Oliver Neumann

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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36 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2012 |
Exploring the role of consulting in local government digital transformation
Machljankin Jana, Neumann Oliver, Steiner Reto, Ege Jörn, 2024/10/21. Public Money & Management pp. 1-10.
Does Introducing FAQs Boost Self-Service Government?—A Study of Local Government Websites
Gonin Audrey, Neumann Oliver, 2024/10/03. International Journal of Public Administration pp. 1-15.
Does agile improve value creation in government?
Neumann Oliver, Kirklies Pascale-Catherine, Hadorn Susanne, 2024/06/11. Information Polity, 29 (2) pp. 235-252. Peer-reviewed.
Introduction to the special issue ‘Towards a Multi-Level Understanding of Agile in Government: Macro, Meso and Micro Perspectives'
Fischer Caroline, Neumann Oliver, 2024/06/11. Information Polity, 29 (2) pp. 123-136. Peer-reviewed.
Adopting agile in government: a comparative case study
Neumann Oliver, Kirklies Pascale-Catherine, Schott Carina, 2024/05/17. Public Management Review pp. 1-23. Peer-reviewed.
Promoting digital equality in co-production: The role of platform design
Pascale-Catherine Kirklies, Oliver Neumann, Lisa Hohensinn, 2024/03. Government Information Quarterly. Peer-reviewed.
Governments can nudge household solar energy adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in Switzerland
Oliver Neumann, Audrey Gonin, Maurus Pfalzgraf, Anthony Patt, 2023/11. Energy Research & Social Science. Peer-reviewed.
Neumann Oliver, Mettler Tobias, 2023/09/01. pp. 239-250 dans Die öffentliche Verwaltung verstehen und gestalten: Das IDHEAP-Modell chap. 17, EPFL Press.
Neumann Oliver, 2023/09/01. dans Die öffentliche Verwaltung verstehen und gestalten: Das IDHEAP-Modell, EPFL Press.
Neumann Oliver, 2023/09/01. dans Die öffentliche Verwaltung verstehen und gestalten: Das IDHEAP-Modell, EPFL Press.
Neumann Oliver, 2023/03/30. dans Comprendre et concevoir l'administation publique - Le modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press.
Structures organisationnelles
Neumann Oliver, 2023/03/30. pp. 149-162 dans Comprendre et concevoir l'administation publique - Le modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press.
Neumann Oliver, Mettler Tobias, 2023/03/15. pp. 239-250 dans Comprendre et concevoir l’administration publique. Le modèle IDHEAP, EPFL Press.
Exploring artificial intelligence adoption in public organizations: a comparative case study
Neumann Oliver, Guirguis Katharina, Steiner Reto, 2022/03/20. Public Management Review pp. 1-27. Peer-reviewed.
Offene Verwaltungsdaten zur Wirkung bringen: Was sind die Schlüssel zum Erfolg?
Neumann Oliver, Mettler Tobias, 2021/08/02. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 58 (5). Peer-reviewed.
Behavioral effects of public service motivation among citizens: testing the case of digital co-production
Neumann Oliver, Schott Carina, 2021/07/02. International Public Management Journal pp. 1-24. Peer-reviewed.
Fallstudie 14: Strategischen Wandel gestalten: Change-Management im Qualifizierungsprogramm Science & Career
Neumann Oliver, 2021. pp. 141-150 dans Praxisfälle Public Management, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Fallstudie 22: Digitalisierung mitgestalten: Offene Verwaltungsdaten als Innovationsgrundlage
Neumann Oliver, 2021. pp. 217-227 dans Praxisfälle Public Management, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Thema: Open Government Data im Kontext von E-Government und Open Government (Fallstudie 22)
Neumann Oliver, 2021. pp. 453-456 dans Praxisfälle Public Management, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Thema: Strategischer Wandel der Organisationen – Change Management (Fallstudie 14)
Neumann Oliver, 2021. pp. 381-386 dans Praxisfälle Public Management, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Attracting future civil servants with public values? An experimental study on employer branding
Weske Ulrike, Ritz Adrian, Schott Carina, Neumann Oliver, 2020/09/22. International Public Management Journal, 23 (5) pp. 677-695. Peer-reviewed.
Einflussfaktoren auf individuelle Mobilitätsentscheide mit Fokus auf psychologische und funktionale Aspekte
Neumann Oliver, 2020., IDHEAP.
Public Service Motivation, Prosocial Motivation and Altruism: Towards Disentanglement and Conceptual Clarity
Schott Carina, Neumann Oliver, Baertschi Muriel, Ritz Adrian, 2019/10/26. International Journal of Public Administration, 42 (14) pp. 1200-1211. Peer-reviewed.
Joining forces for public value creation? Exploring collaborative innovation in smart city initiatives
Oliver Neumann, Christian Matt, Benedikt Simon Hitz-Gamper, Lisa Schmidthuber, Matthias Stürmer, 2019/10. Government Information Quarterly.
Senkt New Public Management die Verwaltungsausgaben in den Schweizer Kantonen? Eine empirische Analyse über zwei Dekaden
Manuel Ritz, Oliver Neumann, Fritz Sager, 2019/09/07. Swiss Political Science Review.
Balancing control, usability and visibility of linked open government data to create public value
Benedikt Simon Hitz-Gamper, Oliver Neumann, Matthias Stürmer, 2019/07/08. International Journal of Public Sector Management.
“Giving Something Back to Society”: A Study Exploring the Role of Reciprocity Norms in Public Service Motivation
Neumann Oliver, 2019/06. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Exploring the Motives of Citizen Reporting Engagement: Self-Concern and Other-Orientation
Abu-Tayeh Gabriel, Neumann Oliver, Stuermer Matthias, 2018/06. Business & Information Systems Engineering.
Public Service Motivation: State of the Art and Conceptual Cleanup
Vandenabeele Wouter, Ritz Adrian, Neumann Oliver, 2018. dans The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan.
Does misfit loom larger than fit? Experimental evidence on motivational person-job fit, public service motivation, and prospect theory
Neumann Oliver, 2016/08. International Journal of Manpower.
Motivation in the Public Sector
Ritz Adrian, Neumann Oliver, Vandenabeele Wouter, 2016. dans The Routledge Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration, Routledge.
Motivationsmanagement in öffentlichen Organisationen
Ritz Adrian, Neumann Oliver, Schott Carina, 2016. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation.
New Public Management in der Schweiz: Reform-Evaluationen und Stand der Entwicklungen
Ritz Adrian, Sinelli Peter, Neumann Oliver, 2016. dans Praxishandbuch Public Management, Weka Verlag.
Public service motivation: A systematic literature review and outlook
Ritz Adrian, Brewer Gene A., Neumann Oliver, 2016. Public Administration Review.
Public service motivation and rational choice modeling
Neumann Oliver, Ritz Adrian, 2015/09. Public Money & Management.
Diversity und Diversity Management in öffentlichen Organisationen
Ritz Adrian, Neumann Oliver, 2012. dans Public Management im Paradigmenwechsel, Trauner Verlag.
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