Lucie Kesner

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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9 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 |
Fecal transplant allows transmission of the gut microbiota in honey bees.
Cabirol A., Chhun A., Liberti J., Kesner L., Neuschwander N., Schaerli Y., Engel P., 2024/09/25. mSphere, 9 (9) pp. e0026224. Peer-reviewed.
Gut microbiota influences onset of foraging-related behavior but not physiological hallmarks of division of labor in honeybees.
Liberti J., Frank E.T., Kay T., Kesner L., Monié-Ibanes M., Quinn A., Schmitt T., Keller L., Engel P., 2024/09/11. mBio, 15 (9) pp. e0103424. Peer-reviewed.
Targeted treatment of injured nestmates with antimicrobial compounds in an ant society.
Frank E.T., Kesner L., Liberti J., Helleu Q., LeBoeuf A.C., Dascalu A., Sponsler D.B., Azuma F., Economo E.P., Waridel P. et al., 2023/12/29. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 8446. Peer-reviewed.
Social network position is a major predictor of ant behavior, microbiota composition, and brain gene expression.
Kay T., Liberti J., Richardson T.O., McKenzie S.K., Weitekamp C.A., La Mendola C., Rüegg M., Kesner L., Szombathy N., McGregor S. et al., 2023/07. PLoS biology, 21 (7) pp. e3002203. Peer-reviewed.
The gut microbiota affects the social network of honeybees.
Liberti J., Kay T., Quinn A., Kesner L., Frank E.T., Cabirol A., Richardson T.O., Engel P., Keller L., 2022/10. Nature ecology & evolution, 6 (10) pp. 1471-1479. Peer-reviewed.
Bacterial communities within Phengaris (Maculinea) alcon caterpillars are shifted following transition from solitary living to social parasitism of Myrmica ant colonies.
Szenteczki M.A., Pitteloud C., Casacci L.P., Kešnerová L., Whitaker MRL, Engel P., Vila R., Alvarez N., 2019/04. Ecology and evolution, 9 (8) pp. 4452-4464. Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling metabolic functions of bacteria in the honey bee gut.
Kešnerová L., Mars RAT, Ellegaard K.M., Troilo M., Sauer U., Engel P., 2017/12. PLoS biology, 15 (12) pp. e2003467. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic changes associated with the evolutionary transition of an insect gut symbiont into a blood-borne pathogen.
Segers F.H., Kešnerová L., Kosoy M., Engel P., 2017/05. The ISME journal, 11 (5) pp. 1232-1244. Peer-reviewed.
Bartonella apis sp. nov., a honey bee gut symbiont of the class Alphaproteobacteria.
Kešnerová L., Moritz R., Engel P., 2016. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 66 (1) pp. 414-421. Peer-reviewed.
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