Coralie Fumeaux

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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15 publications

A potential space making role for a lytic transglycosylase in cell wall biogenesis revealed by a beta-lactamase induction phenotype in<i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
Fumeaux Coralie, Bernhardt Thomas G..
A potential space-making role in cell wall biogenesis for SltB1and DacB revealed by a beta-lactamase induction phenotype in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Gyger J., Torrens G., Cava F., Bernhardt T.G., Fumeaux C., 2024/07/17. mBio, 15 (7) pp. e0141924. Peer-reviewed.
An organelle-tethering mechanism couples flagellation to cell division in bacteria
Siwach Manisha, Kumar Lokesh, Palani Saravanan, Muraleedharan Samada, Panis Gaël, Fumeaux Coralie, Mony Binny M., Sanyal Soumyajit, Viollier Patrick H., Radhakrishnan Sunish Kumar, 2021/03. Developmental Cell, 56 (5) pp. 657-670.e4.
Identification of new components of the RipC-FtsEX cell separation pathway of Corynebacterineae
Lim Hoong Chuin, Sher Joel W., Rodriguez-Rivera Frances P., Fumeaux Coralie, Bertozzi Carolyn R., Bernhardt Thomas G., 2019/08/22. PLOS Genetics, 15 (8) pp. e1008284.
Bypass of an epigenetic S-phase transcriptional module by convergent nutrient stress signals
Delaby Marie, Panis Gaël, Fumeaux Coralie, Degeorges Laurence, Viollier Patrick H., 2019/08/21..
Conserved mechanism of cell-wall synthase regulation revealed by the identification of a new PBP activator in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
Greene Neil G., Fumeaux Coralie, Bernhardt Thomas G., 2018/03/20. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (12) pp. 3150-3155.
Identification of MupP as a New Peptidoglycan Recycling Factor and Antibiotic Resistance Determinant in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>
Fumeaux Coralie, Bernhardt Thomas G., 2017/05/03. mBio, 8 (2).
Cell Cycle Constraints and Environmental Control of Local DNA Hypomethylation in α-Proteobacteria.
Ardissone S., Redder P., Russo G., Frandi A., Fumeaux C., Patrignani A., Schlapbach R., Falquet L., Viollier P.H., 2016. PLoS Genetics, 12 (12) pp. e1006499.
Cell cycle constraints on capsulation and bacteriophage susceptibility
Ardissone Silvia, Fumeaux Coralie, Bergé Matthieu, Beaussart Audrey, Théraulaz Laurence, Radhakrishnan Sunish Kumar, Dufrêne Yves F, Viollier Patrick H, 2014/11/25. eLife, 3.
Cell cycle transition from S-phase to G1 in Caulobacter is mediated by ancestral virulence regulators
Fumeaux Coralie, Radhakrishnan Sunish Kumar, Ardissone Silvia, Théraulaz Laurence, Frandi Antonio, Martins Daniel, Nesper Jutta, Abel Sören, Jenal Urs, Viollier Patrick H., 2014/06/18. Nature Communications, 5 (1).
A Cell Cycle and Nutritional Checkpoint Controlling Bacterial Surface Adhesion
Fiebig Aretha, Herrou Julien, Fumeaux Coralie, Radhakrishnan Sunish K., Viollier Patrick H., Crosson Sean, 2014/01/23. PLoS Genetics, 10 (1) pp. e1004101.
Computational and Genetic Reduction of a Cell Cycle to Its Simplest, Primordial Components
Murray Seán M., Panis Gaël, Fumeaux Coralie, Viollier Patrick H., Howard Martin, 2013/12/31. PLoS Biology, 11 (12) pp. e1001749.
De- and repolarization mechanism of flagellar morphogenesis during a bacterial cell cycle
Davis Nicole J., Cohen Yaniv, Sanselicio Stefano, Fumeaux Coralie, Ozaki Shogo, Luciano Jennifer, Guerrero-Ferreira Ricardo C., Wright Elizabeth R., Jenal Urs, Viollier Patrick. H., 2013/09/15. Genes &amp; Development, 27 (18) pp. 2049-2062.
DNA Binding of the Cell Cycle Transcriptional Regulator GcrA Depends on N6-Adenosine Methylation in Caulobacter crescentus and Other Alphaproteobacteria
Fioravanti Antonella, Fumeaux Coralie, Mohapatra Saswat S., Bompard Coralie, Brilli Matteo, Frandi Antonio, Castric Vincent, Villeret Vincent, Viollier Patrick H., Biondi Emanuele G., 2013/05/30. PLoS Genetics, 9 (5) pp. e1003541.
Functional analysis of the nifQdctA1y4vGHIJ operon of Sinorhizobium fredii strain NGR234 using a transposon with a NifA-dependent read-out promoter
Fumeaux Coralie, Bakkou Nadia, Kopcińska Joanna, Golinowski Wladyslav, Westenberg David J., Müller Peter, Perret Xavier, 2011/10/01. Microbiology, 157 (10) pp. 2745-2758.
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