Farshid Sadeghipour

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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72 publications

Sous presse | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 1998 | 1997 |
Editorial commentary: is oral hydroquinidine a real alternative to intravenous quinidine for intubated patients in intensive care unit?
Feka A., Cumin M., Sadeghipour F. Trends in cardiovascular medicine. Peer-reviewed.
Management strategies of alteplase extravasation.
Fournier A., Riand M., Perrottet N., Sadeghipour F., Pujol E. Neurological sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating automated dispensing cabinets into the medication dispensing process: feedback from the practice in European hospitals.
Francois O., Hufschmid Thurnherr E., Blatrie C., Cousein E., Herranz A., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P. European journal of hospital pharmacy. Peer-reviewed.
When gravimetry is debated by sponsors of clinical studies.
Voidey A., Sommer I., Marino A., Carrez L., Sadeghipour F. European journal of hospital pharmacy. Peer-reviewed.
Study of leachable compounds in hospital pharmacy-compounded prefilled syringes, infusion bags and vials.
Bello W., Pezzatti J., Rudaz S., Sadeghipour F., 2024/11. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 113 (11) pp. 3227-3237. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing the applicability and appropriateness of ChatGPT in answering clinical pharmacy questions.
Fournier A., Fallet C., Sadeghipour F., Perrottet N., 2024/05. Annales pharmaceutiques francaises, 82 (3) pp. 507-513. Peer-reviewed.
Does the introduction of an infliximab biosimilar always result in savings for hospitals? A descriptive study using real-world data.
Krstic M., Devaud J.C., Sadeghipour F., Marti J., 2024/04/29. Health economics review, 14 (1) p. 31. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a generic sample preparation method using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the monitoring of leachable compounds in hospital pharmacy-prepared prefilled drug products.
Bello W., Pezzatti J., Rudaz S., Sadeghipour F., 2024/03/14. Analytical methods, 16 (11) pp. 1697-1707. Peer-reviewed.
Optimizing pharmaceutical management of clinical trials.
Farhat A., Voidey A., Sommer I., Carrez L., Sadeghipour F., 2024/03. Annales pharmaceutiques francaises, 82 (2) pp. 285-291. Peer-reviewed.
Development of a generic approach for monitoring leachable compounds in hospital pharmacy-prepared prefilled plastic packaging by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry with postcolumn infusion.
Bello W., Pezzatti J., Berger-Gryllaki M., Rudaz S., Sadeghipour F., 2023/11/30. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 236 p. 115640. Peer-reviewed.
Dry alginate beads for fecal microbiota transplantation: From model strains to fecal samples.
Rakotonirina A., Galperine T., Audry M., Kroemer M., Baliff A., Carrez L., Sadeghipour F., Schrenzel J., Guery B., Allémann E., 2023/05/25. International journal of pharmaceutics, 639 p. 122961. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the Reasons Behind the Substantial Discontinuation Rate Among Patients Taking CT-P13 in a Large Tertiary Hospital in Western Switzerland: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using Routinely Collected Medical Data.
Krstic M., Devaud J.C., Marti J., Sadeghipour F., 2022/09. Drugs - real world outcomes, 9 (3) pp. 425-436. Peer-reviewed.
Off-label use of psychotropic drugs in a Swiss paediatric service: similar results from two different cohort studies.
Feka A., Di Paolo E.R., Pauchard J.Y., Mariguesa A., Gehri M., Sadeghipour F., 2022/01/31. Swiss Medical Weekly, 152 pp. w30124. Peer-reviewed.
Pharmacists' considerations on non-medical switching at the hospital: a systematic review of the economic outcomes of cost-saving therapeutic drug classes.
Krstic M., Devaud J.A., Sadeghipour F., 2021/11. European journal of hospital pharmacy, 28 (Suppl 2) pp. e2-e7. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of the Interactive Web-Based Video "Mon Coeur, Mon BASIC" on Drug Adherence of Patients With Myocardial Infarction: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Bruggmann C., Adjedj J., Sardy S., Muller O., Voirol P., Sadeghipour F., 2021/08/30. Journal of medical Internet research, 23 (8) pp. e21938. Peer-reviewed.
Management of Atrial Fibrillation Following Cardiac Surgery: Observational Study and Development of a Standardized Protocol.
Bruggmann C., Astaneh M., Lu H., Tozzi P., Ltaief Z., Voirol P., Sadeghipour F., 2021/07. The Annals of pharmacotherapy, 55 (7) pp. 830-838. Peer-reviewed.
Transplantation de microbiote fécal : de l’évidence aux réalités du terrain [Fecal microbiota transplantation: from the evidence to the realty of the field]
Ballif A., Gerber S., Carrez L., Audry M., Sadeghipour F., Mitouassiwou A., Croxatto A., Opota O., Prod'hom G., Henchoz S. et al., 2021/04/14. Revue medicale suisse, 17 (734) pp. 726-731. Peer-reviewed.
Inhalation technique practical skills and knowledge among physicians and nurses in two pediatric emergency settings.
Spaggiari S., Gehri M., Di Benedetto L., Hafen G.M., Pauchard J.Y., Gervaix A., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Di Paolo E.R., 2021/02. The Journal of asthma, 58 (2) pp. 190-196. Peer-reviewed.
Parenteral Nutrition Process Management for Newborn and Preterm Infants - A Preliminary Risk Analysis.
Sommer I., Palmero D., Fischer Fumeaux C.J., Bonnabry P., Bouchoud L., Sadeghipour F., 2021. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 17 pp. 497-506. Peer-reviewed.
Quality and safety of parenteral nutrition for newborn and preterm infants as an on-ward preparation.
Sommer I., Bouchoud L., Berger-Gryllaki M., Bonnabry P., Sadeghipour F., 2020/09. European journal of hospital pharmacy, 27 (5) pp. 292-296. Peer-reviewed.
Adequacy of stress ulcer prophylaxis prescription in the intensive care unit: an observational study.
Franchitti M., Piubellini J., Sadeghipour F., Eckert P., Voirol P., Schneider A.G., 2020/08/24. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20322. Peer-reviewed.
Beta-blocker use and up-titration after acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a cohort study.
Bruggmann C., Fournier S., Panchaud A., Muller O., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., 2020/08/10. Swiss medical weekly, 150 pp. w20321. Peer-reviewed.
Stability of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in Standardized Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition and Evaluation of N,N-Diacetylcystine (DAC) Formation.
Sommer I., Schwebel H., Adamo V., Bonnabry P., Bouchoud L., Sadeghipour F., 2020/06/21. Nutrients, 12 (6) p. 1849. Peer-reviewed.
Long-Term Quality of Prescription for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Patients: A Real World 1-Year Follow-Up Study.
Bruggmann C., Iglesias J.F., Gex-Fabry M., Fesselet R., Vogt P., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., 2020/02. American journal of cardiovascular drugs, 20 (1) pp. 105-115. Peer-reviewed.
Incident reports versus direct observation to identify medication errors and risk factors in hospitalised newborns.
Palmero D., Di Paolo E.R., Stadelmann C., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Tolsa J.F., 2019. European Journal of Pediatrics, 178 (2) pp. 259-266. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to Sorooshian and Snow, "Is Alternate-Day Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit Not Intensive Enough?"
Fournier A., Eggimann P., Pantet O., Pagani J.L., Dupuis-Lozeron E., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., Que Y.A., 2018/10. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 62 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Amoxicillin-Treated Burn Patients Hospitalized at a Swiss Tertiary-Care Center.
Fournier A., Goutelle S., Que Y.A., Eggimann P., Pantet O., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., Csajka C., 2018/09. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 62 (9) pp. e00505-18. Peer-reviewed.
Description and analysis of hospital pharmacies in Madagascar
Ratsimbazafimahefa H.R., Sadeghipour F., Trouiller P., Pannatier A., Allenet B., 2018/05. Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises, 76 (3) pp. 218-227.
Impact of Real-Time Therapeutic Drug Monitoring on the Prescription of Antibiotics in Burn Patients Requiring Admission to the Intensive Care Unit.
Fournier A., Eggimann P., Pantet O., Pagani J.L., Dupuis-Lozeron E., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., Que Y.A., 2018/03. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 62 (3) pp. e01818-17 . Peer-reviewed.
Medication reconciliation in a Swiss hospital: methods, benefits and pitfalls.
Nachar C., Lamy O., Sadeghipour F., Garnier A., Voirol P., 2018/01/30. European journal of hospital pharmacy, 26 (3) pp. 129-134. Peer-reviewed.
Stability of prostaglandin E1 solutions stored in polypropylene syringes for continuous intravenous administration to newborns
Palmero D., Chavan E., Berger-Gryllaki M., Tolsa J.F., Di Paolo E.R., Pannatier A., Henry H., Sadeghipour F., 2018. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 25 pp. e109-114.
Pharmacist intervention acceptance for the reduction of potentially inappropriate drug prescribing in acute psychiatry.
Hannou S., Voirol P., Pannatier A., Weibel M.L., Sadeghipour F., von Gunten A., Mall J.F., De Giorgi Salamun I., 2017/12. International journal of clinical pharmacy, 39 (6) pp. 1228-1236. Peer-reviewed.
An exploratory study on the use of traditional, complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM) by cancer patients
Fleury Mapi, peters solange, beck maja, sadeghipour farshid, 2017/04. dans Abstracts of the MASCC/ISOO 2017 Annual Meeting. Peer-reviewed.
Does the type of parenteral lipids matter? A clinical hint in critical illness.
Devaud J.C., Berger M.M., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Voirol P., 2017/04. Clinical nutrition, 36 (2) pp. 491-496. Peer-reviewed.
Staphylococcus aureus carriage at admission predicts early-onset pneumonia after burn trauma.
Fournier A., Voirol P., Krähenbühl M., Bonnemain C.L., Fournier C., Dupuis-Lozeron E., Pantet O., Pagani J.L., Revelly J.P., Sadeghipour F. et al., 2017/04. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology, 36 (3) pp. 523-528. Peer-reviewed.
PS-096 METHADONE and LEVOMETHADONE: risks and costs analyses
Pittet N, De Giorgi Salamun I, Simon O, Hachaichi M, Bergeron E, Allaz M, Wildhaber A, Besson J, Sadeghipour F, 2017/03., 22nd EAHP Congress 22–24 March 2017 pp. A269-A270 dans Patient safety and risk management, British Medical Journal Publishing Group.
Reliability of chemotherapy preparation processes: Evaluating independent double-checking and computer-assisted gravimetric control.
Carrez L., Bouchoud L., Fleury-Souverain S., Combescure C., Falaschi L., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2017/03. Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners, 23 (2) pp. 83-92. Peer-reviewed.
La préparation centralisée des médicaments injectables
Bonnabry P., Stucki C., Fleury-Souverain S., Sadeghipour F., 2017. Le moniteur hospitalier, 237 pp. 19-29.
Antibiotic consumption to detect epidemics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a burn centre: A paradigm shift in the epidemiological surveillance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa nosocomial infections.
Fournier A., Voirol P., Krähenbühl M., Bonnemain C.L., Fournier C., Pantet O., Pagani J.L., Revelly J.P., Dupuis-Lozeron E., Sadeghipour F. et al., 2016/05. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 42 (3) pp. 564-570. Peer-reviewed.
Visual compatibility of insulin aspart with intravenous drugs frequently used in ICU:
Voirol Pierre, Berger-Gryllaki Markoulina, Pannatier André, Eggimann Philippe, Sadeghipour Farshid, 2015/03. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 22 (2) pp. 123-124.
Antibiotics' consumption to early detect epidemics of P. aeruginosa in a burn center: a paradigm shift in the epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infections
Fournier A, Eggimann P, Pantet O, Krähenbühl M, Bonnemain C-L, Fournier C, Pagani J-L, Revelly J-P, Dupuis-Lozeron E, Sadeghipour F et al., 2015. pp. P232 dans 3rd International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC 2015), Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of chemical contamination of surfaces during the preparation of chemotherapies in 24 hospital pharmacies
Fleury-Souverain Sandrine, Mattiuzzo Marc, Mehl Florence, Nussbaumer Susanne, Bouchoud Lucie, Falaschi Ludivine, Gex-Fabry Marianne, Rudaz Serge, Sadeghipour Farshid, Bonnabry Pascal, 2015. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 22 (6) pp. 333-341.
Stop using the flotation technique and start weighing salbutamol pressurised metered-dose inhalers without dose counters.
Di Paolo E.R., Spaggiari S., Pannatier A., Sadeghipour F., Rochat I., Hafen G.M., 2015. Swiss Medical Weekly, 145 pp. w14162. Peer-reviewed.
Development of ready-to-use cefuroxime syringes for use in ophthalmology
Fleury-Souverain Sandrine, Sadeghipour Farshid, Bonnabry Pascal, 2014/02. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 21 (1) pp. 34-38.
Discharge plan for patient with heart failure: it is worth to have a clinical pharmacist in the team
Nachar C., Voirol P., Sadeghipour F., Lamy O., Garnier A., 2014. dans European and Swiss congress of Internal Medicine 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of a once-a-week set up for an automated compounder device for parenteral nutrition solutions
Bouchoud Lucie, Sadeghipour Farshid, Fleury-Souverain Sandrine, Bonnabry Pascal, 2013/08. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 20 (4) pp. 236-240.
Chemical contamination during the preparation of cytotoxics: Validation protocol for operators in hospital pharmacies
Sadeghipour F, Lorenzini K Ing, Ziewitz C, Dobrinas M, Fleury M, Bonnabry P, 2013/03. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 19 (1) pp. 57-64. Peer-reviewed.
Remplissage semi-automatique des seringues prêtes-à-l'emploi
Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P, 2013. Le moniteur hospitalier, 11 (260) pp. 14-17.
Wipe sampling procedure coupled to LC-MS/MS analysis for the simultaneous determination of 10 cytotoxic drugs on different surfaces.
Nussbaumer S., Geiser L., Sadeghipour F., Hochstrasser D., Bonnabry P., Veuthey J.L., Fleury-Souverain S., 2012. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402 (8) pp. 2499-2509.
The stability of soluble insulin in plastic syringes
Fleury-Souverain S., Sigrist T., Griffiths W., Ing H., Matthey B., Sadeghipour. F., Bonnabry P., 2011. EJHP Science, 17 (1) pp. 3-6.
Long-term physico-chemical stability of standard parenteral nutritions for neonates
Bouchoud Lucie, Sadeghipour Farshid, Klingmüller Martin, Fonzo-Christe Caroline, Bonnabry Pascal, 2010/12. Clinical Nutrition, 29 (6) pp. 808-812.
Simultaneous quantification of ten cytotoxic drugs by a validated LC–ESI–MS/MS method
Nussbaumer Susanne, Fleury-Souverain Sandrine, Antinori Paola, Sadeghipour Farshid, Hochstrasser Denis F., Bonnabry Pascal, Veuthey Jean-Luc, Geiser Laurent, 2010/12. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 398 (7-8) pp. 3033-3042.
Maximizing Calcium and Phosphate Content in Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition Solutions Using Organic Calcium and Phosphate Salts
Bouchoud Lucie, Fonzo-Christe Caroline, Sadeghipour Farshid, Bonnabry Pascal, 2010/09. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 34 (5) pp. 542-545.
How standardised are paeditric parenteral nutrition formulations in Europe?
Bouchoud L., Fonzo-Christe C., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2010. EJHP Science, 16 (1) pp. 1-4.
Évaluation de tubulures courtes à connecter aux poches de chimiothérapies
Zaugg C., Ackermann M., Ziewitz C., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2009/06. Le Pharmacien Hospitalier, 44 (2) pp. 64-69.
The stability of ready-to-use (RTU) ketamine hydrochloride in polypropylene syringes for analgesia
Stucki C., Fleury-Souverain S., Sautter AM, Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2008. EJHP Science, 14 pp. 14-18.
Off-Label Antibiotic Preparation
Dobrinas Maria, Fleury-Souverain Sandrine, Bonnabry Pascal, Sadeghipour Farshid, 2007/11. Ophthalmology, 114 (11) pp. 2095-2095.e1.
The reliability of operators when visually inspecting parenteral drugs
Sadeghipour F., Bugmann A., Herrera V., Bonnabry P., 2007. EJHP Practice Journal, 13 pp. 41-45.
Use of a prospective risk analysis method to improve the safety of the cancer chemotherapy process
Bonnabry Pascal, Cingria Laurence, Ackermann Monique, Sadeghipour Farshid, Bigler Lucienne, Mach Nicolas, 2006/02/01. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 18 (1) pp. 9-16.
Chemical stability and microbiological potency of intravenous vancomycin hydrochloride in polypropylene syringes for use in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Griffiths W., Favet J., Ing H., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2006. EJHP Science, 12 pp. 135-139.
Sterility validity period of vials after multiple sampling under vertical laminar airflow hood
De Giorgi I, Sadeghipour F, Favet J, Bonnabry P, 2005/06. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 11 (2) pp. 57-62.
Use of a systematic risk analysis method to improve safety in the production of paediatric parenteral nutrition solutions
Bonnabry P, 2005/04/01. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14 (2) pp. 93-98.
The stability of ready-to-use (RTU) ephedrine hydrochloride in polypropylene syringes for use in maternal hypotension
Griffiths W., Ing H., Fleury-Souverain S., Kern C., Matthey B., Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2005. EJHP Science, 11 (5) pp. 107-110.
Quality assurance for Aseptic Production
Sadeghipour F., Bonnabry P., 2004. Hospital Pharmacy Europe, 22 (Nov/Dec) pp. 63-64.
Automated on-line dialysis and liquid chromatography of methylenedioxylated amphetamines in plasma and serum samples.
Sadeghipour F., Veuthey J.L., 1998/08. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 17 (4-5) pp. 801-810. Peer-reviewed.
Enantiomeric separation of four methylenedioxylated amphetamines on β-cyclodextrin chiral stationary phases
Sadeghipour F., Veuthey J. -L., 1998/03. Chromatographia, 47 (5-6) pp. 285-290.
2C-B: a new psychoactive phenylethylamine recently discovered in Ecstasy tablets sold on the Swiss black market.
Giroud C., Augsburger M., Rivier L., Mangin P., Sadeghipour F., Varesio E., Veuthey J.L., Kamalaprija P., 1998. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 22 (5) pp. 345-354. Peer-reviewed.
Sensitive and selective determination of methylenedioxylated amphetamines by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection.
Sadeghipour F., Veuthey J.L., 1997/11/07. Journal of chromatography. A, 787 (1-2) pp. 137-143. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis of amphetamines by capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography: Application to drug seizures and cross-validation
Sadeghipour F., Varesio E., Giroud C., Rivier L., Veuthey J. L., 1997. Forensic Science International, 86 (1-2) pp. 1-13. Peer-reviewed.
Ecstasy--la situation en Suisse romande. Composition des saisies, analyse des échantillons biologiques et brève revue de son action pharmacologique et de sa toxicité [Ecstasy--the status in French-speaking Switzerland. Composition of seized drugs, analysis of biological specimens and short review of its pharmacological action and toxicity]
Giroud C., Augsburger M., Sadeghipour F., Varesio E., Veuthey J.L., Rivier L., 1997. Praxis, 86 (13) pp. 510-523.
Ecstays et "raves" en Suisse Romande
Giroud C., Augsburger M., Sadeghipour F., Varesio E., Veuthey J. L., Rivier L., Mangin P, 1997. Toxicorama, 9 pp. 113-122.
Rapid determination of amphetamines by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection
Sadeghipour F., Giroud C., Rivier L., Veuthey J. L., 1997. Journal of Chromatography A, 761 (1-2) pp. 71-78. Peer-reviewed.
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