Isabelle Flückiger

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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3 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 |
Comparisons of two receptor-MAPK pathways in a single cell-type reveal mechanisms of signalling specificity.
Ma Y., Flückiger I., Nicolet J., Pang J., Dickinson J.B., De Bellis D., Emonet A., Fujita S., Geldner N., 2024/09. Nature plants, 10 (9) pp. 1343-1362. Peer-reviewed.
Directed growth and fusion of membrane-wall microdomains requires CASP-mediated inhibition and displacement of secretory foci.
Barbosa ICR, De Bellis D., Flückiger I., Bellani E., Grangé-Guerment M., Hématy K., Geldner N., 2023/03/23. Nature communications, 14 (1) p. 1626. Peer-reviewed.
Tuning SAS-6 architecture with monobodies impairs distinct steps of centriole assembly.
Hatzopoulos G.N., Kükenshöner T., Banterle N., Favez T., Flückiger I., Hamel V., Andany S., Fantner G.E., Hantschel O., Gönczy P., 2021/06/21. Nature communications, 12 (1) p. 3805. Peer-reviewed.
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