Adar Hoffman

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 |
Social ties and social identification: Influences on well-being in young adults
Mehrpour Anahita, Hoffman Adar, Widmer Eric D., Staerklé Christian, 2024/06/21. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
The many faces of social connectedness and their impact on well-being
Hoffman Adar, Mehrpour Anahita, Staerklé Christian, 2023/01/14. dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves, Springer.
Loneliness during COVID-19: Development and influencing factors
Lampraki Charikleia, Hoffman Adar, Roquet Angèlique, Jopp Daniela, 2022/03/22. PLOS One. Peer-reviewed.
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