Andrea Serino

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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60 publications

Body ownership alterations in stroke emerge from reduced proprioceptive precision and damage to the frontoparietal network.
Mastria G., Bertoni T., Perrin H., Akulenko N., Risso G., Akselrod M., Guanziroli E., Molteni F., Hagmann P., Bassolino M. et al. Med. Peer-reviewed.
An immersive virtual reality tool for assessing left and right unilateral spatial neglect.
Thomasson M., Perez-Marcos D., Crottaz-Herbette S., Brenet F., Saj A., Bernati T., Serino A., Tadi T., Blanke O., Ronchi R., 2024/09. Journal of neuropsychology, 18 (3) pp. 349-376. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of upper limb perception after stroke with the new Affected Limb Perception Questionnaire (ALPQ): a study protocol.
Konik S., Beaud V., Fellrath J., Martinelli I., Guanziroli E., Molteni F., Bassolino M., Serino A., 2024/06/11. BMC neurology, 24 (1) p. 196. Peer-reviewed.
Space for power: feeling powerful over others' behavior affects peri-personal space representation.
Bertoni T., Paladino M.P., Pellencin E., Serino S., Serino A., 2023/12. Experimental brain research, 241 (11-12) pp. 2779-2793. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of visual perspective on episodic memory in aging: A virtual reality study.
Serino S., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Guevara A.B., Démonet J.F., Serino A., 2023/11. Consciousness and cognition, 116 p. 103603. Peer-reviewed.
The self and the Bayesian brain: Testing probabilistic models of body ownership through a self-localization task.
Bertoni T., Mastria G., Akulenko N., Perrin H., Zbinden B., Bassolino M., Serino A., 2023/10. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 167 pp. 247-272. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual reality-based sensorimotor adaptation shapes subsequent spontaneous and naturalistic stimulus-driven brain activity.
Wilf M., Dupuis C., Nardo D., Huber D., Sander S., Al-Kaar J., Haroud M., Perrin H., Fornari E., Crottaz-Herbette S. et al., 2023/04/25. Cerebral cortex, 33 (9) pp. 5163-5180. Peer-reviewed.
An immersive virtual reality system for ecological assessment of peripersonal and extrapersonal unilateral spatial neglect.
Perez-Marcos D., Ronchi R., Giroux A., Brenet F., Serino A., Tadi T., Blanke O., 2023/03/18. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 20 (1) p. 33. Peer-reviewed.
My social comfort zone: Attachment anxiety shapes peripersonal and interpersonal space.
von Mohr M., Silva P.C., Vagnoni E., Bracher A., Bertoni T., Serino A., Banissy M.J., Jenkinson P.M., Fotopoulou A., 2023/02/17. iScience, 26 (2) p. 105955. Peer-reviewed.
A Quantitative, Digital Method to Analyze Human Figure Drawings as a Tool to Assess Body Representations Distortions in Stroke Patients.
Martinelli I., Konik S., Guanziroli E., Tharayil J., Foglia C., Alemu M.M., Colombo M., Specchia A., Serino A., Molteni F. et al., 2023. IEEE open journal of engineering in medicine and biology, 4 pp. 278-283. Peer-reviewed.
Acute stress affects peripersonal space representation in cortisol stress responders.
Ellena G., Bertoni T., Durand-Ruel M., Thoresen J., Sandi C., Serino A., 2022/08. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 142 p. 105790. Peer-reviewed.
Body and peripersonal space representations in chronic stroke patients with upper limb motor deficits
Bassolino Michela, Franza Matteo, Guanziroli Eleonora, Sorrentino Giuliana, Canzoneri Elisa, Colombo Maria, Crema Andrea, Bertoni Tommaso, Mastria Giulio, Vissani Matteo et al., 2022/07/04. Brain Communications, 4 (4).
Sense of agency for intracortical brain-machine interfaces.
Serino A., Bockbrader M., Bertoni T., Colachis Iv S., Solcà M., Dunlap C., Eipel K., Ganzer P., Annetta N., Sharma G. et al., 2022/04. Nature human behaviour, 6 (4) pp. 565-578. Peer-reviewed.
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation restores upper limb sensory-motor functions and body representations in chronic stroke survivors.
Crema A., Bassolino M., Guanziroli E., Colombo M., Blanke O., Serino A., Micera S., Molteni F., 2022/01/14. Med, 3 (1) pp. 58-74.e10. Peer-reviewed.
Disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG.
Schneider C., Marquis R., Jöhr J., Lopes da Silva M., Ryvlin P., Serino A., De Lucia M., Diserens K., 2021/11/01. NeuroImage, 241 p. 118431. Peer-reviewed.
Contribution of interaction force to the sense of hand ownership and the sense of hand agency.
Akselrod M., Vigaru B., Duenas J., Martuzzi R., Sulzer J., Serino A., Blanke O., Gassert R., 2021/09/10. Scientific reports, 11 (1) p. 18069. Peer-reviewed.
Real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback: A perspective on applications for the rehabilitation of spatial neglect.
Saj A., Pierce J.E., Ronchi R., Ros T., Thomasson M., Bernati T., Van De Ville D., Serino A., Vuilleumier P., 2021/09. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 64 (5) p. 101561. Peer-reviewed.
Sharpening of peripersonal space during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Serino S., Trabanelli S., Jandus C., Fellrath J., Grivaz P., Paladino M.P., Serino A., 2021/07/26. Current biology, 31 (14) pp. R889-R890. Peer-reviewed.
Enhancing analgesic spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain with personalized immersive virtual reality.
Solcà M., Krishna V., Young N., Deogaonkar M., Herbelin B., Orepic P., Mange R., Rognini G., Serino A., Rezai A. et al., 2021/06/01. Pain, 162 (6) pp. 1641-1649. Peer-reviewed.
Dataset for disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG
Schneider Christoph, Marquis Renaud, Johr Jane, Da Silva Lopes Marina, Ryvlin Philippe, Serino Andrea, De Lucia Marzia, Diserens Karin, 2021/05/05..
Relation between palm and finger cortical representations in primary somatosensory cortex: A 7T fMRI study.
Akselrod M., Martuzzi R., van der Zwaag W., Blanke O., Serino A., 2021/05. Human brain mapping, 42 (7) pp. 2262-2277. Peer-reviewed.
Testosterone administration in women increases the size of their peripersonal space.
Masson C., van der Westhuizen D., Noel J.P., Prevost A., van Honk J., Fotopoulou A., Solms M., Serino A., 2021/05. Experimental brain research, 239 (5) pp. 1639-1649. Peer-reviewed.
Spatial tuning of electrophysiological responses to multisensory stimuli reveals a primitive coding of the body boundaries in newborns.
Ronga I., Galigani M., Bruno V., Noel J.P., Gazzin A., Perathoner C., Serino A., Garbarini F., 2021/03/23. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (12) pp. e2024548118. Peer-reviewed.
How ageing shapes body and space representations: A comparison study between healthy young and older adults.
Sorrentino G., Franza M., Zuber C., Blanke O., Serino A., Bassolino M., 2021/03. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 136 pp. 56-76. Peer-reviewed.
Thought consciousness and source monitoring depend on robotically controlled sensorimotor conflicts and illusory states.
Serino A., Pozeg P., Bernasconi F., Solcà M., Hara M., Progin P., Stripeikyte G., Dhanis H., Salomon R., Bleuler H. et al., 2021/01/22. iScience, 24 (1) p. 101955. Peer-reviewed.
Combined virtual reality and haptic robotics induce space and movement invariant sensorimotor adaptation.
Wilf M., Cerra Cheraka M., Jeanneret M., Ott R., Perrin H., Crottaz-Herbette S., Serino A., 2021/01/08. Neuropsychologia, 150 p. 107692. Peer-reviewed.
From statistical regularities in multisensory inputs to peripersonal space representation and body ownership: Insights from a neural network model.
Bertoni T., Magosso E., Serino A., 2021/01. The European journal of neuroscience, 53 (2) pp. 611-636. Peer-reviewed.
Rapid Recalibration of Peri-Personal Space: Psychophysical, Electrophysiological, and Neural Network Modeling Evidence.
Noel J.P., Bertoni T., Terrebonne E., Pellencin E., Herbelin B., Cascio C., Blanke O., Magosso E., Wallace M.T., Serino A., 2020/07/30. Cerebral cortex, 30 (9) pp. 5088-5106. Peer-reviewed.
Sensorimotor Induction of Auditory Misattribution in Early Psychosis.
Salomon R., Progin P., Griffa A., Rognini G., Do K.Q., Conus P., Marchesotti S., Bernasconi F., Hagmann P., Serino A. et al., 2020/07/08. Schizophrenia bulletin, 46 (4) pp. 947-954. Peer-reviewed.
Subjective feeling of re-experiencing past events using immersive virtual reality prevents a loss of episodic memory.
Bréchet L., Hausmann S.B., Mange R., Herbelin B., Blanke O., Serino A., 2020/06. Brain and behavior, 10 (6) pp. e01571. Peer-reviewed.
The role of reference frames in memory recollection.
Riva G., Di Lernia D., Serino A., Serino S., 2020/01/03. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 42 pp. e296. Peer-reviewed.
You or me? Disentangling perspectival, perceptual, and integrative mechanisms in heterotopagnosia.
Bassolino M., Bouzerda-Wahlen A., Moix V., Bellmann A., Herbelin B., Serino A., Blanke O., 2019/11. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 120 pp. 212-222. Peer-reviewed.
Prism adaptation enhances decoupling between the default mode network and the attentional networks.
Wilf M., Serino A., Clarke S., Crottaz-Herbette S., 2019/10/15. NeuroImage, 200 pp. 210-220. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual reality and serious games for cognitive neurorehabilitation
Grivaz Petr, Serino Andrea, Gazzaley Adam, Sokolov Arseny A., 2019/10/01. Leading Opinions: Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 6 (5) pp. 15-17.
Hand size underestimation grows during childhood.
Cardinali L., Serino A., Gori M., 2019/09/13. Scientific reports, 9 (1) p. 13191. Peer-reviewed.
Augmented manipulation ability in humans with six-fingered hands.
Mehring C., Akselrod M., Bashford L., Mace M., Choi H., Blüher M., Buschhoff A.S., Pistohl T., Salomon R., Cheah A. et al., 2019/06/03. Nature communications, 10 (1) p. 2401. Peer-reviewed.
Virtual Enactment Effect on Memory in Young and Aged Populations: a Systematic Review.
Tuena C., Serino S., Dutriaux L., Riva G., Piolino P., 2019/05/07. Journal of clinical medicine, 8 (5). Peer-reviewed.
Salomon Roy, Progin Pierre, Griffa Alessandra, Rognini Giulio, Do Kim Q, Conus Philippe, Marchesotti Silvia, Bersconi Fosco, Hagmann Patric, Serino Andrea et al., 2019/04/09. pp. S107-S108 dans Schizophrenia Bulletin. Peer-reviewed.
High Action Values Occur Near Our Body.
Noel J.P., Serino A., 2019/04. Trends in cognitive sciences, 23 (4) pp. 269-270. Peer-reviewed.
Peripersonal space (PPS) as a multisensory interface between the individual and the environment, defining the space of the self.
Serino A., 2019/04. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 99 pp. 138-159. Peer-reviewed.
Enhanced audio-tactile multisensory interaction in a peripersonal task after echolocation.
Tonelli A., Campus C., Serino A., Gori M., 2019/03. Experimental brain research, 237 (3) pp. 855-864. Peer-reviewed.
Editorial: Positive Technology: Designing E-experiences for Positive Change.
Gaggioli A., Villani D., Serino S., Banos R., Botella C., 2019. Frontiers in psychology, 10 p. 1571. Peer-reviewed.
Hand perceptions induced by single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex.
Franza M., Sorrentino G., Vissani M., Serino A., Blanke O., Bassolino M., 2019. Brain stimulation, 12 (3) pp. 693-701. Peer-reviewed.
Peri-personal space encoding in patients with disorders of consciousness and cognitive-motor dissociation.
Noel J.P., Chatelle C., Perdikis S., Jöhr J., Ryvlin P., De Lucia M., Millán JDR, Diserens K., Serino A., 2019. NeuroImage. Clinical, 24 p. 101940. Peer-reviewed.
Audio-Tactile and Peripersonal Space Processing Around the Trunk in Human Parietal and Temporal Cortex: An Intracranial EEG Study.
Bernasconi F., Noel J.P., Park H.D., Faivre N., Seeck M., Spinelli L., Schaller K., Blanke O., Serino A., 2018/09/01. Cerebral cortex, 28 (9) pp. 3385-3397. Peer-reviewed.
Heartbeat-enhanced immersive virtual reality to treat complex regional pain syndrome.
Solcà M., Ronchi R., Bello-Ruiz J., Schmidlin T., Herbelin B., Luthi F., Konzelmann M., Beaulieu J.Y., Delaquaize F., Schnider A. et al., 2018/07/31. Neurology, 91 (5) pp. e479-e489. Peer-reviewed.
Social perception of others shapes one's own multisensory peripersonal space.
Pellencin E., Paladino M.P., Herbelin B., Serino A., 2018/07. Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 104 pp. 163-179. Peer-reviewed.
From multisensory integration in peripersonal space to bodily self-consciousness: from statistical regularities to statistical inference.
Noel J.P., Blanke O., Serino A., 2018/06/06. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1426 (1) pp. 146-165. Peer-reviewed.
Neural adaptation accounts for the dynamic resizing of peripersonal space: evidence from a psychophysical-computational approach.
Noel J.P., Blanke O., Magosso E., Serino A., 2018/06/01. Journal of neurophysiology, 119 (6) pp. 2307-2333. Peer-reviewed.
Audio-visual sensory deprivation degrades visuo-tactile peri-personal space.
Noel J.P., Park H.D., Pasqualini I., Lissek H., Wallace M., Blanke O., Serino A., 2018/05. Consciousness and cognition, 61 pp. 61-75. Peer-reviewed.
T221. Sensorimotor Induction of Auditory Misattribution in Psychosis is Linked to Neural Disconnectivity
Salomon Roy, Progin Pierre, Griffa Alessandra, Rognini Giulio, Do Kim Q., Conus Philippe, Marchesotti Silvia, Hagmann Patric, Serino Andrea, Blanke Olaf, 2018/05. pp. S214 dans Biological Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Non-invasive brain stimulation of motor cortex induces embodiment when integrated with virtual reality feedback.
Bassolino M., Franza M., Bello Ruiz J., Pinardi M., Schmidlin T., Stephan M.A., Solcà M., Serino A., Blanke O., 2018/04. The European journal of neuroscience, 47 (7) pp. 790-799. Peer-reviewed.
Vestibular modulation of peripersonal space boundaries.
Pfeiffer C., Noel J.P., Serino A., Blanke O., 2018/04. The European journal of neuroscience, 47 (7) pp. 800-811. Peer-reviewed.
A Neural Network Model of Peripersonal Space Representation Around Different Body Parts
Vissani Matteo, Serino Andrea, Magosso Elisa, 2018. pp. 217-220 dans EMBEC & NBC 2017, Springer Singapore.
Virtual Reality as a Vehicle to Empower Motor-Cognitive Neurorehabilitation.
Perez-Marcos D., Bieler-Aeschlimann M., Serino A., 2018. Frontiers in psychology, 9 p. 2120. Peer-reviewed.
Increasing upper limb training intensity in chronic stroke using embodied virtual reality: a pilot study.
Perez-Marcos D., Chevalley O., Schmidlin T., Garipelli G., Serino A., Vuadens P., Tadi T., Blanke O., Millán JDR, 2017/11/17. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 14 (1) p. 119. Peer-reviewed.
Upper limb cortical maps in amputees with targeted muscle and sensory reinnervation.
Serino A., Akselrod M., Salomon R., Martuzzi R., Blefari M.L., Canzoneri E., Rognini G., van der Zwaag W., Iakova M., Luthi F. et al., 2017/11/01. Brain, 140 (11) pp. 2993-3011. Peer-reviewed.
Anatomical and functional properties of the foot and leg representation in areas 3b, 1 and 2 of primary somatosensory cortex in humans: A 7T fMRI study.
Akselrod M., Martuzzi R., Serino A., van der Zwaag W., Gassert R., Blanke O., 2017/10/01. NeuroImage, 159 pp. 473-487. Peer-reviewed.
Bilateral Rolandic operculum processing underlying heartbeat awareness reflects changes in bodily self-consciousness.
Blefari M.L., Martuzzi R., Salomon R., Bello-Ruiz J., Herbelin B., Serino A., Blanke O., 2017/05. The European journal of neuroscience, 45 (10) pp. 1300-1312. Peer-reviewed.
Common and distinct brain regions processing multisensory bodily signals for peripersonal space and body ownership.
Grivaz P., Blanke O., Serino A., 2017/04/15. NeuroImage, 147 pp. 602-618. Peer-reviewed.
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