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Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement
Institut de géographie et durabilité (IGD)
Fonction(s) : Assistant diplômé
Quartier UNIL-Mouline Bâtiment Géopolis Bureau : 3409
CH-1015 Lausanne
Téléphone : 021 692 43 81
Maurice Yip joined the Institute in 2019 as Graduate Assistant in Legal Geography to work with Professor Jean Ruegg. His PhD thesis, Geographical Explanation of Sharing Urbanism, contributes an experiment to the revitalised conversations on explanatory theorisation in geography. During his time in Lausanne, he has developed research works on explaining urban transformation and territorial disputes and exploring the nature and history of geography as a social science discipline, because knowing the discipline is an important first step towards interdisciplinary research. He tutored the introductory course in the geography undergraduate programme. Within the Institute, he serves as one of the coordinators of the urban studies research collective, Mondes urbains.
Aménagement urbain
Géographie du droit
Propriété foncière
Prix et distinctions scientifiques
The ICAS Best Article Prize in the Global Hong Kong Studies Social Sciences Category, International Convention of Asia Scholars 2023
Bénéficiaire : Maurice Yip
Mobi.Doc Mobility Grant 2022
Bénéficiaire : Maurice Yip
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Strategic Program), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2022
under the Bilateral Science and Technology Programme between the Governments of Japan and Switzerland, coordinated by ETH Zurich
Bénéficiaire : Maurice Yip
Runner-up, Young Researchers Best Paper Award, The Geopolitical Economies of East Asia Research Network 2019
The paper eventually was published in 2022 as a book chapter and translated into German in 2023.
Bénéficiaire : Maurice Yip