Lorena Molnar - ARCHIVE

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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47 publications

Adventures in Sex Work: A Pracademic's Perspective in Switzerland.
Molnar Lorena dans Handbook of Sensitive Research in the Social Sciences, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
What Works to Reduce Sex Workers' Risk of Crime Victimization? A Scoping Review
Molnar Lorena, Chopin Julien, 2025/01/23. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work pp. 1-19. Peer-reviewed.
Les violences subies par des travailleuses du sexe en Suisse: Une étude exploratoire.
Molnar Lorena, Mc Guinness Elizabeth, Merz Géraldine, Miria Schmidhauser Nathalie, 2024/11/14. Association ProCore.
Probation and Prisons in Europe, 2023: Key Findings of the SPACE reports
Aebi Marcelo F, Molnar Lorena, Cocco Edoardo, 2024/06/25., Council of Europe and University of Lausanne..
SPACE II – 2023 – Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics: Persons under the supervision of probation agencies.
Aebi Marcelo F, Molnar Lorena, 2024/06/15., Council of Europe & University of Lausanne.
Expériences en lien avec le harcèlement entre pairs: Une étude de cas à Espace Jeunes. Rapport de recherche
Molnar Lorena, Edoardo Cocco, Marcelo F. Aebi, 2024/06/11., Université de Lausanne.
Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Findings, and Policy Implications of Research on Femicide Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Beyond a Special Issue Introduction
Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2024/05. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 40 (2) pp. 236-246.
Towards a multifactorial framework of the Roma’s victimisation: Discrimination, risky situations, and acceptance of violence as correlates of physical assault and harassment
Lorena Molnar, Julien Chopin, Yuji Z Hashimoto, Alexander T Vazsonyi, 2024/02/29. International Review of Victimology.
Fieldwork Experiences in Criminology and Security Studies: Methods, Ethics, and Emotions
Diaz-Fernandez Antonio, Del-Real Cristina, Molnar Lorena (eds.), 2023/12/20., Springer Nature.
Le potentiel de prévention des violences dans le travail du sexe en Suisse
Molnar Lorena, 2023/11/06. NKrim – Neue Zeitschrift für Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik NKrim . Peer-reviewed.
La durée des évènements traumatiques et la polyvictimisation durant l'enfance sont-ils associés au développement de facteurs de risques chez les agresseurs sexuels ? : Une approche multidimensionnelle de victimologie développementale
Chopin Julien, Beauregard Eric, Molnar Lorena, 2023/09/08. Criminologie, Forensique et Sécurité, 1 (1).
Antifa's Political Violence on Twitter: a Grounded Theory Approach
Jaccoud Lachlan, Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2023/08/12. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Peer-reviewed.
Prisons and Prisoners in Europe 2022: Key Findings of the SPACE I report
Aebi Marcelo F., Cocco Edoardo, Molnar Lorena, 2023/06/27., Council of Europe.
SPACE I - 2022– Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics: Prison populations.
Aebi Marcelo F., Cocco Edoardo, Molnar Lorena, 2023/06/27., Council of Europe.
Trapped Within Borders: Exploitation of Migrant Seasonal Workers in German Agriculture During COVID-19 Lockdown; Placing the Actors and Understanding Their Roles
Molnar Lorena, 2023/03/28. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 7 (3) pp. 313-333. Peer-reviewed.
Risky business: voluntary sex workers as suitable victims of work-related crimes in a legalised prostitution environment
Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2023/02/21. Crime Prevention and Community Safety.
Old crimes reported in new bottles: the disclosure of child sexual abuse on Twitter through the case #MeTooInceste
Jesús C. Aguerri, Lorena Molnar, Fernando Miró-Llinares, 2023/02/01. Social Network Analysis and Mining.
Unraveling the Sexual Victimization of Sex Workers: A Latent Class Analysis Through the Lens of Environmental Criminology
Miin Miin Chai April, Chopin Julien, Molnar Lorena, Beauregard Eric, 2023/01/24. Crime & Delinquency p. 001112872311515. Peer-reviewed.
Conclusions: Deciphering the Unspoken: A Collective Examination of Sensitive Fieldwork Experiences in Criminology and Security Studies
M. Díaz-Fernández Antonio, Del-Real Cristina, Molnar Lorena, 2023. pp. 609-635 dans Fieldwork Experiences in Criminology and Security Studies, Springer International Publishing.
Conducting Criminological Practitioner Research with Sex Workers in Switzerland
Molnar Lorena, 2023. pp. 157-172 dans Fieldwork Experiences in Criminology and Security Studies, Springer International Publishing.
Researching the Roma in Criminology and Legal Studies: Experiences from Urban and Rural Participant Observation, Interviews, and Surveys
Molnar Lorena, Vallés Marc H., 2023. pp. 189-204 dans Fieldwork Experiences in Criminology and Security Studies, Springer International Publishing.
Experiences of sex workers in times of pandemic: from lawful to risk-producing environments in Switzerland
Ros Jenny, Molnar Lorena, 2022/07/06. International Journal of Gender, Sexuality and Law. Peer-reviewed.
Convergence of Traditional and Online Property Crime Victimization in a City with Little Offline Crime
Milani Riccardo, Molnar Lorena, Caneppele Stefano, Aebi Marcelo F., 2022/06/24. Victims & Offenders pp. 1-18. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring cybercrime in Europe: The role of crime statistics and victimisation surveys. Proceedings of a conference organized by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union, 29-30 October 2020.
Aebi Marcelo, Caneppele Stefano, Molnar Lorena, 2022/06/21., Eleven.
Alone against the danger: a study of the routine precautions taken by voluntary sex workers to avoid victimisation
Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2022/06/15. Crime Science, 11 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Contra todo pronóstico, el femicidio no aumentó durante el primer año de la pandemia de COVID-19: Evidencia empírica de Argentina, Chile, España, México, Panamá y Paraguay
Aebi Marcelo F., Molnar Lorena, Baquerizas Francisca, 2022/04/27. La Ley (Thomson Reuters. Argentina), 86 (98) pp. 1-9. Peer-reviewed.
SPACE I - 2021 – Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics: Prison populations.
Aebi Marcelo F., Cocco Edoardo, Molnar Lorena, Tiago Mélanie M., 2022/04/19., Council of Europe.
Homelessness during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Exploratory Study in Switzerland
Molnar Lorena, Hashimoto Yuji Z., 2022/04/06. Deviant Behavior pp. 1-16. Peer-reviewed.
Prisons and Prisoners in Europe 2021: Key Findings of the SPACE I report
Aebi Marcelo F., Cocco Edoardo, Molnar Lorena, Tiago Mélanie M., 2022/04/06., Council of Europe.
Lost in Paradise? The perception of security among immigrant communities in Switzerland and its correlates
Milani Riccardo, Molnar Lorena, Caneppele Stefano, 2022/03/26. Crime Prevention and Community Safety. Peer-reviewed.
SDF pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Étude exploratoire en Suisse Romande: Rapport des résultats principaux
Molnar Lorena, Z. Hashimoto Yuji, 2022/02/09., Series UNILCRIM, (2) 2022.
Sex Workers' Work-Related Victimisation and Drug Use During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Switzerland
Molnar Lorena, Ros Jenny, 2022/02/08. International Criminology. Peer-reviewed.
Discrimination and victimisation of minorities in Spain: The research potential of the EU-MIDIS project
Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2021/11/25. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, 19 (2) pp. 1-27. Peer-reviewed.
Previst Project: The passage from the “object paradigm” to the “choice paradigm”. A Swiss campaign within the general population for crime prevention in sex work.
Molnar Lorena, 2021/11/24. pp. 130-136 dans Forjando nuevos caminos: Investigaciones noveles en Criminología, Tirant lo Blanch.
Against All Odds, Femicide Did Not Increase During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Six Spanish-Speaking Countries.
Aebi M.F., Molnar L., Baquerizas F., 2021/11. Journal of contemporary criminal justice, 37 (4) pp. 615-644. Peer-reviewed.
Key Findings of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021 (6th ed.)
Aebi Marcelo F., Caneppele Stefano, Hashimoto Yuji Z., Jehle Jörg-Martin, Khan Tara S., Kühn Olivia, Lewis Chris, Molnar Lorena, Smit Paul, Þórisdóttir Rannveig et al., 2021/11/01., Series UNILCRIM, (4) 2021.
The Imperative Need for Criminological Research on the European Roma: A Narrative Review
Lorena Molnar, 2021/10/08. Trauma, violence, & abuse. Peer-reviewed.
Victimisation et délinquance des jeunes Roms roumains en Suisse : Une étude exploratoire de terrain.
Molnar Lorena, Aebi Marcelo F., 2021/05/05. Criminologie, 54 (1) pp. 251–277. Peer-reviewed.
The Law of the Jungle. The Online Hate-speech against the Roma in Romania
Molnar Lorena, 2021/03/15. Victims & Offenders pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021
Aebi Marcelo F., Caneppele Stefano, Hashimoto Yuji Z., Jehle Jörg-Martin, Khan Tara S., Kühn Olivia, Lewis Chris, Molnar Lorena, Þórisdóttir Rannveig, Smit Paul et al., 2021., 6e édition Series UNILCRIM, (1)2021, Series UNILCRIM (1)2021.
European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics – 2021 : Sixth Edition
Aebi Marcelo F., Caneppele Stefano, Harrendorf Stefan, Hashimoto Yuji Z., Jehle Jörg-Martin, Khan Tara S., Kühn Olivia, Lewis Chris, Molnar Lorena, Smit Paul et al., 2021., Göttingen University Press.
La consommation de produits psychoactifs et de médicaments chez les personnes travailleuses du sexe dans le canton de Vaud (Suisse). Une étude exploratoire.
Molnar Lorena, Biscontin Guido, Pongelli Silvia, 2021. Revue Internationale de Criminologie et Police Technique et Scientifique, 74 (1) pp. 23-41. Peer-reviewed.
Original data of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021
Aebi Marcelo F., Caneppele Stefano, Hashimoto Yuji Z., Jehle Jörg-Martin, Khan Tara S., Kühn Olivia, Lewis Chris, Molnar Lorena, Þórisdóttir Rannveig, Smit Paul et al., 2021., Series UNILCRIM 2021/2.
On n'achète pas un corps mais une prestation
Molnar Lorena, 2020/01/30. REISO - Revue d'information sociale.
¿Publicar o perecer? Reflexiones a partir del II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Criminología / “Publish or Perish? Thoughts about the Second Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Criminology”
Molnar Lorena, del-Real Cristina, 2020. Boletín Criminológico, EJIC (197).
PreVist project: prevention of victimisations in sex work in the canton of Vaud (Switzerland). Reflections from the criminological praxis .
Molnar Lorena, 2019/12/16. International E-journal of Criminal Sciences. Peer-reviewed.
Trabajadoras sexuales: Víctimas de la exclusión. Estudio sobre la victimización de las trabajadoras sexuales en la provincia de Málaga
Lorena Molnar, Laritza Mitjans Nuñez, 2016. pp. 329-370 dans Colectivos en los márgenes del Derecho, Tirant lo Blanch.
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