Mina Monier

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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13 publications

Tatian’s Diatessaron: The Arabic Version, the Dura Europos Fragment, and the Women Witnesses
Monier Mina, Taylor Joan E. Journal Of Theological Studies, 72. Peer-reviewed.
'According to the Egyptians': Mark 16 in GA 72
Monier Mina, 2022. COMSt Bulletin, 8 (2) pp. 365-384. Peer-reviewed.
The Transmission of Mark’s Endings in Different Traditions and Languages. COMSt Bulletin, special issue
Clivaz Claire, Monier Mina, Batovici Dan (eds.), 2022., 8 2 450, University of Hamburg.
Mark’s Ending in the Digital Age : Paratextual Evidence, New Findings and Transcription Challenges
Monier Mina, 2021/11/02. Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds, 12 (1) pp. 75-97. Peer-reviewed.
MARK16 as Virtual Research Environment. Challenges and Opportunities in New Testament Studies
Clivaz Claire, Monier Mina, Barda Jonathan, 2021/03/24. Classics@, 18 pp. 1-44. Peer-reviewed.
Greek Manuscripts in Alexandria
Houghton H A G, Monier Mina, 2020/04/01. The Journal of Theological Studies, 71 (1) pp. 119-133. Peer-reviewed.
MARK16 (Virtual Research Environment)
Clivaz Claire, Monier Mina, Barda Jonathan, 2020., MARK16 is the first virtual research environment (VRE) focused on a biblical chapter and inaugurates a new research model for the digitized Humanities. ISSN-L 2673-9836.
Temple and Empire : the context of the temple piety of Luke-Acts
Monier Mina, 2020. 234, Fortress Academic.
GA 304, Theophylact’s Commentary and the Ending of Mark
Monier Mina, 2019. Filologia Neotestamentaria, 32 pp. 94-106. Peer-reviewed.
Reading Luke in Rome: The Temple and Pietas
Monier Mina, 2018/12/31. pp. 115-138 dans Studia Patristica. Vol. XCIX - Marcion of Sinope as Religious Entrepreneur, Peeters Publishers.
Christianity in the Second Century: Themes and Developments. Edited by James Carleton Paget and Judith Lieu
Monier Mina, 2018/10/01. The Journal of Theological Studies, 69 (2) pp. 807-809. Peer-reviewed.
Justin against Marcion: Defining the Christian Philosophy. By Andrew Hayes
Monier Mina, 2018/10/01. The Journal of Theological Studies, 69 (2) pp. 815-817. Peer-reviewed.
Early Christian Communities between Ideal and Reality. Edited by Mark Grundeken and Joseph Verheyden
Monier Mina, 2017/01/11. The Journal of Theological Studies pp. flw226. Peer-reviewed.
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