Theodor Stappler

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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55 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2000 | 1997 |
Accuracy of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence-Based Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Real-Life Clinical Practice.
Riotto E., Gasser S., Potic J., Sherif M., Stappler T., Schlingemann R., Wolfensberger T., Konstantinidis L., 2024/08/14. Journal of clinical medicine, 13 (16). Peer-reviewed.
Dauerhafte Persistenz des Langzeit-Implantats Ozurdex in der menschlichen Linse [Protracted Intralenticular Implant of Sustained-Release Dexamethasone Implant (Ozurdex)]
Beltraminelli T., Potic J., Stappler T., Wolfensberger T.J., Konstantinidis L., 2024/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 241 (4) pp. 378-380. Peer-reviewed.
Silikonöltamponade zur Therapie der primären Netzhautablösung bei Patienten, die in großer Höhe leben [Silicone Oil Tamponade for Therapy of Primary Retinal Detachment in Patients Who Live at High Altitudes]
Beltraminelli T., Hessler Q., Stappler T., Potic J., Wolfensberger T.J., Konstantinidis L., 2024/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 241 (4) pp. 472-476. Peer-reviewed.
The two extremes of retinal fold management
Stappler Theodor, 2024/01., 2023 European Association for Vision and Eye Research Festival, 26-28 October 2023 dans Acta Ophthalmologica. Peer-reviewed.
Goniosynechialysis for the treatment of angle-closure glaucoma in retinoblastoma.
Stathopoulos C., Sharkawi E., Stappler T., Munier F.L., 2023/10. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, 51 (7) pp. 739-742. Peer-reviewed.
Bilaterale schwere Panuveitis während einer Krebsimmuntherapie mit Dabrafenib und Trametinib aufgrund einer okulären Toxoplasmose-Reaktivierung [Bilateral Severe Panuveitis Occurring during Cancer Immunotherapy with Dabrafenib and Trametinib Therapy Due to Toxoplasmosis Reactivation]
Hsin S., Stappler T., Schalenbourg A., Guex-Crosier Y., 2023/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 240 (4) pp. 574-577. Peer-reviewed.
Stappler T., Montesel A., Konstantinidis L., Wolfensberger T.J., Eandi C.M., 2022/08/01. Retina, 42 (8) pp. 1491-1497. Peer-reviewed.
Erratum: Simultane chirurgische Amotio- und Aphakiebehandlung mit Pars-plana-Vitrektomie, Silikonöltamponade und retropupillärer irisfixierter Linsenimplantation bei Patienten mit Marfan-Syndrom [Correction: Simultaneous Management of Retinal Detachment and Aphakia with Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Silicone Oil Tamponade and Retropupillary Iris-Claw Intraocular Lens Implantation in Patients with Marfan Syndrome]
Hsin S., Stappler T., Potic J., Wolfensberger T.J., Konstantinidis L., 2022/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 239 (4) pp. e1. Peer-reviewed.
Simultane chirurgische Amotio- und Aphakiebehandlung mit Pars-plana-Vitrektomie, Silikonöltamponade und retropupillärer irisfixierter Linsenimplantation bei Patienten mit Marfan-Syndrom [Simultaneous Management of Retinal Detachment and Aphakia with Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Silicone Oil Tamponade and Retropupillary Iris-Claw Intraocular Lens Implantation in These Cases]
Hsin S., Stappler T., Potic J., Wolfensberger T.J., Konstantinidis L., 2022/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 239 (4) pp. 490-493. Peer-reviewed.
Acute retinal necrosis: A mini review.
Hoogewoud F., Rossi D.C., Stappler T., Guex-Crosier Y., 2022. Frontiers in ophthalmology, 2 p. 916113. Peer-reviewed.
Characteristics of patients with complete visual acuity recovery after vitrectomy for macula-off retinal detachment.
Konstantinidis L., Stappler T., Potic J., Roquelaure D., El Wardani M., Wolfensberger T.J., 2021/10. Eye, 35 (10) pp. 2834-2839. Peer-reviewed.
Erfolgreiche Behandlung einer durch ein Makulaloch hervorgerufenen Netzhautablösung mittels ILM-Flap nach komplizierter Kataraktchirurgie [Successful Treatment of Macular Hole-Evoked Retinal Detachment with Inverted ILM Flap following Complicated Cataract Surgery]
Bijon J., Potic J., Wolfensberger T.J., Stappler T., 2021/08. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 238 (8) pp. 878-880. Peer-reviewed.
Steel DHW, Patton N., Stappler T., Karia N., Hoerauf H., Patel N., Wachtlin J., Raber T., Kozma-Wiebe P., INJECT study investigators, 2021/02/01. Retina, 41 (2) pp. 266-276. Peer-reviewed.
Bulbusberstung: Vorgehen und Ergebnisse = Rupture of the Globe: What to Do, What not to Do.
Joussen A.M., Müller B., Kirchhof B., Stappler T., Zeitz O., 2020/09. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 237 (9) pp. 1070-1078. Peer-reviewed.
Cutting the Internal Limiting Membrane With Zero Aspiration Technique: A Clinical Audit.
Hussain R.N., Steel DHW, Sandinha T., Stappler T., Heimann H., Wong D., 2019/10. Retina, 39 Suppl 1 pp. S133-S136. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation of inner retinal function assessed with a novel handheld instrument (RETeval) using flicker electroretinography after anti-VEGF treatment in patients with diabetic macular oedem
Abdulghafor Mouna , 2019/08/30., SSO p. 3888 dans Congrès annuel Société Suisse d’ophtalmologie. SSO 2019 Interlaken.
Evaluation of inner retinal function assessed with a novel handheld instrument (RETeval) using flicker electroretinography after anti-VEGF treatment in patients with diabetic macular oedem
Abdulghafor Mouna, 2019/04/18. dans 29thMeeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes Eye Complications Study Group (EASDec) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16th – 18th May 2019.
Transiente elektroretinografische Veränderungen während lichtinduzierter Amaurose infolge schwerer Karotisstenose aufgezeichnet mit einem portablen Elektroretinografiegerät [Transient Electroretinographic Changes during Light-Induced Amaurosis in Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis Measured with a Novel Portable Handheld Device]
Lindegger D.J., Stappler T., Abdulghafor M., Elalouf M., Borruat F.X., Wolfensberger T.J., Konstantinidis L., 2019/04. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 236 (4) pp. 584-586. Peer-reviewed.
Transient Electroretinographic Changes during Light-Induced Amaurosis in Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis Measured with a Novel Portable Handheld Device
Lindegger Daniel Josef, Wolfensberger Thomas J., Borruat François-Xavier, Abdulghafor Mouna, Elalouf Martine, Stappler Theodor, Konstantinidis Lazaros, 2018/08/31., 111e congrès de la SSO dans Ophta 2018.
Polydimethyl Siloxane as an Internal Tamponade for Vitreoretinal Surgery.
Hussain R.N., Myneni J., Stappler T., Wong D., 2017. Ophthalmologica. Journal international d'ophtalmologie. International journal of ophthalmology. Zeitschrift fur Augenheilkunde, 238 (1-2) pp. 68-73. Peer-reviewed.
Novel heavy tamponade for vitreoretinal surgery.
Williams R.L., Kearns V.R., Lo A.C., Day M., Garvey M.J., Krishna Y., Ma D., Stappler T., Wong D., 2013/11/05. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 54 (12) pp. 7284-7292. Peer-reviewed.
Inverse PVR
Liazos S., Konstantinidis Lazaros, Morphis G., Heimann H., Stappler T. , 2012/05/06. dans Actes du Congrès panhellénique d’ophtalmologie.
Retrospective review of 50 eyes with long-term silicone oil tamponade for more than 12 months.
Morphis G., Irigoyen C., Eleuteri A., Stappler T., Pearce I., Heimann H., 2012/05. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 250 (5) pp. 645-652. Peer-reviewed.
Endophthalmitis following intravitreal injections.
Irigoyen C., Ziahosseini K., Morphis G., Stappler T., Heimann H., 2012/04. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 250 (4) pp. 499-505. Peer-reviewed.
Siluron 2000 Novel-Generation Silicone Oil: Proof of Concept and One Year Clinical Results.
Stappler Theodor, Konstantinidis Lazaros, Wong David S, 2012/02/01. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2012;53(14):5792..
Primary 23-gauge sutureless vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Romano M.R., Das R., Groenwald C., Stappler T., Marticorena J., Valldeperas X., Wong D., Heimann H., 2012. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 60 (1) pp. 29-33. Peer-reviewed.
The use of SILURON 2000 for the treatment of complicated retinal detachmen
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Stappler Theodor, 2011/09/03., 104e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse d’Ophtalmologie pp. S100 dans Ophta 2011.
Ultrastructural changes of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) follow- ing intraretinal haemorrhage
Konstantinidis Lazaros, Stappler Theodor, 2011/09/03., 104e Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse d’Ophtalmologie pp. S48 dans Ophta 2011. Peer-reviewed.
Outcomes of delayed vitrectomy in open-globe injuries in young patients.
Sandinha M.T., Newman W., Wong D., Stappler T., 2011/09. Retina, 31 (8) pp. 1541-1544. Peer-reviewed.
Strabismus following retinal detachment repair: a comparison between scleral buckling and vitrectomy procedures.
Kasbekar S.A., Wong V., Young J., Stappler T., Durnian J.M., 2011/09. Eye, 25 (9) pp. 1202-1206. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of scleral exoplant removal on strabismus following retinal detachment repair.
Wong V., Kasbekar S., Young J., Stappler T., Marsh I.B., Durnian J.M., 2011/08. Journal of AAPOS, 15 (4) pp. 331-333. Peer-reviewed.
The impact of axial length on retinal tamponade for gas, silicone oil, and heavy silicone oil, using an in vitro model.
Hillier R.J., Stappler T., Williams R.L., Turner G.S., Wong D., 2011/05. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 249 (5) pp. 671-675. Peer-reviewed.
Intravitreal bevacizumab for retinal vein occlusion and early growth of epiretinal membrane: a possible secondary effect?
Marticorena J., Romano M.R., Heimann H., Stappler T., Gibran K., Groenewald C., Pearce I., Wong D., 2011/03. The British journal of ophthalmology, 95 (3) pp. 391-395. Peer-reviewed.
Injectability of silicone oil-based tamponade agents.
Williams R.L., Day M.J., Garvey M.J., Morphis G., Irigoyen C., Wong D., Stappler T., 2011/02. The British journal of ophthalmology, 95 (2) pp. 273-276. Peer-reviewed.
Is there a role for long-term silicone oil tamponade for more than twelve months in vitreoretinal surgery?
Stappler T., Morphis G., Irigoyen C., Heimann H., 2011. Ophthalmologica. Journal international d'ophtalmologie. International journal of ophthalmology. Zeitschrift fur Augenheilkunde, 226 Suppl 1 pp. 36-41. Peer-reviewed.
Perception of tilt following counter-rotation surgery.
Mehta J., Farnell D.J., Stappler T., Liazos E., Wong D., 2010/04. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, 38 (3) pp. 284-291. Peer-reviewed.
F4H5: a novel substance for the removal of silicone oil from intraocular lenses.
Stappler T., Williams R., Wong D., 2010/03. The British journal of ophthalmology, 94 (3) pp. 364-367. Peer-reviewed.
Does the presence of an epiretinal membrane alter the cleavage plane during internal limiting membrane peeling?
Kenawy N., Wong D., Stappler T., Romano M.R., Das R.A., Hebbar G., Prime W., Heimann H., Gibran S.K., Sheridan C.M. et al., 2010/02. Ophthalmology, 117 (2) pp. 320-3.e1. Peer-reviewed.
Fibrous membranes in diabetic retinopathy and bevacizumab.
Pattwell D.M., Stappler T., Sheridan C., Heimann H., Gibran S.K., Wong D., Hiscott P., 2010. Retina, 30 (7) pp. 1012-1016. Peer-reviewed.
Schweres Silikonöl bei PVR. Anatomische und funktionelle Ergebnisse [Densiron-68 heavy silicone oil in cases of PVR. Anatomic and functional outcomes]
Stappler T., Heimann H., Gibran S.K., Groenewald C., Pearce I.A., Wong D., 2009/04. Der Ophthalmologe, 106 (4) pp. 320-326. Peer-reviewed.
Removal of Densiron-68 with a 23-gauge transconjunctival vitrectomy system.
Romano M.R., Groenwald C., Das R., Stappler T., Wong D., Heimann H., 2009/03. Eye, 23 (3) pp. 715-717. Peer-reviewed.
Primary vitrectomy with Densiron-68 for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Romano M.R., Stappler T., Marticorena J., Groenewald C., Pearce I., Gibran S.K., Wong D., Heimann H., 2008/11. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 246 (11) pp. 1541-1546. Peer-reviewed.
Heavy tamponade 1: a review of indications, use, and complications.
Heimann H., Stappler T., Wong D., 2008/10. Eye, 22 (10) pp. 1342-1359. Peer-reviewed.
Heavy tamponade 2 Densiron 68 in routine clinical practice: anatomical and functional outcomes of a consecutive case series.
Stappler T., Heimann H., Wong D., Gibran S.K., Groenewald C., Pearce I.A., 2008/10. Eye, 22 (10) pp. 1360-1365. Peer-reviewed.
A guide to the removal of heavy silicone oil.
Stappler T., Williams R., Gibran S.K., Liazos E., Wong D., 2008/06. The British journal of ophthalmology, 92 (6) pp. 844-847. Peer-reviewed.
Peel and peel again.
Gibran S.K., Flemming B., Stappler T., Pearce I., Groenewald C., Heimann H., Hiscott P., Wong D., 2008/03. The British journal of ophthalmology, 92 (3) pp. 373-377. Peer-reviewed.
Histological findings of a choroidal neovascular membrane removed at the time of macular translocation in a patient previously treated with intravitreal bevacizumab treatment (Avastin).
Gibran S.K., Sachdev A., Stappler T., Newsome R., Wong D., Hiscott P., 2007/05. The British journal of ophthalmology, 91 (5) pp. 602-604. Peer-reviewed.
Successful retrieval of internal limiting membrane specimens.
Gibran S.K., Prime W., Cazabon J., Stappler T., Heimann H., Pearce I., Groenewald C., Wong D., Hiscott P., 2007/02. Eye, 21 (2) pp. 298-299. Peer-reviewed.
A pilot study on the use of a perfluorohexyloctane/silicone oil solution as a heavier than water internal tamponade agent.
Wong D., Van Meurs J.C., Stappler T., Groenewald C., Pearce I.A., McGalliard J.N., Manousakis E., Herbert E.N., 2005/06. The British journal of ophthalmology, 89 (6) pp. 662-665. Peer-reviewed.
What pressure is exerted on the retina by heavy tamponade agents?
Wong D., Williams R., Stappler T., Groenewald C., 2005/05. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 243 (5) pp. 474-477. Peer-reviewed.
Tamponade efficiency of perfluorohexyloctane and silicone oil solutions in a model eye chamber.
Wetterqvist C., Wong D., Williams R., Stappler T., Herbert E., Freeburn S., 2004/05. The British journal of ophthalmology, 88 (5) pp. 692-696. Peer-reviewed.
Tamponade properties of double-filling with perfluorohexyloctane and silicone oil in a model eye chamber.
Herbert E., Stappler T., Wetterqvist C., Williams R., Wong D., 2004/03. Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, 242 (3) pp. 250-254. Peer-reviewed.
Measurement of cyclotorsion in a patient following macular translocation surgery using a modified version of the Watzke-Allen test.
Stappler T., Stanga P., Groenewald C., El Bably I., Wong D., 2003/04. Retina, 23 (2) pp. 250-252. Peer-reviewed.
The pole-pressure test: an easy alternative in patients with ischemic legs and incompressible arteries.
Jachertz G., Stappler T., Do D.D., Mahler F., 2000/02. VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten, 29 (1) pp. 59-61. Peer-reviewed.
Non-invasive determination of dermal hemoglobin oxygenation and concentration in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Thum J., Caspary L., Creutzig A., Stappler T., Alexander K., 1997. VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten, 26 (1) pp. 11-17. Peer-reviewed.
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