Charlène Calderaro

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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8 publications

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
The racialisation of sexism: how race frames shape anti-street harassment policies in Britain and France
Calderaro Charlène, 2023/06/07. Policy & Politics pp. 1-26. Peer-reviewed.
La critique féministe-marxiste : du travail domestique aux théories de la reproduction sociale
Calderaro Charlène, 2022/11/22. Travail, Genre et Sociétés, 2 (48) pp. 113-128. Peer-reviewed.
Tithi Bhattacharya (dir.), Avant 8 heures, après 17 heures. Capitalisme et reproduction sociale : Toulouse, Blast, 2020, 300 pages
Calderaro Charlène, 2022/11/14. Travail, genre et sociétés, n° 48 (2) pp. 191-193.
Calderaro Charlène, 2022/07/08. dans Dictionnaire du Genre en Traduction, World Gender / CNRS.
Exploring Femonationalist Convergences
Calderaro Charlène, 2022/03/22. pp. 85-103 dans Homonationalism, Femonationalism and Ablenationalism: Critical Pedagogies Contextualised, Routledge.
Intersectionality as a new feeling rule for young feminists: Race and feminist relations in France and Switzerland
Calderaro Charlène, Lépinard Eléonore, 2021/08/09. European Journal of Women's Studies, 28 (3) pp. 387-404.
Travail gratuit et grèves féministes
Blanchard Soline, Chauvin Sébastien, Khueni Morgane, Kapferer Nils, Kradolfer Sabine (eds.)Federici Silvia, Simonet Maud, Merteuil Morgane, Khueni Morgane, Calderaro Charlène, Blanchard Soline, Khueni Morgane, Kapferer Nils, Kradolfer Sabine, 2020/10/20., Entremonde.
‘The Problem of Prostitution': Repressive policies in the name of migration control, public order, and women's rights in France
Calderaro Charlène, Giametta Calogero, 2019/04/02. Anti-Trafficking Review 12 pp. 155-171.
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