Nicolas Escoffier - ARCHIVE

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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9 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 |
Long‐range transport of littoral methane explains the metalimnetic methane peak in a large lake
Khatun Santona, Berg Jasmine S., Jézéquel Didier, Moiron Marthe, Escoffier Nicolas, Schubert Carsten J, Bouffard Damien, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2024/09. Limnology and Oceanography, 69 (9) pp. 2095-2108. Peer-reviewed.
Near‐bed stratification controls bottom hypoxia in ice‐covered alpine lakes
Perga Marie-Elodie, Minaudo Camille, Doda Tomy, Arthaud Florent, Beria Harsh, Chmiel Hannah E., Escoffier Nicolas, Lambert Thibault, Napolleoni Raphaelle, Obrador Biel et al., 2023/06. Limnology and Oceanography, 68 (6) pp. 1232-1246. Peer-reviewed.
Fine-scale dynamics of calcite precipitation in a large hardwater lake.
Escoffier N., Perolo P., Many G., Pasche N.T., Perga M.E., 2023/03/15. The Science of the total environment, 864 p. 160699. Peer-reviewed.
Long-Term Spatiotemporal Variability of Whitings in Lake Geneva from Multispectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Many Gaël, Escoffier Nicolas, Ferrari Michele, Jacquet Philippe, Odermatt Daniel, Mariethoz Gregoire, Perolo Pascal, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2022/12/06. Remote Sensing, 14 (23) p. 6175. Peer-reviewed.
Whiting Events in a Large Peri‐Alpine Lake: Evidence of a Catchment‐Scale Process
Escoffier Nicolas, Perolo Pascal, Lambert Thibault, Rüegg Janine, Odermatt Daniel, Adatte Thierry, Vennemann Torsten, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2022/04. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Enhanced bioavailability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in human-disturbed streams in Alpine fluvial networks
Lambert Thibault, Perolo Pascal, Escoffier Nicolas, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2022/01/11. Biogeosciences, 19 (1) pp. 187-200. Peer-reviewed.
Accounting for surface waves improves gas flux estimation at high wind speed in a large lake
Perolo Pascal, Fernández Castro Bieito, Escoffier Nicolas, Lambert Thibault, Bouffard Damien, Perga Marie-Elodie, 2021/11/16. Earth System Dynamics, 12 (4) pp. 1169-1189. Peer-reviewed.
Alpine Glacier Shrinkage Drives Shift in Dissolved Organic Carbon Export From Quasi‐Chemostasis to Transport Limitation
Boix Canadell Marta, Escoffier Nicolas, Ulseth Amber J., Lane Stuart N., Battin Tom J., 2019/08/16. Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (15) pp. 8872-8881.
Salt Gauging And Stage-Discharge Curve, Avançon De Nant, Outlet Vallon De Nant Catchment
Ceperley Natalie, Michelon Anthony, Escoffier Nicolas, Mayoraz Guillaume, Boix Canadell Marta, Horgby Asa, Hammer Felicie, Antoniazza Gilles, Schaefli Bettina, Lane Stuart, 2018/01/18..
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