Garen Markarian

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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25 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2001 |
Tail Risks and Private Equity Performance
Kurtović Hrvoje, Markarian Garen, 2024. Journal of Empirical Finance, 75. Peer-reviewed.
The Risk and Performance of Listed Private Equity
Kurtović Hrvoje, Markarian Garen, Breuer Patrick, 2023/05/22. Journal of Alternative Investments, 26 (1) pp. 77-94. Peer-reviewed.
Employee protection shocks and corporate cash holdings
Beuselinck Christof, Markarian Garen, Verriest Arnt, 2021/08. Journal of Corporate Finance, 69 p. 102027.
Oil prices, earnings, and stock returns
Crawford Steve, Markarian Garen, Muslu Volkan, Price Richard, 2021/03. Review of Accounting Studies, 26 (1) pp. 218-257.
Why Are Firms with Lower Performance More Volatile and Unpredictable? A Vulnerability Explanation of the Bowman Paradox
Becerra Manuel, Markarian Garen, 2021/02/19. Organization Science.
The effect of import competition on product diversification revisited
Becerra Manuel, Markarian Garen, Santalo Juan, 2020/11. Strategic Management Journal, 41 (11) pp. 2126-2152.
Corporate investment and earnings surprises
Markarian Garen, Michenaud Sebastien, 2019/11/02. The European Journal of Finance, 25 (16) pp. 1485-1509.
Why Invest in Private Equity? A Comparison of Private Equity and Stock Market Returns
Marchel Kevin, Markarian Garen, 2019/06/30. The Journal of Alternative Investments, 22 (1) pp. 20-36.
Quo Vadis: politics, uncertainty and Saudi Aramco
Markarian Garen, Stockhausen Tobias, 2018/12/01. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, 11 (6) pp. 487-505.
The role of Irving Fisher in the development of fair value accounting thought
Markarian Garen, 2018/09/02. Accounting History Review, 28 (3) pp. 181-190.
Institutional Investors and Insider Trading Profitability
Bricker Robert, Markarian Garen, 2015/07/03. European Accounting Review, 24 (3) pp. 495-518.
Product Market Competition, Information and Earnings Management
Markarian Garen, Santalo Juan, 2014/06. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 41 (5-6) pp. 572-599.
Crisis and fair values: Echoes of early twentieth century debates?
Markarian Garen, 2014. The Accounting Historians Journal, 41 (1) pp. 35-60.
Investment horizon, risk, and compensation in the banking industry
Livne Gilad, Markarian Garen, Mironov Maxim, 2013/09. Journal of Banking & Finance, 37 (9) pp. 3669-3680.
Bankers' compensation and fair value accounting
Livne Gilad, Markarian Garen, Milne Alistair, 2011/09. Journal of Corporate Finance, 17 (4) pp. 1096-1115.
Accounting, Governance and the Crisis: Is Risk the Missing Link?
Magnan Michel, Markarian Garen, 2011/06. European Accounting Review, 20 (2) pp. 215-231.
CEO Risk-Related Incentives and Income Smoothing
Grant Julia, Parbonetti Antonio, Markarian Garen, 2009/03. Contemporary Accounting Research, 26.
Inside Agency: The Rise and Fall of Nortel
Fogarty Timothy, Magnan Michel L., Markarian Garen, Bohdjalian Serge, 2009/01. Journal of Business Ethics, 84 (2) pp. 165-187.
Capitalization of R&D costs and earnings management: Evidence from Italian listed companies
Markarian Garen, Pozza Lorenzo, Prencipe Annalisa, 2008/09. The International Journal of Accounting, 43 (3) pp. 246-267.
Earnings Management in Family Firms: Evidence From R&D Cost Capitalization in Italy
Prencipe Annalisa, Markarian Garen, Pozza Lorenzo, 2008/03. Family Business Review, 21 (1) pp. 71-88.
Firm Complexity and Board of Director Composition
Markarian Garen, Parbonetti Antonio, 2007/12/12. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15 (6) pp. 1224-1243.
The Convergence of Disclosure and Governance Practices in the World?s Largest Firms
Markarian Garen, Parbonetti Antonio, Previts Gary John, 2007/03. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 15 (2) pp. 294-310.
Accounting Faculty As An Endangered Species: An Empirical Assessment Of The Rise And Fall Of An Academic Discipline
Markarian Garen, Fogarty Timothy, 2007. Issues in Accounting Education, 22 (2).
Circumstances relating to interlocking directorates in Italy: An exploratory study
Markarian Garen, Parbonetti Antonio, Previts Gary John, 2007. Corporate Ownership and Control, 4 (2) pp. 192-204.
Value Driver Information: A Content Analysis of M&A and Other Cross Boundary Disclosures of the Ford Motor Company 1995-2000
Markarian Garen, Previts Gary, Celik Orhan, 2001. Research in Accounting Regulation, XV.
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