Marie-Claude Boulet

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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5 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2015 |
Le shadowing comme méthode pédagogique pour enseigner la collaboration interprofessionnelle [Shadowing as a pedagogical method for teaching interprofessional collaboration]
Pedrazzini B., Meuwly M.G., Jaunin-Stalder N., Boulet M.C., 2024/11/13. Revue medicale suisse, 20 (895) pp. 2135-2138. Peer-reviewed.
L’ordonnance : messager entre la personne, le cabinet médical, l’équipe infirmière et la pharmacie. Introduction à la collaboration interprofessionnelle [The prescription: messenger between the person, the doctor's office, the nursing and pharmacy teams]
Jaunin-Stalder N., Boulet M.C., Braillard O., Saliez Pierret G., Lazzaro D., Bounnaceur Tena S., Schneider M.P., 2023/05/31. Revue medicale suisse, 19 (829) pp. 1101-1106. Peer-reviewed.
Remodelling family medicine teaching at the University of Lausanne using a modified Delphi method.
Pedrazzini B., Boulet M.C., Héritier F., Bart P.A., Senn N., 2023/04/17. Swiss medical weekly, 153 (4) p. 40064. Peer-reviewed.
SHADOWING An anthropological detour to learn interprofessional collaboration and reflect on person-centered care
Boulet Marie-Claude, Pedrazzini Baptiste, Jaunin-Stalder Nicole, 2023. dans SSMIG.
Seniors aux urgences, une question d'hospitalité? [Hospitality for elderly patients in the emergency department]
Boulet M.C., Dami F., Hugli O., Renard D., Foucault E., Carron P.N., 2015/12/09. Revue medicale suisse, 11 (498) pp. 2338-2341. Peer-reviewed.
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