Thibault Duretz

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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26 publications

2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
Impact of upper mantle convection on lithosphere hyperextension and subsequent horizontally forced subduction initiation
Candioti Lorenzo G., Schmalholz Stefan M., Duretz Thibault, 2020/12/07. Solid Earth, 11 (6) pp. 2327-2357.
Impact of upper mantle convection on lithosphere hyper-extension and subsequent convergence-induced subduction
Candioti Lorenzo G., Schmalholz Stefan M., Duretz Thibault, 2020. 31.
Stress and deformation mechanisms at a subduction zone: insights from 2-D thermomechanical numerical modelling
Bessat Annelore, Duretz Thibault, Hetényi György, Pilet Sébastien, Schmalholz Stefan M, 2020. Geophysical Journal International, 221 (3) pp. 1605-1625. Peer-reviewed.
Distribution and magnitude of stress due to lateral variation of gravitational potential energy between Indian lowland and Tibetan plateau
Schmalholz Stefan M, Duretz Thibault, Hetényi György, Medvedev Sergei, 2019/02/01. Geophysical Journal International, 216 (2) pp. 1313-1333. Peer-reviewed.
Formation of orogenic wedges and crustal shear zones by thermal softening, associated topographic evolution and application to natural orogens
Jaquet Yoann, Duretz Thibault, Grujic Djordje, Masson Henri, Schmalholz Stefan Markus, 2017. Tectonophysics. Peer-reviewed.
Garnet xenocryst from petit-spot lavas as an indicator for off-axis mantle refertilization at intermediate spreading ridges
Rochat L., Pilet S., Müntener O., Duretz T., Baumgartner L., Abe N., Hirano N., 2017. Geology, 45 pp. 1091-1094. Peer-reviewed.
M2Di: Concise and efficient MATLAB 2-D Stokes solvers using the Finite Difference Method
Raess Ludovic, Duretz Thibault, Podladchikov Yuri Y., Schmalholz Stefan M., 2017. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18. Peer-reviewed.
Dramatic effect of elasticity on thermal softening and strain localization during lithospheric shortening
Jaquet Y., Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., 2016. Geophysical Journal International, 204 pp. 780-784. Peer-reviewed.
The importance of structural softening for the evolution and architecture of passive margins
Duretz T., Petri B., Mohn G., Schmalholz S.M., Schenker F.L., Müntener O., 2016. Scientific reports, 6 p. 38704. Peer-reviewed.
From symmetric necking to localized asymmetric shearing: The role of mechanical layering
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., 2015. Geology, 43 pp. 711-714. Peer-reviewed.
Shear heating induced strain localisation across the scales
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2015. Philosophical Magazine, 95 pp. 3192-3207. Peer-reviewed.
Shear zone and nappe formation by thermal softening, related stress and temperature evolution, and application to the Alps
Schmalholz S.M., Duretz T., 2015. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33 pp. 887-908. Peer-reviewed.
Kinematics and dynamics of tectonic nappes: 2-D numerical modelling and implications for high and ultra-high pressure tectonism in the Western Alps
Schmalholz S.M., Duretz T., Schenker F.L., Podladchikov Y.Y., 2014. Tectonophysics, 631 pp. 160-175. Peer-reviewed.
Physics-controlled thickness of shear zones caused by viscous heating: implications for crustal shear localization
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y.Y., Yuen D.A., 2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 pp. 4904-4911. Peer-reviewed.
Slab detachment in laterally varying subduction zones: 3-D numerical modeling
Duretz T., Gerya T.V., Spakman W., 2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 pp. 1951-1956. Peer-reviewed.
Three-dimensional necking during viscous slab detachment
von Tscharner M., Schmalholz S.M., Duretz T., 2014. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 pp. 4194-4200.
An adaptive staggered grid finite difference method for modeling geodynamic Stokes flows with strongly variable viscosity
Gerya T.V., May D.A., Duretz T., 2013. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14 pp. 1200-1225. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical modeling of eastern Tibetan-type margin: Influences of surface processes, lithospheric structure and crustal rheology
Chen L., Gerya T., Zhang Z., Zhu G., Duretz T., Jacoby W.R., 2013. Gondwana Research, 24 pp. 1091-1107. Peer-reviewed.
Slab detachment during continental collision: Influence of crustal rheology and interaction with lithospheric delamination
Duretz T., Gerya T.V., 2013. Tectonophysics, 602 pp. 124-140. Peer-reviewed.
A comparison of numerical surface topography calculations in geodynamic modelling: an evaluation of the "sticky air" method
Crameri F., Schmeling H., Golabek G.J., Duretz T., Orendt R., Buiter S.J.H., May D.A., Kaus B.J.P., Gerya T.V., Tackley P.J., 2012. Geophysical Journal International, 189 pp. 38-54. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of slab detachment
Duretz T., Schmalholz S.M., Gerya T.V., 2012. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 pp. Q03020. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical modelling of magma transport in dykes
Yamato P., Tartese R., Duretz T., May D.A., 2012. Tectonophysics, 526 pp. 97-109. Peer-reviewed.
Thermomechanical modeling of slab eduction
Duretz T., Gerya T.V., Kaus B.J.P., Andersen T.B., 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117 pp. B08411. Peer-reviewed.
Discretization errors and free surface stabilization in the finite difference and marker-in-cell method for applied geodynamics: A numerical study
Duretz T., May D.A., Gerya T.V., Tackley P.J., 2011. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12 pp. Q07004. Peer-reviewed.
Indentation as an extrusion mechanism of lower crustal rocks: Insight from analogue and numerical modelling, application to the Eastern Bohemian Massif
Duretz T., Kaus B.J.P., Schulmann K., Gapais D., Kermarrec J.J., 2011. Lithos, 124 pp. 158-168. Peer-reviewed.
Numerical modelling of spontaneous slab breakoff and subsequent topographic response
Duretz T., Gerya T.V., May D.A., 2011. Tectonophysics, 502 pp. 244-256. Peer-reviewed.
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