Mauro Cherubini

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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58 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2003 |
On the potential of supporting autonomy in online video interview training platforms
Rao Pooja S.B., Renier Laetitia, Boldi Marc-Olivier, Mast Marianne Schmid, Jayagopi Dinesh Babu, Cherubini Mauro, 2024/11. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 191 p. 103326.
Digital, Analog, or Hybrid: Comparing Strategies to Support Self-Reflection
Arnéra James, Chan Chun Hei Michael, Cherubini Mauro, 2024/07. dans Designing Interactive Systems Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Participatory Design to Address Disclosure-Based Cyberbullying
Aliyu Sadiq, Khan Sushmita, N. Mbodj Amina, Osho Oluwafemi, Li Lingyuan, Knijnenburg Bart, Cherubini Mauro, 2024/07/01. Designing Interactive Systems Conference. Peer-reviewed.
Know their Customers: An Empirical Study of Online Account Enumeration Attacks
Maceiras Maël, Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Bernard Gaël, Garbinato Benoit, Cherubini Mauro, Humbert Mathias, Huguenin Kévin, 2024/06. ACM Transactions on the Web, 18 (3) pp. 37:1-37:36. Peer-reviewed.
Security and Privacy with Second-Hand Storage Devices: A User-Centric Perspective from Switzerland
Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Korka Diana, Jacquemin Quentin, Vanini Céline, Humbert Mathias, Cherubini Mauro, Métille Sylvain, Huguenin Kévin, 2024/04. Proc. of the Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2024 (2) pp. 412–433. Peer-reviewed.
Wearable Activity Trackers: A Survey on Utility, Privacy, and Security
Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Velykoivanenko Lev, Zufferey Noé, Cherubini Mauro, Huguenin Kévin, Humbert Mathias, 2024/04. ACM Computing Surveys, 56 (7) pp. 183:1-183:40. Peer-reviewed.
Exploring the Impact of Commercial Wearable Activity Trackers on Body Awareness and Body Representations: A Mixed-Methods Study on Self-tracking
Boldi Arianna, Silacci Alessandro, Boldi Marc-Olivier, Cherubini Mauro, Caon Maurizio, Zufferey Noé, Huguenin Kévin, Rapp Amon, 2024/02. Computers in Human Behavior, 151 p. 21. Peer-reviewed.
Supporting Co-Regulation and Motivation in Learning Programming in Online Classrooms
Lahari Goswami, Alexandre Senges, Thibault Estier, Mauro Cherubini, 2023/10/14. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) / ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 7 (CSCW2) pp. 298:1-298:29. Peer-reviewed.
Supporting Collaboration in Introductory Programming Classes Taught in Hybrid Mode: A Participatory Design Study
Goswami Lahari, Zeinoddin Pegah Sadat, Estier Thibault, Cherubini Mauro, 2023/07/10., Designing Interactive Systems Conference dans Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23). Peer-reviewed, ACM.
On the Role and Form of Personal Information Disclosure in Cyberbullying Incidents
Aliyu Sadiq, Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Huguenin Kévin, Cherubini Mauro, 2023/07. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2023 (4) pp. 468–483. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in Research Ethics, Openness, and Transparency in Empirical Studies between CHI 2017 and CHI 2022
Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Goswami Lahari, S. B. Rao Pooja, Tyler James, Silacci Alessandro, Aliyu Sadiq, Aebli Annika, Wacharamanotham Chat, Cherubini Mauro, 2023/04/23., CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems dans In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'23). Peer-reviewed, ACM.
Revisiting the Design Agenda for Privacy Notices and Security Warnings
Korka Diana, Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Cherubini Mauro, 2023/04/18., Department of Information Systems.
On the Potential of Mediation Chatbots for Mitigating Multiparty Privacy Conflicts - A Wizard-of-Oz Study
Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Korka Diana, Harkous Hamza, Huguenin Kévin, Cherubini Mauro, 2023/04. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) / ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 7 (CSCW1) pp. 142:1-142:33. Peer-reviewed.
Self-regulation and Autonomy in the Job Search: Key Factors to Support Job Search Among Swiss Job Seekers
Dillahunt Tawanna R, Siqueira Rodrigues Lucas, Chiao-Yin Hsiao Joey, Cherubini Mauro, 2022/09. Interacting with Computers. Peer-reviewed.
KGP Meter: Communicating Kin Genomic Privacy to the Masses
Humbert Mathias, Dupertuis Didier, Cherubini Mauro, Huguenin Kévin, 2022/06. dans Proceedings of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Are Those Steps Worth Your Privacy? Fitness-Tracker Users' Perceptions of Privacy and Utility
Velykoivanenko Lev, Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Zufferey Noé, Humbert Mathias, Huguenin Kévin, Cherubini Mauro, 2021/12. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)} / ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 5 (4) pp. 181:1-181:41. Peer-reviewed.
Informed Choices, Progress Monitoring and Comparison with Peers: Features to Support the Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness Needs, as Suggested by the Self-Determination Theory
Villalobos-Zúñiga Gabriela, Rodríguez Iyubanit, Fedosov Anton, Cherubini Mauro, 2021/09/27. dans Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction.
Elucidating Skills for Job Seekers: Insights and Critical Concerns from a Field Deployment in Switzerland
Cherubini Mauro, Lu Alex Jiahong, Hsiao Joey Chiao-Yin, Zhao Muhan, Aggarwal Anandita, Dillahunt Tawanna R, 2021/06/28. Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021. Peer-reviewed.
“I thought you were okay”: Participatory Design with Young Adults to Fight Multiparty Privacy Conflicts in Online Social Networks
Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Anthoine-Milhomme Evanne, Randin Samuel, Huguenin Kévin, Cherubini Mauro, 2021/06. dans Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS). Peer-reviewed, ACM.
When Forcing Collaboration is the Most Sensible Choice: Desirability of Precautionary and Dissuasive Mechanisms to Manage Multiparty Privacy Conflicts
Cherubini Mauro, Salehzadeh Niksirat Kavous, Boldi Marc-Olivier, Keopraseuth Henri, Such Jose M., Huguenin Kévin, 2021/04. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) / ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 5 (CSCW1) pp. 53:1-53:36. Peer-reviewed.
A Study on the Use of Checksums for Integrity Verification of Web Downloads
Meylan Alexandre, Cherubini Mauro, Chapuis Bertil, Humbert Mathias, Bilogrevic Igor, Huguenin Kévin, 2020/09. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 4 (1) pp. 4:1-4:36. Peer-reviewed.
Inattentive, imprudent and inapt: discovering inadequacies of ICT during life-changing events through the lens of non-users
Cherubini Mauro, Reut Luca, Tyler James, Ortlieb Martin, 2020/06/03. Behaviour & Information Technology pp. 1-28. Peer-reviewed.
How to share and utilise expertise in a police forensic department through externalisation and mutualisation
Erne Emmanuelle, Cherubini Mauro, Delémont Olivier, 2020/05. Science & Justice, 60 (3) pp. 225-233. Peer-reviewed.
An Empirical Study of the Use of Integrity Verification Mechanisms for Web Subresources
Chapuis Bertil, Omolola Olamide, Cherubini Mauro, Humbert Mathias, Huguenin Kévin, 2020/04. pp. 34-45 dans Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW). Peer-reviewed, ACM.
Apps That Motivate: a Taxonomy of App Features Based on Self-Determination Theory
Villalobos-Zúñiga Gabriela, Cherubini Mauro, 2020/04. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 140 (August 2020) p. 102449. Peer-reviewed.
The Unexpected Downside of Paying or Sending Messages to People to Make Them Walk : Comparing Tangible Rewards and Motivational Messages to Improve Physical Activity
Cherubini Mauro, Villalobos-Zuñiga Gabriela, Boldi Marc-Olivier, Bonazzi Riccardo, 2020/03/20. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 27 (2) pp. 1-44. Peer-reviewed.
Towards Usable Checksums: Automating the Integrity Verification of Web Downloads for the Masses
Cherubini M., Meylan A., Chapuis B., Humbert M., Bilogrevic I., Huguenin K., 2018/10. pp. 1256-1271 dans Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS). Peer-reviewed, ACM.
To Call or to Recall? That's the Research Question
Carrascal J. P., De Oliveira R., Cherubini M., 2015/03/04. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 22 (1) pp. 1-30. Peer-reviewed.
A large-scale study of daily information needs captured in situ
Church K., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2014/02/01. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 21 (2) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Methodological and ethical implications of testing alternative designs for technologies supporting democratic processes
Cherubini M., 2014. pp. 85-87 dans Bertelsen O. W. , Bødker S., de Cindio F., Pipek V. (eds.) Proceedings of the COOP 2014 Workshop on Collaborative Technologies in Democratic Processes, International Reports on Socio-Informatics (IRSI).
Influence of personality on satisfaction with mobile phone services
De Oliveira R., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2013/05/01. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 20 (2) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
Your browsing behavior for a big mac: economics of personal information online
Carrascal J. P., Riederer C., Erramili V., Cherubini M., De Oliveira R., 2013. pp. 189-199 dans Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on the World Wide Web (WWW'13).
A note paper on note-taking: understanding annotations of mobile phone calls
Carrascal J. P., De Oliveira R., Cherubini M., 2012. pp. 21-24 dans Proceedings of the 14th international conference on human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI'12).
Barriers and bridges in the adoption of today's mobile phone contextual services
Cherubini M., De Oliveira R., Hiltunen A., Oliver N., 2011. pp. 167-176 dans Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI '11, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Understanding mobile information needs on a large-scale : tools, experiences and challenges
Church K., Cherubini M., Neumann J., Oliver N., 2011. pp. 1-4 dans Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Research in the large - LARGE '11, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
This is it!: Indicating and Looking in Collaborative Work at Distance
Cherubini M. , Nuessli M.-A., Dillenbourg P. , 2010/12. Journal of eye movement research, 3 (5) pp. 1-20. Peer-reviewed.
Looking at near-duplicate videos from a human-centric perspective
De Oliveira R., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2010/08/01. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 6 (3) pp. 111-133. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating Mobile User Experience In-The-Wild: Prototypes, Playgrounds and Contextual Experience Sampling
Church K., Cherubini M., 2010. pp. 29-32 dans Proceedings of the Workshop on Research in the Large: Using App Stores, Markets and other Wide Distribution Channels in Ubiquitous Computing Research, part of UbiComp '10.
Exploring persuasive techniques for medication compliance
de Oliveira R. , Cherubini M., Oliver N. , 2010. pp. 133-136 dans Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH'10).
Exploring social networks as an infrastructure for transportation networks
Cherubini M. , Zhu M. , Oliver N. , Cebrian M. , 2010. dans Proceedings of the International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci '10).
MoviPill : improving medication compliance for elders using a mobile persuasive social game
De Oliveira R., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2010. pp. 251-260 dans Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Ubiquitous computing - UbiComp '10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Social tagging revamped : supporting the users' need of self-promotion through persuasive techniques
Cherubini M., Gutierrez A., de Oliveira R., Oliver N., 2010. pp. 985-994 dans Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
SocialSearchBrowser : a novel mobile search and information discovery tool
Church K., Neumann J., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2010. pp. 101-110 dans Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
The "Map Trap"? : an evaluation of map versus text-based interfaces for location-based mobile search services
Church K., Neumann J., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2010. pp. 261-270 dans Proceedings of the 19th international conference on world wide web - WWW '10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Human Perception of Near-Duplicate Videos
de Oliveira R., Cherubini M., Oliver N., 2009. pp. 21-24 dans Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2009, Springer Science + Business Media.
Shopping uncertainties in a mobile and social context
Cherubini M. , de Oliveira R., Oliver N. , 2009. dans Late Breaking Results category of PERVASIVE'09.
Text versus speech : a comparison of tagging input modalities for camera phones
Cherubini M., Anguera X., Oliver N., de Oliveira R., 2009. dans Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI '09, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Understanding near-duplicate videos : a user-centric approach
Cherubini M., de Oliveira R., Oliver N., 2009. pp. 35-44 dans Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '09, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Why Would Furniture Be Relevant for Collaborative Learning?
Huang J., Cherubini M., Nova N., Dillenbourg P., 2009. pp. 1-13 dans Interactive Artifacts and Furniture Supporting Collaborative Work and Learning chap. 1, Springer Science + Business Media.
The DigitalSeed: an interactive toy for investigating plants
Cherubini M., Gash H., McCloughlin T. J. J., 2008/06. Journal of Biological Education, 42 (3) pp. 123-129. Peer-reviewed.
Deixis and gaze in collaborative work at a distance (over a shared map) : a computational model to detect misunderstandings
Cherubini M., Nuessli M.-A., Dillenbourg P., 2008. pp. 173-180 dans Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications - ETRA '08, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Multimodal and mobile personal image retrieval: A user study
Anguera X., Oliver N., Cherubini M., 2008. pp. 17–23 dans Prooceeding of the International Workshop on Mobile Information Retrieval (MobIR’08).
Building an Ecologically valid, Large-scale Diagram to Help Developers Stay Oriented in Their Code
Cherubini M., Venolia G., DeLine R., 2007/09. pp. 157-162 dans IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2007), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Let's go to the whiteboard : how and why software developers use drawings
Cherubini M., Venolia G., DeLine R., Ko A. J., 2007. pp. 557-566 dans Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '07, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
The effects of explicit referencing in distance problem solving over shared maps
Cherubini M., Dillenbourg P., 2007. pp. 331-340 dans Proceedings of the 2007 international ACM conference on Conference on supporting group work - GROUP '07, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Ubiquitous collaborative annotations of mobile maps: how and why people might want to share geographical notes
Cherubini M. , Hong F. , Dillenbourg P. , Girardin F. , 2007. pp. NA dans Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems (IWCES'07).
Grounding is not shared understanding : distinguishing grounding at an utterance and knowledge level
Cherubini M. , van der Pol J. , 2005. pp. NA dans CONTEXT'05, the Fifth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context.
Biosphera: A Prototype Design for Learning about Multivariate Systems
Winters N., Cherubini M., Strohecker C., 2003. dans CHI 2003 International workshop Designing for Learning proceedings.
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