Marjorie Labédan

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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7 publications

Evidence for cryptic gene flow in parthenogenetic stick insects of the genus Timema
Freitas Susana, Parker Darren J., Labédan Marjorie, Dumas Zoé, Schwander Tanja.
Evolution of alternative reproductive systems in Bacillus stick insects.
Lavanchy Guillaume, Brandt Alexander, Bastardot Marc, Dumas Zoé, Labédan Marjorie, Massy Morgane, Toubiana William, Van Patrick Tran, Luchetti Andrea, Scali Valerio et al..
Evolution of alternative reproductive systems in Bacillus stick insects.
Lavanchy G., Brandt A., Bastardot M., Dumas Z., Labédan M., Massy M., Toubiana W., Tran Van P., Luchetti A., Scali V. et al., 2024/05/29. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 78 (6) pp. 1109-1120. Peer-reviewed.
Transplanting human infant gut microbiome species into Galleria mellonella.
Gooch HCC, Labedan M., Hall L.J., Maxwell A., 2024/04/30. BMC research notes, 17 (1) p. 123. Peer-reviewed.
Evidence for cryptic sex in parthenogenetic stick insects of the genus Timema.
Freitas S., Parker D.J., Labédan M., Dumas Z., Schwander T., 2023/09/27. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 290 (2007) p. 20230404. Peer-reviewed.
Haplotype divergence supports long-term asexuality in the oribatid mite Oppiella nova.
Brandt A., Tran Van P., Bluhm C., Anselmetti Y., Dumas Z., Figuet E., François C.M., Galtier N., Heimburger B., Jaron K.S. et al., 2021/09/21. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (38) pp. e2101485118. Peer-reviewed.
Gene expression during larval caste determination and differentiation in intermediately eusocial bumblebees, and a comparative analysis with advanced eusocial honeybees.
Collins D.H., Wirén A., Labédan M., Smith M., Prince D.C., Mohorianu I., Dalmay T., Bourke AFG, 2021/02. Molecular ecology, 30 (3) pp. 718-735. Peer-reviewed.
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