Rory Critten

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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46 publications

The Middle English Seven Sages of Rome
Critten Rory G., Wiggins Alison, Medieval Institute Publications.
Conduct, Husbandry, and Gardening
Critten Rory G. dans Oxford Handbook of Middle English Prose, Sebastian Sobecki and Emily Steiner.
French Lessons in Late Medieval England: The Role of Women
Critten Rory G. dans Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Amsterdam University Press.
Sharing the Housework in the Ballad of the Tyrannical Husband and The Wright's Chaste Wife
Critten Rory G. JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Peer-reviewed.
Sodomy and the East in the Seven Sages of Rome
Critten Rory G. Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures. Peer-reviewed.
The Sinclair Women and Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden. B. 24.
Critten Rory G., 2024. Chaucer Review, 59 pp. 182-206. Peer-reviewed.
A Queer Omission in Sir Orfeo
Critten Rory G., 2023. ELH, 90 (4) pp. 909-32. Peer-reviewed.
French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The Liber donati and Commune parlance
Critten Rory G., 2023. Foundations, Arc Humanities Press.
Love Visions and Love Lyrics
Critten Rory G., 2023. pp. 282-99 dans Oxford History of Poetry in English. Medieval Poetry: 1400-1500, Julia Boffey and A. S. G. Edwards.
[Compte rendu de] Continental England: Form, Translation, and Chaucer in the Hundred Years' War
Critten Rory G., 2022. Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 44 pp. 429-32.
[Compte rendu de] Images of Language in Middle English Vernacular Writings, Kathy Cawsey, Cambridge, Brewer, 2020
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 (2) pp. 275-277.
[Compte rendu de] Medieval English Travel, ed. Bale and Sobecki, Oxford, OUP, 2019
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 (1) pp. 137-39.
[Compte rendu de] The Medieval Life of Language: Grammar and Pragmatics from Bacon to Kempe, Mark Amsler, Amsterdam University Press, 2021
Critten Rory G., 2022. Anglia, 140 pp. 643-46.
French Lexis in the Auchinleck Manuscript: A Digital-Philological Approach
Critten Rory G., Picca Davide, Gay-Crosier Cyrille, 2022. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 37 (2) pp. 354-74. Peer-reviewed.
The Exploitation of French-English Lexical Transfer in Early Middle English Poetry
Critten Rory G., 2022. Early Middle English, 4 (1) pp. 31-50. Peer-reviewed.
Medieval English Multilingualisms
Critten Rory G., Dutton Elisabeth, 2021. Language Learning, 71 pp. 12-38. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] Learning Languages in Early Modern England, John Gallagher, Oxford, OUP, 2019
Critten Rory G., 2020. Journal of British Studies, 49 pp. 897-98.
Eleventh-Century Drag Acts? Three Old English Poems at Exeter Cathedral
Critten Rory G., 2020. Exemplaria, 32 (4) pp. 346-367. Peer-reviewed.
Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France
Burger Glenn D., Critten Rory G. (eds.), 2020., Manchester University Press.
Introduction: The Home Life of Information
Burger Glenn D., Critten Rory G., 2020. pp. 1-15 dans Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France, Manchester University Press.
Locating Charles d'Orléans: In France, In England, and Out of Europe
Critten Rory G., 2020. New Medieval Literatures, 20 pp. 174-215. Peer-reviewed.
The Multilingual Household in a European Perspective: London, British Library MS Harley 2253 and the Traffic of Texts
Critten Rory G., 2020. pp. 219-43 dans Household Knowledges in Late Medieval England and France, Manchester University Press.
Via Rome: Medieval Medievalisms in the Old English Ruin
Critten Rory G., 2019/05. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 49 (2) pp. 209-231. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] The Auchinleck Manuscript: New Perspectives, Susanna Fein (ed.), Cambridge, Brewer, 2016
Critten Rory G., 2019. Anglia, 137 pp. 495–498.
The Manières de Langage as Evidence for the Use of Spoken French Within Fifteenth-Century England
Critten Rory G., 2019. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 55 (2) pp. 121-37. Peer-reviewed.
Author, Scribe, and Book in Late Medieval English Literature
Critten Rory G., 2018., D. S. Brewer.
French Didactics in Late Medieval and Early Modern England: Thinking Historically about Method
Critten Rory G., 2018. pp. 33-51 dans McLelland Nicola, Smith Richard (eds.) The History of Language Learning and Teaching: 16th-18th Century Europe, Legenda.
[Compte-rendu de] Vernacular Literary Theory from the French of Medieval England: Texts and Translations, c. 1120-c.1450, J. Wogan-Browne, Th. Fenster, and D.Russell (eds), Cambridge, Brewer, 2016
Critten Rory G., 2017. Anglia, 135 pp. 751-754.
Smell in the York Corpus Christi Plays
Critten Rory G., Kern-Stähler Annette, 2016. pp. 239-268 dans Kern-Stähler Annette, Busse Beatrix, de Boer Wietse (eds.) The Five Senses in Medieval and Early Modern England, Brill.
The Secrees of Old Philisoffres and John Lydgate's Posthumous Reputation
Critten Rory G., 2016. Journal of the Early Book Society 19 pp. 31-64. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] Scribal Correction and Literary Craft: English Manuscripts 1375-1510, by Daniel Wakelin, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014
Critten Rory G., 2015. Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 37 pp. 332-335.
Bourgeois Ethics Again: The Conduct Texts and the Romances in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Ashmole 61
Critten Rory G., 2015. Chaucer Review 50 pp. 108-33. Peer-reviewed.
Imagining the Author in Late Medieval England and France: The Transmission and Reception of Christine de Pizan’s Epistre au dieu d’Amours and Thomas Hoccleve’s Letter of Cupid
Critten Rory G., 2015. Studies in Philology 112 pp. 680-697. Peer-reviewed.
Practising French Conversation in Fifteenth-Century England
Critten Rory G., 2015. Modern Language Review 110 pp. 927-45. Peer-reviewed.
The King's Historiographer: John Capgrave, Austin Identity, and the Pursuit of Royal Patronage
Critten Rory G., 2015. Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 47 pp. 277-300. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] Medieval Autographies: The 'I' of the Text, by A. C. Spearing, Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 2012
Critten Rory G., 2014. Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 36 pp. 338-341.
The Political Valence of Charles d’Orléans’s English Poetry
Critten Rory G., 2014. Modern Philology 111 pp. 339-64. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] Stephen Partridge & Erik Kwakkel (eds.). Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice
Critten Rory G., 2013/01. Anglia, 131 pp. 365-70.
“Her heed they caste awry”: The Reception of Thomas Hoccleve’s Personal Poetry
Critten Rory G., 2013. Review of English Studies, 64 pp. 386-409. Peer-reviewed.
[Compte-rendu de] Charles d’Orléans: un lyrisme entre Moyen Âge et modernité, by Jean-Claude Mühlethaler
Critten Rory G., 2012. Fifteenth-Century Studies, 37 pp. 239-41.
[Compte-rendu de] Chrétien de Troyes in Prose: The Burgundian Erec and Cligés
Critten Rory G., 2012/01. Anglia, 130 pp. 308-310.
[Compte-rendu de] John Gower, Trilingual Poet: Language, Translation and Tradition. John Gower. Poems on Contemporary Events: The Visio Anglie (1381) and Cronica tripertita (1400)
Critten Rory G., 2012/01. Anglia, 130 pp. 168-171.
[Compte-rendu de] Poetry of Charles d'Orléans and His Circle: A Critical Edition of BnF MS fr. 25458, ed. John Fox & Mary-Jo Arn
Critten Rory G., 2011/12. Anglia, 129 pp. 500-504.
[Compte-rendu de] John Gower: Manuscripts, Readers, Contexts, ed. by Urban Malte
Critten Rory G., 2011. Parergon : bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 28 (2) pp. 267-268.
[Compte-rendu de] Lectures de Charles d'Orléans: Les Ballades, ed. by Denis Hüe
Critten Rory G., 2011. Parergon : bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies, 28 (2) pp. 203-205.
[Compte-rendu de] The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature 1100–1500, ed. Larry Scanlon
Critten Rory G., 2011/01. Anglia, 128 pp. 485-487.
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