Aline Bregou

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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22 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 | 2003 |
Lung function in adult patients with osteogenesis imperfecta: a cohort study.
Lenoir A., Aubry-Rozier B., Bregou A., Gonzalez Rodriguez E., Paquier C., Tanniger J., Faouzi M., Lazor R., 2024/12/04. Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 19 (1) p. 455. Peer-reviewed.
Quand penser à une maladie osseuse constitutionnelle ? [Constitutional diseases of bone: clinical flags]
Debrach A.C., Brégou A., Gonzalez Rodriguez E., Pejin Z., Kumps C., Craig A., Pavlidou D.C., Atallah I., 2023/04/19. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (823) pp. 766-769. Peer-reviewed.
A 10.5-year follow-up of walking with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy.
Bonnefoy-Mazure A., De Coulon G., Lascombes P., Bregou A., Armand S., 2023/04. Journal of children's orthopaedics, 17 (2) pp. 173-183. Peer-reviewed.
Diagnostic Utility of Synovial Fluid Cell Counts and CRP in Pediatric Knee Arthritis: A 10-Year Monocentric, Retrospective Study.
Nyaaba I., Zambelli P.Y., Chaouch A., Bregou A., Uçkay İ., Samara E., 2022/09/08. Children, 9 (9) p. 1367. Peer-reviewed.
Costal exostosis at risk of hepatic injury in a 10-year-old girl
Doan M., Tschopp B., Binet A., Joseph J.-M., Bourgeois A. Bregou, 2022/07. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 82 p. 102291.
When to Suspect DRUJ's Instability in Children? Case Report of a Rare Presentation of Distal Forearm Fractures.
Saugy C.A., Bregou A.B., 2022/01. European journal of pediatric surgery reports, 10 (1) pp. e73-e75. Peer-reviewed.
Osteogenesis imperfecta: towards an individualised interdisciplinary care strategy to improve physical activity and quality of life.
Aubry-Rozier B., Richard C., Unger S., Hans D., Campos-Xavier B., Schneider P., Paquier C., Pasche J., Bonafé L., Bregou A., 2020/06/28. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20285. Peer-reviewed.
Residual hip dysplasia in children: osseous and cartilaginous acetabular angles to guide further treatment-a pilot study.
Merckaert S.R., Pierzchala K., Bregou A., Zambelli P.Y., 2019/11/21. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research, 14 (1) p. 379. Peer-reviewed.
Paediatric musculoskeletal infections with Panton-Valentine leucocidin.
Albiński M.K., Lutz N., Ceroni D., N'Dele D., Zambelli P.Y., Bregou A., 2018/09/10. Swiss medical weekly, 148 pp. w14669. Peer-reviewed.
Obturator externus abscess in a 9-year-old child: A case report and literature review.
de Bodman C., Ceroni D., Dufour J., Crisinel P.A., Bregou-Bourgeois A., Zambelli P.Y., 2017/04. Medicine, 96 (9) pp. e6203. Peer-reviewed.
Osteogenesis imperfecta: from diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment to future perspectives.
Bregou Bourgeois A., Aubry-Rozier B., Bonafé L., Laurent-Applegate L., Pioletti D.P., Zambelli P.Y., 2016. Swiss medical weekly, 146 pp. w14322. Peer-reviewed.
Nouveautés dans l'ostéogenèse imparfaite: de la recherche à la prise en charge multidisciplinaire [News in osteogenesis imperfecta: from research to clinical management]
Aubry-Rozier B., Unger S., Bregou A., Freymond Morisod M., Vaswani A., Scheider P., Bonafé L., 2015/03/18. Revue medicale suisse, 11 (466) pp. 657-658,660-662.
Obese Children Sustain Significantly More Both Bones Forearm Fractures When Compared to Non-Obese Children
Cavuoto Aldo, Stettler Nicolas, Zambelli Pierre-Yves, Tercier Stéphane, Bregou Aline, Lutz Nicolas, 2015. Pediatrics & Therapeutics, 05 (01). Peer-reviewed.
Pédiatrie 5. Approche ciblée de l'ostéoporose chez l'enfant et l'adolescent [Targeted approach to osteoporosis for children and teenagers].
Zambelli P.Y., Tercier S., Newman C.J., Bregou A., 2014. Revue Médicale Suisse, 10 (412-413) pp. 116-118.
Spatio-temporal gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy using, foot-worn inertial sensors.
Brégou Bourgeois A., Mariani B., Aminian K., Zambelli P.Y., Newman C.J., 2014. Gait and Posture, 39 (1) pp. 436-442.
Lateral condyle fracture of the humerus in children treated with bioabsorbable materials.
Andrey V., Tercier S., Vauclair F., Bregou-Bourgeois A., Lutz N., Zambelli P.Y., 2013. Scientific World Journal, 2013 p. 869418.
Posteriorly Displaced Fragment in a Juvenile Tillaux Fracture: A Case Report
Tercier S., Vauclair F., Brégou-Bourgeois A., Zambelli P.Y., 2012. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Case Connector, 2 (4) pp. e79.
Lésions de surcharge chez l'enfant [Overuse injuries in children].
Zambelli P.Y., Brégou A., Vauclair F., Lutz N., Tercier S., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (304) pp. 1549-1552.
Approche minutieuse des fractures epiphysaires de l'humérus distal [Meticulous approach of the distal numeral epiphyseal fractures]
Zambelli P.Y., Tercier S., Bregou A., Lutz N., 2010/12/22. Revue medicale suisse, 6 (276) pp. 2448-2453. Peer-reviewed.
Problème de surcharge de l'articulation coxo-fémorale chez l'adolescent [Overuse injuries of the hip in adolescents].
Zambelli P.Y., Brégou A., 2010. Revue Médicale Suisse, 6 (258) pp. 1484-1488.
Outcome evaluation in shoulder surgery using 3D kinematics sensors
Coley B., Jolles B. M., Farron A., Bourgeois A., Nussbaumer F., Pichonnaz C., Aminian K., 2007. Gait and Posture, 25 (4) pp. 523-32. Peer-reviewed.
Les prédonations de sang autologue lors de prothèse du genou [Predonation of autologous blood in knee arthroplasty]
Bourgeois A., Bachelin P., 2003/02. Revue medicale de la Suisse romande, 123 (2) pp. 105-108. Peer-reviewed.
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