Max Felder

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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8 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Gender Measurement in Social Science Surveys: Enhancing Inclusivity and Precision
Felder Max, Bornatici Christina, Gianettoni Lavinia, Mordasini Roxane, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2024/09/11. dans Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS) 2024.
Outside the dichotomy : how inclusive gender measures help reshape our understanding of gender differences in attitudes.
Mordasini Roxane, Felder Max, 2024/09/10. dans Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (SGS) 2024 .
Cohabitation with a smoker and efficacy of cessation programmes: the mediating role of the theory of planned behaviour
Blondé Jérôme, Desrichard Olivier, Falomir-Pichastor Juan Manuel, Felder Max, Folly Laura, Riedo Gisana, 2023/12/02. Psychology & Health, 38 (12) pp. 1665-1682.
Targeting Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
Lipps Oliver, Felder Max, Lauener Lukas, Meisser Anna, Pekari Nicolas, Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, 2023/08/21. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
Enquête sur le climat de travail et d’étude au sein de l’UNIL - 2022
Felder Max, Mordasini Roxane, Pekari Nicolas, 2022/11/01., FORS.
Adoption of organic waste sorting behavior at home: who recycles and which barriers exist for non-recyclers? A representative survey
Moussaoui L. S., Bobst T., Felder M., Riedo G., Pekari N., 2022. Environmental Challenges, 8 p. 100541. Peer-reviewed.
Cessation rates from a national collective social network smoking cessation programme: results from the ‘I quit smoking with Facebook on March 21’ Swiss programme
Desrichard Olivier, Moussaoui Lisa S, Blondé Jérome, Felder Max, Riedo Gisana, Folly Laura, Falomir-Pichastor Juan M, 2021. Tobacco Control.
Tobacco dependence and smoking cessation: The mediating role of smoker and ex-smoker self-concepts
Falomir-Pichastor Juan Manuel, Blondé Jérôme, Desrichard Olivier, Felder Max, Riedo Gisana, Folly Laura, 2020. Addictive Behaviors, 102 p. 106200. Peer-reviewed.
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