Adrian Luca

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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40 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2005 |
Effect of electrode size and distance to tissue on unipolar and bipolar voltage electrograms and their implications for a near-field cutoff.
Schlageter V., Luca A., Badertscher P., Krisai P., Kueffer T., Spreen D., Katic J., Osswald S., Schaer B., Sticherling C. et al., 2024/11/08. Scientific reports, 14 (1) p. 27184. Peer-reviewed.
The influence of cardiac arrhythmias on the detection of heartbeats in the photoplethysmogram: benchmarking open-source algorithms.
Jeanningros L., Le Bloa M., Teres C., Herrera Siklody C., Porretta A., Pascale P., Luca A., Solana Muñoz J., Domenichini G., Meister T.A. et al., 2024/02/14. Physiological measurement, 45 (2). Peer-reviewed.
A single-beat algorithm to discriminate farfield from nearfield bipolar voltage electrograms from the pulmonary veins.
Schlageter V., Badertscher P., Luca A., Krisai P., Spies F., Kueffer T., Osswald S., Vesin J.M., Kühne M., Sticherling C. et al., 2023/12. Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology, 66 (9) pp. 2047-2054. Peer-reviewed.
Recurrences of ventricular tachycardia after stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation arise outside the treated volume: analysis of the Swiss cohort.
Herrera Siklody C., Schiappacasse L., Jumeau R., Reichlin T., Saguner A.M., Andratschke N., Elicin O., Schreiner F., Kovacs B., Mayinger M. et al., 2023/10/05. Europace, 25 (10). Peer-reviewed.
Stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation: A multicenter pre-post intervention safety evaluation of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator function.
van der Ree M.H., Hoeksema W.F., Luca A., Visser J., Balgobind B.V., Zumbrink M., Spier R., Herrera-Siklody C., Lee J., Bates M. et al., 2023/09/12. Radiotherapy and oncology, 189 p. 109910. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation on left ventricular ejection fraction and valve function over time.
van der Ree M.H., Luca A., Herrera Siklody C., Le Bloa M., Pascale P., Porretta A.P., Teres C.C., Solana Munoz J., Hoeksema W.F., Domenichini G. et al., 2023/08. Heart rhythm, 20 (8) pp. 1206-1207. Peer-reviewed.
Case report: First-in-human combined low-dose whole-heart irradiation and high-dose stereotactic arrhythmia radioablation for immunosuppressive refractory cardiac sarcoidosis and ventricular tachycardia.
van der Ree M.H., Herrera Siklody C., Le Bloa M., Pascale P., Porretta A.P., Teres C.C., Solana Munoz J., Luca A., Domenichini G., Ozasahin M. et al., 2023. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 10 p. 1213165. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation and optimization of novel extraction algorithms for the automatic detection of atrial activations recorded within the pulmonary veins during atrial fibrillation.
Prudat Y., Luca A., Yazdani S., Derval N., Jaïs P., Roten L., Berte B., Pruvot E., Vesin J.M., Pascale P., 2022/08/28. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 22 (1) p. 225. Peer-reviewed.
Corrigendum: Yield of the electrophysiological study in patients with new-onset left bundle branch block after transcathether aortic valve replacement: The PR interval matters.
Pagnoni M., Meier D., Luca A., Fournier S., Aminfar F., Gentil P., Haddad C., Domenichini G., Le Bloa M., Herrera-Siklody C. et al., 2022. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 9 p. 1065221. Peer-reviewed.
Novel spatiotemporal processing tools for body-surface potential map signals for the prediction of catheter ablation outcome in persistent atrial fibrillation.
McCann A., Luca A., Pascale P., Pruvot E., Vesin J.M., 2022. Frontiers in physiology, 13 p. 1001060. Peer-reviewed.
Yield of the electrophysiological study in patients with new-onset left bundle branch block after transcathether aortic valve replacement: The PR interval matters.
Pagnoni M., Meier D., Luca A., Fournier S., Aminfar F., Gentil P., Haddad C., Domenichini G., Lebloa M., Herrera-Siklody C. et al., 2022. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 9 p. 910693. Peer-reviewed.
Dynamics of Intraprocedural Dominant Frequency Identifies Ablation Outcome in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation.
Pithon A., McCann A., Buttu A., Vesin J-M., Pascale P., Le Bloa M., Herrera C., Park C., Roten L., Kühne M. et al., 2021. Frontiers in physiology, 12 p. 731917. Peer-reviewed.
ECG-Based Indices to Characterize Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Before and During Stepwise Catheter Ablation.
McCann A., Vesin J-M., Pruvot E., Roten L., Sticherling C., Luca A., 2021. Frontiers in physiology, 12 p. 654053. Peer-reviewed.
Severe and uniform bi-atrial remodeling measured by dominant frequency analysis in persistent atrial fibrillation unresponsive to ablation.
Luca A., Pittet A., Buttu A., McCann A., Vesin J.M., Pascale P., Le Bloa M., Herrera C., Park C.I., Rollin A. et al., 2020/11. Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology, 59 (2) pp. 431-440. Peer-reviewed.
Concealed abnormal atrial phenotype in patients with Brugada syndrome and no history of atrial fibrillation
Conte G, Caputo M, Volders P, Luca A, Mainardi L, Schotten U, Corino V, Regoli F, Zeemering S, Zink M et al., 2018/02. International Journal of Cardiology, 253 pp. 66-70. Peer-reviewed.
Usefulness of P-Wave Duration and Morphologic Variability to Identify Patients Prone to Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation.
Conte G., Luca A., Yazdani S., Caputo M.L., Regoli F., Moccetti T., Kappenberger L., Vesin J.M., Auricchio A., 2017/01/15. The American journal of cardiology, 119 (2) pp. 275-279. Peer-reviewed.
Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation Termination by Catheter Ablation using Adaptive Frequency Tracking of Atrial ECG Signals.
Luca A, Buttu A, Vesin JM, Pascale P, Roten L, Sticherling C, Pruvot E, 2016/11., 43rd Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC) pp. 973-976 dans Computing in Cardiology Conference.
Atrial fibrillation septal pacing: translation of modelling results.
Luca A., Kallmyer T., Virag N., 2016. Europace, 18 (suppl 4) pp. iv53-iv59. Peer-reviewed.
ECG-derived Markers to Identify Patients Prone to Atrial Fibrillation
Luca A., Yazdani S., Viso A., Vesin J-M., Conti G., Auricchio A., 2016. pp. 977-980 dans Computing in Cardiology - CinC.
Nonlinear analysis of right atrial electrograms predicts termination of persistent atrial fibrillation within the left atrium by catheter ablation.
Luca A., Buttu A., Pruvot E., Pascale P., Bisch L., Vesin J-M, 2016. Physiological Measurement, 37 (3) pp. 347-359. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of Conduction Velocity on Local Capture of Atrial Fibrillation Induced by Rapid Pacing
Virag N., Luca A., Kallmyer T., Rusu A., Vesin J-M., 2015. p. 213 dans 20th World Congress on Heart Disease, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Influence of Right and Left Atrial Tissue Heterogeneity on Atrial Fibrillation Perpetuation
Luca A., Jacquemet V., Virag N., Vesin J.-M., 2015. pp. 449-452 dans Computing in Cardiology -CinC, IEEE.
Correlation Dimension as a Measure of the Atrial Fibrillation Capture during Atrial Septal Pacing
Luca A., Vesin J.-M., 2014. pp. 545-548 dans Computing in Cardiology - CinC, IEEE.
Generating chaotic secure sequences using tent map and running-key approach
Vlad A., Luca A., Hodea O., Tataru R., 2013. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, 14 pp. 295-502. Peer-reviewed.
Statistical analysis of pseudorandom binary sequences generated by using tent map
Ilyas A., Vlad A., Luca A., 2013. University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Mathematics and Physics, 75 (3) pp. 113-122. Peer-reviewed.
Unifying running-key approach and logistic map to generate enciphering sequences
Vlad A., Ilyas A., Luca A., 2013. Annals of Telecommunications, 68 (3-4) pp. 179-186. Peer-reviewed.
A study on binary sequences generated by tent map having cryptographic view
Ilyas Azeem, Luca Adrian, Vlad Adriana, 2012/06. dans 9th International Conference on Communications (COMM), IEEE.
Statistical Study on a Literary Romanian Corpus for the Beginning and Ending of the Words.
Mitrea Adrian, Vlad Adriana, Luca Adrian, 2012/06. pp. 81-84 dans IEEE International Conference on Communications (COMM), IEEE.
A closer view of running-key cipher on natural languages and its extension for new applications in cryptography
Vlad A., Ilyas A., Luca A., 2012. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series a-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, 13 (2) pp. 157-166.
Observability and singularity in the context of Rossler map
Frunzete M., Luca A., Vlad A., Barbot J.-P., 2012. University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Mathematics and Physics, 74 (1) pp. 83-92. Peer-reviewed.
A study on the statistical structure of words and of word digrams in a literary romanian corpus
Vlad A., Mitrea A., Ciuca S., Luca A., 2011/05. pp. 1-8 dans Conference on Speech Technology and Human-Computer Dialogue (SpeD). Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Generating random binary sequences using tent map
Luca A., Ilyas A., Vlad A., 2011. pp. 1-4 dans IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems - ISSCS. Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
Statistical Behaviour of Discrete-Time Rössler System with Time Varying Delay
Frunzete M., Luca A., Vlad A., Barbot J-P., 2011. pp. 706-720 dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA. Peer-reviewed, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
On the occurrences of two successive words in a literary Romanian corpus
Mitrea A., Vlad A., Luca A., 2010. pp. 115-118 dans International Conference on Communications. Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
A Study on Statistical Independence in the Tent Map
Luca A, Vlad A, Badea B, Frunzete M, 2009/07., International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems dans IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems. Peer-reviewed.
Computational Measurements of the Transient Time and of the Sampling Distance That Enables Statistical Independence in the Logistic Map
Vlad A., Luca A., Frunzete M., 2009. pp. 703-718 dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA. Peer-reviewed, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Molecular phylogeny of the Romanian cyprinids from the Danube River
Luca C, Manea A, Luca A, Dinischiotu A, Costache M, 2008. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 13 (5) pp. 3970-3975. Peer-reviewed.
Generating chaotic sequences for enciphering purposes
Vlad A., Luca A., 2007. pp. 1-4 dans IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems - ISSCS. Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
On statistical independence in the logistic map: A guide to design new chaotic sequences useful in cryptography
Vlad A., Luca A., Badea B., 2007. pp. 460-474 dans Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA . Peer-reviewed, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Generating identically and independently distributed samples starting from chaotic signals.
Luca A., Vlad A., 2005. pp. 227-230 dans IEEE International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems- ISSCS. Peer-reviewed, IEEE.
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