Andreas Pitzschke

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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7 publications

2025 | 2024 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Performance of the RadPro myOSL 4.0 whole body dosimeter
Pitzschke A., 2025/02. Radiation Measurements, 181 p. 107346.
Implications of the ICRU 95 quantities for various personal dosimetry techniques
Bossin Lily, Carbonez Pierre, Christensen Jeppe Brage, Furlan Miha, Fürholz Franziska, Mayer Sabine, Pitzschke Andreas, Yukihara Eduardo Gardenali, 2024/08. Radiation Measurements, 176 p. 107207.
Determination of the average daily natural background dose for individual monitoring of occupationally exposed workers in Switzerland
Pitzschke A., 2021/02. Radiation Measurements, 141 p. 106519.
Impact of the phantom geometry on the evaluation of the minimum detectable activity following a radionuclide intake: From physical to numerical phantoms
Medici Siria, Desorgher Laurent, Carbonez Pierre, Damet Jérôme, Bochud François, Pitzschke Andreas, 2020/12. Radiation Measurements, 139 p. 106485.
Use of portable gamma spectrometers for triage monitoring following the intake of conventional and novel radionuclides
Medici Siria, Carbonez Pierre, Damet Jérôme, Bochud François, Pitzschke Andreas, 2020/08. Radiation Measurements, 136 p. 106426. Peer-reviewed.
Intercomparison of personal and ambient dosimeters in extremely high-dose-rate pulsed photon fields
Zorloni Gabriele, Ambrožová Iva, Carbonez Pierre, Caresana Marco, Ebert Stephan, Olšovcová Veronika, Pitzschke Andreas, Ploc Ondrej, Pozzi Fabio, Silari Marco et al., 2020/07. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 172 p. 108764.
In vivo screening measurements with common radiation protection instruments
Medici Siria, Desorgher Laurent, Carbonez Pierre, Damet Jérôme, Bochud François, Pitzschke Andreas, 2019. BIO Web of Conferences, 14 p. 03003.
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