Nolwenn Bühler

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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47 publications

The chronopolitics of exposures: choreographing temporalities in a Swiss environmental health cohort
Bühler Nolwenn dans The Chronopolitics of Life: Rethinking Temporalities in Health and Biomedicine beyond the Life Course, UCL Press .
The “good” evidence of exposures: public health at the challenge of a toxic world
Bühler Nolwenn dans Kehr Janina , Kierans Ciara (eds.) At the Limits of Biomedicine: Anthropological Inquiries into Health, Politics and the Environment, Berghan Books.
The Chronopolitics of Life: Rethinking Temporalities in Health and Biomedicine beyond the Life Course
Bühler Nolwenn, Boydell Victoria , Graber Nils , Greco Cinzia , Dos Santos Marcelo (eds.), UCL Press, Embodying inequalities: perspectives from Medical Anthropology book series edited by Sahra Gibbon and Jennie Gamlin .
Doing expertise in the clinical research center: care work in choreographies of data production
Bühler Nolwenn Medical Anthropology Theory (MAT). Peer-reviewed.
Racisme dans les soins (partie 1) : un enjeu d’équité en santé [Racism in healthcare (part 1) : a health equity issue]
Ngassop J.B., Morisod K., Tan R., Blandenier E., Grazioli V., Bühler Viredaz N., Pahud Vermeulen B., Dzi K., Bodenmann P., 2024/12/04. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (898) pp. 2302-2306. Peer-reviewed.
D’une crise à l’autre : prendre la parole depuis le terrain [From one crisis to another: Speaking out from the field]
Bühler N., Bochud M., Bodenmann P., 2024/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (894-2) pp. 5-7. Peer-reviewed.
Faire sens de la pandémie : les requérant‑e‑s d’asile et l’injustice épistémique [Making sense of the pandemic: Asylum seekers and epistemic injustice]
Chollet M., Bühler N., Bodenmann P., 2024/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (894-2) pp. 29-32. Peer-reviewed.
Recommandations basées sur l’expérience : un processus de co-construction [Experience-based recommendations: A co-construction process]
Bühler N., Martin T., 2024/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (894-2) pp. 8-13. Peer-reviewed.
Travail « essentiel » en temps de pandémie : apprentissages du terrain ["Essential" work in times of pandemic: Lessons from the field]
Bühler N., 2024/11/06. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (894-2) pp. 33-37. Peer-reviewed.
Willingness to participate in a personalized health cohort - insights from the swiss health study pilot phase.
Bühler N., Frahsa A., Jaramillo N.G., Bourqui R.M., Nusslé S.G., Zuppinger C., Bochud M., von Goetz N., 2024/08/07. BMC public health, 24 (1) p. 2140. Peer-reviewed.
Experience-based co-design toolkit : Un outil pour l’engagement des communautés dans la gestion de la crise sanitaire du COVID-19
Martin Tiffany, Rawlinson Cloé, Bühler Nolwenn, 2024/04/16. (355) 28 [Raisons de santé ; 355], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Between data providers and concerned citizens: Exploring participation in precision public health in Switzerland.
Bühler N., Frahsa A., Morand Bourqui R., Von Götz N., Bochud M., Panese F., 2024/01. Public understanding of science, 33 (1) pp. 105-120. Peer-reviewed.
Les pesticides, un risque pour la santé ? : Doutes, incertitudes et co-construction de l'ignorance dans les communautés agricoles du Canton de Vaud, Suisse
Bühler Nolwenn, Waeber Sarah, 2024. Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 18 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Enjeux et défis d'une ethnographie embarquée en santé publique : Le cas de SociocoViD durant la pandémie en Suisse
Bühler Nolwenn, 2023/11/30. Anthropologie et Santé, 27 pp. 1-21.
The personalisation of healthy ageing: between technoscientific and humanist holism
Bühler Nolwenn, 2023/11/02. ASSh blog Décodage .
Towards a Swiss health study with human biomonitoring: Learnings from the pilot phase about participation and design.
Morand Bourqui R., Gonseth Nusslé S, von Goetz N., Veys-Takeuchi C., Zuppinger C., Boulez Y., Bühler N., Chapatte L., Currat C., Dousse A. et al., 2023/07. PloS one, 18 (7) pp. e0289181. Peer-reviewed.
Quel apport des sciences sociales face aux crises et risques émergents. Le regard d’un anthropologue [What is social sciences' contribution in the context of health crises and emerging risks? An anthropologist's perspective]
Napier D., Bühler N., 2023/01/05. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (834) pp. 1327-1330. Peer-reviewed.
Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Asylum Seekers' Experiences and Worries in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Morisod K., Martin T., Rawlinson C., Grazioli V.S., von Plessen C., Durand M.A., Selby K., Le Pogam M.A., Bühler N., Bodenmann P., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606229. Peer-reviewed.
Precision public health in the making: examining the becoming of the "social" in a Swiss environmental health population-based cohort.
Bühler N., 2023. Frontiers in sociology, 8 p. 1219275. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and associated risk factors among asylum seekers living in asylum centres: A cross-sectional serologic study in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Morisod K., Grazioli V.S., Schlüter V., Bochud M., Gonseth Nusslé S., D'Acremont V., Bühler N., Bodenmann P., 2023. Journal of migration and health, 7 p. 100175. Peer-reviewed.
When Time Becomes Biological: Experiences of Age-Related Infertility and Anticipation in Reproductive Medicine
Bühler Nolwenn, 2022/09/15. pp. 49-65 dans Technologies of Reproduction Across the Lifecourse, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Translating Planetary Health Principles Into Sustainable Primary Care Services
Gonzalez-Holguera Julia, Gaille Marie, del Rio Carral Maria, Steinberger Julia, Marti Joachim, Bühler Nolwenn, Kaufmann Alain, Chiapperino Luca, Vicedo-Cabrera Ana Maria, Schwarz Joelle et al., 2022/07/13. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Peer-reviewed.
The ‘good' of extending fertility: ontology and moral reasoning in a biotemporal regime of reproduction
Bühler Nolwenn, 2022/06. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 44 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Instauration d’une taxe aux urgences : enjeux d’équité en santé [The health equity issues of an emergency department fee]
Morisod K., Bühler N., Grazioli V.S., Moschetti K., Marti J., Pralong M., Rawlinson C., Sanchis Zozaya J., Michaud L., Brovelli S. et al., 2022/04/06. Revue medicale suisse, 18 (776) pp. 675-679. Peer-reviewed.
“Flexible Lockdown” in Switzerland
Bühler Nolwenn, Pralong Melody, Burnand Célia, Rawlinson Cloé, Gonseth Nusslé Semira, D'Acremont Valérie, Bochud Murielle, Bodenmann Patrick, 2022/03/30. pp. 110-124 dans Ali Inayat, Davis-Floyd Robbie (eds.) Negotiating the Pandemic chap. 7, Routledge.
The making of 'old eggs': the science of reproductive ageing between fertility and anti-ageing technologies.
Bühler Nolwenn, 2022/03. Reproductive biomedicine & society online, 14 pp. 169-181. Peer-reviewed.
Adherence to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Preventive Measures in a Representative Sample of the Population of the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland.
Butty A., Bühler N., Pasquier J., Dupraz J., Faivre V., Estoppey S., Rawlinson C., Gonseth Nusslé S., Bochud M., D'Acremont V., 2022. International journal of public health, 67 p. 1605048. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: Translating planetary health principles into sustainable primary care services.
Gonzalez-Holguera J., Gaille M., Del Rio Carral M., Steinberger J., Marti J., Bühler N., Kaufmann A., Chiapperino L., Vicedo-Cabrera A.M., Schwarz J. et al., 2022..
Ethnographier en féministe : l’art des conséquences
Schulze Marion, Bühler Nolwenn, Hertz Ellen, 2022. – Revue en ligne de sciences humaines et sociales 44 pp. 1-25.
Making personalized medicine ethical: a critical examination of the new promises of ‘personalized health' in Switzerland
Barazzetti Gaia, Bühler Nolwenn, Audétat Marc, Kaufmann Alain, 2021/08/05. Science and Public Policy. Peer-reviewed.
Caring During COVID-19: Reconfigurations of Gender and Family Relations During the Pandemic in Switzerland.
Bühler N., Pralong M., Rawlinson C., Gonseth S., D'Acremont V., Bochud M., Bodenmann P., 2021. Frontiers in sociology, 6 p. 737619. Peer-reviewed.
When Reproduction meets Ageing: the Science and Medicine of the Fertility Decline
Bühler Nolwenn, 2021. 248, Emerald Publisher.
La production biomédicale d’enfants : entre stratification et globalisation
Bühler Nolwenn, Hertzog Irène-Lucile, Roca i Escoda Marta, Boillet Véronique, 2020/11/06. dans Les économies de la procréation médicalement assistée, Nouvelles Questions Féministes.
En quête d'éthique : Dispositions légales et enjeux empiriques pour l'anthropologie
Perrin Julie, Bühler Nolwenn, Berthod Marc-Antoine, Forney Jérémie, Kradolfer Morales Sabine, Ossipow-Wuest Laurence, 2020/09/21. TSANTSA – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 25 pp. 225-267.
Powering life through MitoTechnologies: exploring the bio-objectification of mitochondria in reproduction
Bühler Nolwenn, Herbrand Cathy, 2020/09/19. BioSocieties.
Crises sanitaires : quelle place pour le genre ? Blog Viral:
Bühler Nolwenn, Burnand Célia, 2020/07/02..
Les économies de la procréation médicalement assistée
Bühler Nolwenn, Hertzog Irène-Lucile, Roca i Escoda Marta, Boillet Véronique (eds.), 2020. Revue NQF - Nouvelles questions féministes, 39 2 / 2020 224, Antipodes.
Commentary 1: Whose Voice Matters? Questioning Power Relations through the Lens of Feminist Ethics
Bühler Nolwenn, 2019/12. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 14 (5) pp. 496-497.
Reproduction research: From complexity to methodological innovation
Hudson Nicky, Baldwin Kylie, Herbrand Cathy, Buhler Nolwenn, Daly Irenee, 2019/01. Methodological Innovations, 12 (1) p. 205979911982942.
Searching for Ethics : Legal Requirements and Empirical Issues for Anthropology
Perrin Julie, Bühler Nolwenn, Berthod Marc-Antoine, Forney Jérémie, Kradolfer Sabine, Ossipow Laurence, 2018/05/01. TSANTSA – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 23 pp. 138-153.
Banking on Participation: Exploring the Co-production of Population and Public in Swiss Biobanking
Bühler Nolwenn, Barazzetti Gaia, Kaufmann Alain, 2018. Tecnoscienza Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies , 9 (2) pp. 109-132. Peer-reviewed.
Procréation médicalement assistée
Bühler Nolwenn, 2017. Anthropen.
Imagining the Future of Motherhood: the Medically Assisted Extension of Fertility and the Production of Genealogical Continuity
Bühler Nolwenn, 2015/06. Sociologus, 65 (1) pp. 79-100.
"Ontological Choreography" as an Ethnographic Tool : Understanding the Making of Families by Reproductive Technologies in Switzerland
De Jong Willemijn, Bühler Nolwenn, Nay Yv E., Zehnder Kathrin, 2015/05/01. TSANTSA – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 20 pp. 84-96.
Tracer les frontières de la médecine reproductive entre légalité, responsabilité et légitimité : les médecins face à l'interdiction du don d'ovocytes en Suisse
Bühler Nolwenn, 2014/03/23. pp. 31-56 dans Accompagner la naissance, BSN Press.
Ovules vieillissants, mères sans âge? Infertilité féminine et recours au don d’ovocytes en Suisse
Bühler Nolwenn, 2014. Enfances, Familles, Générations (EFG), 21 pp. 24-47.
Un vaccin à l'épreuve des controverses : implantation de la vaccination anti-HPV en Suisse romande
Bühler Nolwenn, 2012. TSANTSA Revue de la Société suisse d'ethnologie , 17 pp. 129-138. Peer-reviewed.
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