David Moi

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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11 publications

Orthology inference at scale with FastOMA.
Majidian S., Nevers Y., Yazdizadeh Kharrazi A., Warwick Vesztrocy A., Pascarelli S., Moi D., Glover N., Altenhoff A.M., Dessimoz C. Nature methods. Peer-reviewed.
Frequent jumps from human hosts.
Moi D., Dessimoz C., 2024/05. Nature ecology & evolution, 8 (5) pp. 854-855. Peer-reviewed.
OMA orthology in 2024: improved prokaryote coverage, ancestral and extant GO enrichment, a revamped synteny viewer and more in the OMA Ecosystem.
Altenhoff A.M., Warwick Vesztrocy A., Bernard C., Train C.M., Nicheperovich A., Prieto Baños S., Julca I., Moi D., Nevers Y., Majidian S. et al., 2024/01/05. Nucleic acids research, 52 (D1) pp. D513-D521. Peer-reviewed.
Remote homolog detection places insect chemoreceptors in a cryptic protein superfamily spanning the tree of life.
Himmel N.J., Moi D., Benton R., 2023/11/20. Current biology, 33 (22) pp. 5023-5033.e4. Peer-reviewed.
Phylogenetic profiling in eukaryotes comes of age.
Moi D., Dessimoz C., 2023/05/09. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (19) pp. e2305013120. Peer-reviewed.
Discovery of archaeal fusexins homologous to eukaryotic HAP2/GCS1 gamete fusion proteins.
Moi D., Nishio S., Li X., Valansi C., Langleib M., Brukman N.G., Flyak K., Dessimoz C., de Sanctis D., Tunyasuvunakool K. et al., 2022/07/06. Nature communications, 13 (1) p. 3880. Peer-reviewed.
Citrullination Was Introduced into Animals by Horizontal Gene Transfer from Cyanobacteria.
Cummings TFM, Gori K., Sanchez-Pulido L., Gavriilidis G., Moi D., Wilson A.R., Murchison E., Dessimoz C., Ponting C.P., Christophorou M.A., 2022/02/03. Molecular biology and evolution, 39 (2) pp. msab317. Peer-reviewed.
Gene Duplication and Gain in the Trematode Atriophallophorus winterbourni Contributes to Adaptation to Parasitism.
Zajac N., Zoller S., Seppälä K., Moi D., Dessimoz C., Jokela J., Hartikainen H., Glover N., 2021/03/01. Genome biology and evolution, 13 (3) pp. evab010. Peer-reviewed.
OMA orthology in 2021: website overhaul, conserved isoforms, ancestral gene order and more.
Altenhoff A.M., Train C.M., Gilbert K.J., Mediratta I., Mendes de Farias T., Moi D., Nevers Y., Radoykova H.S., Rossier V., Warwick Vesztrocy A. et al., 2021/01/08. Nucleic acids research, 49 (D1) pp. D373-D379. Peer-reviewed.
A putative origin of the insect chemosensory receptor superfamily in the last common eukaryotic ancestor
Benton R., Dessimoz C., Moi D., 2020/12/04. eLife, 9 pp. e62507.
Scalable phylogenetic profiling using MinHash uncovers likely eukaryotic sexual reproduction genes.
Moi D., Kilchoer L., Aguilar P.S., Dessimoz C., 2020/07. PLoS computational biology, 16 (7) pp. e1007553. Peer-reviewed.
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