care Planning wichtig ist [Dementia from a palliative care perspective: why a disease-specific advance care planning is necessary]
Jox R.J., Bosisio F., Rubli Truchard E., 2018/07. Therapeutische Umschau. Revue therapeutique, 75 (2) pp. 105-111. Peer-reviewed.
Functional trajectories of older patients admitted to an Acute Care Unit for Elders.
D'Onofrio A., Büla C., Rubli E., Butrogno F., Morin D., 2018/03. International journal of older people nursing, 13 (1) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
Importance de la prise en compte de la spiritualité lorsque l’hospitalisation rend le patient et/ou ses proches vulnérables
Rochat E, Rubli Truchard E, Laouadi M, Jobin G, 2018. pp. 409 - 415 dans Bodenmann P, Jackson Y, Wolff H (eds.) Vulnérabilités, équité et santé chap. 4.9, Médecine et sociétés, RMS.
Projet anticipé des soins chez les personnes atteintes de démences
Bosisio F, Jox RJ, Rubli E, 2018. La gazette médicale, 7 (3-4) pp. 14-18.
Factors associated with quality of life in elderly hospitalised patients undergoing post-acute rehabilitation: a cross-sectional analytical study in Switzerland.
Bornet M.A., Rubli Truchard E., Rochat E., Pasquier J., Monod S., 2017/10/22. BMJ open, 7 (10) pp. e018600. Peer-reviewed.
Réanimation des personnes âgées : comment aborder les preferences en amont ? [Resuscitation of elderly people : how to approach their preferences in advance]
Rubli Truchard E., Sterie A.C., Jox R.J., 2017/02/01. Revue medicale suisse, 13 (548) pp. 320-322. Peer-reviewed.
Efficiency of the lausanne clinical pathway for proximal femoral fractures.
Fleury N., Chevalley F., Rubli E., Coti P., Farron A., Jolles B.M., 2015. Frontiers in Surgery, 2 (2) p. 5. Peer-reviewed.
Gériatrie [Review in geriatric medicine 2014].
Nguyen S., Smith C., Gold G., Major K., Rubli E., Büla C., 2015/01. Revue Médicale Suisse, 11 (456-457) pp. 62-67. Peer-reviewed.
Spectrum of digoxin-induced ocular toxicity: a case report and literature review.
Renard D., Rubli E., Voide N., Borruat F.X., Rothuizen L.E., 2015. Bmc Research Notes, 8 (1) p. 368. Peer-reviewed.
Diabète et démence: tes liaisons dangereuses [Diabetes and dementia: the dangerous liaisons? ].
Nguyen S., Major K., Démonet J.F., Smith C., Rubli E., Humbert M., Büla C., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (449) pp. 2090-2, 2094-6.
Evaluation préopératoire des patients ages [Preoperative assessment in elderly patients].
Humbert M., Rubli E., Major K C., Smith C., Nguyen S., Büla C., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (449) pp. 2101-2106.
Patients âgées vulnérables au cabinet: comment les identifier et quelles ressources mobiliser [Vulnerable older patients in primary care how to identify them? Which ressources to mobilize? ].
Smith C., Rubli E., Senn N., Major K., Nguyen S., Humbert M., Büla C., 2014/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (449) pp. 2077-2080.
Gériatrie [Review in geriatric medicine 2012].
Major K., Saiah L., Rubli E., Rochat S., Monod S., Büla C., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (368) pp. 40-43. Peer-reviewed.
Gériatrie aiguë: un modèle d'unité intégree de soins aux seniors [How to prevent functional decline: an acute care unit model for the elderly].
Schwartz C.J., Monod S., Waeber G., Büla C., D'Onofrio A., Rubli E., Rochat S., 2012/11. Revue Médicale Suisse, 8 (361) pp. 2128-2132. Peer-reviewed.
Teichoic acids are not required for Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus cell walls to trigger the release of tumor necrosis factor by peripheral blood monocytes.
Majcherczyk P.A., Rubli E., Heumann D., Glauser M.P., Moreillon P., 2003. Infection and Immunity, 71 (7) pp. 3707-3713.
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