Daniel Schechter

Publications | Mémoires et thèses

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76 publications

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1997 |
Bullying in Swiss Youth Born with a Unilateral Cleft lip and Palate by Self- and Parent-Report.
Dumont L., Urben S., Gomes A.C., Camenzind L., Habersaat S., Schechter D.S., Morisod Harari M., Jung C., Despars J., de Buys Roessingh A., 2024/10. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal, 61 (10) pp. 1735-1742. Peer-reviewed.
Newly Developed Craving for Swiss Chocolate.
Ben Razek I., Vargas M.I., Schechter D.S., Seeck M., 2024/10. Annals of neurology, 96 (4) pp. 675-677. Peer-reviewed.
A biomarker of brain arousal mediates the intergenerational link between maternal and child post-traumatic stress disorder.
Deiber M.P., Pointet Perizzolo V.C., Moser D.A., Vital M., Rusconi Serpa S., Ros T., Schechter D.S., 2024/09. Journal of psychiatric research, 177 pp. 305-313. Peer-reviewed.
Mindless to Mindful Parenting? Videofeedback-Enhanced Psychotherapy for Violence-Exposed Mothers and Their Young Children.
Schechter D.S., 2024/06. Psychodynamic psychiatry, 52 (2) pp. 124-131. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Maternal Interpersonal Violent Trauma and Related Psychopathology on Child Outcomes and Intergenerational Transmission.
Graf S., Schechter D.S., 2024/04. Current psychiatry reports, 26 (4) pp. 166-175. Peer-reviewed.
Assessment of Multiple Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being in Swiss Youth Born with a Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate.
Lecommandeur S., de Buys Roessingh A., Dumont L., Camenzind L., Habersaat S., Schechter D.S., Jung C., Despars J., Urben S., Morisod Harari M., 2023/12/13. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal p. 10556656231219418. Peer-reviewed.
Book Review: Dance/Movement Therapy for Infants and Young Children with Medical Illness: Treating Somatic and Psychic Distress, DMT with Infants, Children, Teens, and Families, by Suzi Tortora and Miri Keren, New York: Routledge, 2023, 218 pages
Schechter Daniel S., 2023/12. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 45 (2) pp. 264-267.
12.3 Longitudinal Follow-up of Toddlers of Mothers With Interpersonal Violence-Related PTSD: Does Maternal Brain Activity Predict Peri-Pubertal Emotion Dysregulation?
Schechter Daniel S., 2023/10., 0th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry pp. S343 dans Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
From Bench to Clinic to Public Policy: Recent Translational Research on the Psychobiological Mechanisms Underlying Intergenerational Transmission of Maltreatment and Associated Psychopathology During Early Sensitive Periods
Schechter Daniel S., Willheim Erica, 2023/10. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62 (10) pp. S342.
Psychophysiological markers buffering the intergenerational transmission of stress
Graf S., Urben S., Schechter D.S., Murray R.J., 2023/06. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 188 pp. 16-17.
On the complex and dimensional relationship of maternal posttraumatic stress disorder during early childhood and child outcomes at school-age.
Moser D.A., Graf S., Glaus J., Urben S., Jouabli S., Pointet Perrizolo V., Suardi F., Robinson J., Rusconi Serpa S., Plessen K.J. et al., 2023/02/03. European psychiatry, 66 (1) pp. e20. Peer-reviewed.
Traumatized Refugee Parents and Infants Considered from Within and Without: The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as Unexpected Legacies of the September 11th Attacks 20 Years Later
Schechter Daniel S., 2022/12/31. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 75 (1) pp. 74-92.
Effects of maternal trauma and associated psychopathology on atypical maternal behavior and infant social withdrawal six months postpartum.
Burtchen N., Alvarez-Segura M., Urben S., Giovanelli C., Mendelsohn A.L., Guedeney A., Schechter D.S., 2022/11. Attachment & human development, 24 (6). Peer-reviewed.
Impact of mothers' IPV-PTSD on their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension and its relationship to their child's psychopathology
Pointet Perizzolo V. C., Glaus J., Stein C. R., Willheim E., Vital M., Arnautovic E., Kaleka K., Rusconi Serpa S., Pons F., Moser Dominik A. et al., 2022/07/29. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13 (1).
Case Report: Psychotherapy of a 10-year-old Afghani refugee with post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociative absences.
Junod N., Sidiropoulou O., Schechter D.S., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 940862. Peer-reviewed.
Families With Violence Exposure and the Intergenerational Transmission of Somatization.
Glaus J., Moser D.A., Rusconi Serpa S., Jouabli S., Turri F., Plessen K.J., Schechter D.S., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 820652. Peer-reviewed.
The relationship of maternal and child methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1 during early childhood and subsequent child psychopathology at school-age in the context of maternal interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder.
Cordero M.I., Stenz L., Moser D.A., Rusconi Serpa S., Paoloni-Giacobino A., Schechter D.S., 2022. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13 p. 919820. Peer-reviewed.
Originalarbeit: Neugierde, Staunen und Reflektieren bei traumatisierten Müttern und ihren Kleinkindern anregen. Arbeiten mit Clinician-Assisted Videofeedback Exposure Sessions (CAVES) und Clinician-Assisted Videofeedback Exposure Approach Therapy (CAVEAT)
Schechter Daniel S., Rusconi Serpa Sandra, 2021/09/23. Frühförderung interdisziplinär, 40 (4) pp. 187-200.
Psychiatrie périnatale: Articulation des soins psychiatriques périnataux au sein de la maternité du CHUV en cas de psychopathologie parentale: le rôle du pédopsychiatre de liaison
Morisod Harari Mathilde, Delli Noci Carlo, Cheseaux Jean-Jacques, Legardeur Hélène, Yersin Aline, Plessen Kerstin Jessica, Schechter Daniel S., 2021/06/30. Paediatrica, 32 (2).
Exploration du vécu de la pandémie et du confinement dus à la COVID-19 des adolescent·es et des parents
Barrense-Dias Yara, Urben Sébastien, Chok Lorraine, Schechter Daniel, Suris Joan-Carles, 2021/06/15. (320) 92 [Raisons de Santé ; 320], Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté).
Associations Between Maternal Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Events With Child Psychopathology: Results From a Prospective Longitudinal Study.
Glaus J., Pointet Perizzolo V., Moser D.A., Vital M., Rusconi Serpa S., Urben S., Plessen K.J., Schechter D.S., 2021. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12 p. 718108. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal reflective functioning, interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder, and risk for psychopathology in early childhood
Schechter Daniel S, 2020. Attachment and Human Development. Peer-reviewed.
Talking to the wall: On intersubjectivity, trauma and neurodevelopmental disorder in the parent-child relationship
Schechter Daniel S, 2020. pp. 117-139 dans Growing Up: Revisiting Child Development Theories and their Application to Patients of All Ages chap. 6, Parens, H, Akhtar S.
Violence Exposure Is Associated With Atypical Appraisal of Threat Among Women: An EEG Study.
Perizzolo Pointet V.C., Moser D.A., Vital M., Rusconi Serpa S., Todorov A., Schechter D.S., 2020. Frontiers in psychology, 11 p. 576852. Peer-reviewed.
Years of life lost due to the psychosocial consequences of COVID-19 mitigation strategies based on Swiss data
Moser Dominik A., Glaus Jennifer, Frangou Sophia, Schechter Daniel S., 2020. European Psychiatry, 63 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Improving mental health and physiological stress responses in mothers following traumatic childbirth and in their infants: study protocol for the Swiss TrAumatic biRth Trial (START).
Sandoz V., Deforges C., Stuijfzand S., Epiney M., Vial Y., Sekarski N., Messerli-Bürgy N., Ehlert U., Bickle-Graz M., Morisod Harari M. et al., 2019/12/30. BMJ open, 9 (12) pp. e032469. Peer-reviewed.
Parental Reflective Functioning correlates to brain activation in response to video-stimuli of mother–child dyads: Links to maternal trauma history and PTSD
Moser Dominik Andreas, Suardi Francesca, Rossignol Ana Sancho, Vital Marylène, Manini Aurélia, Serpa Sandra Rusconi, Schechter Daniel Scott, 2019/11. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 293 p. 110985.
And Then There Was Intersubjectivity: Addressing Child Self and Mutual Dysregulation During Traumatic PlayIn Memory of Louis Sander
Schechter Daniel S, 2019. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Peer-reviewed.
EEG recording during an emotional face-matching task in children of mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder
Schechter Daniel S, 2019. Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging. Peer-reviewed.
Developmental delay in communication among toddlers and its relationship to caregiving behavior among violence-exposed, posttraumatically stressed mothers
Schechter Daniel S, 2018. Research in Developmental Disabilities. Peer-reviewed.
Intergenerational transmission of dna methylation signatures associated with early life stress
Schechter Daniel S, 2018. Current Genomics. Peer-reviewed.
The association of maternal exposure to domestic violence during childhood with prenatal attachment, maternal-fetal heart rate, and infant behavioral regulation
Schechter Daniel S, 2018. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on mother and child diurnal cortisol rhythm and cortisol reactivity to a laboratory stressor involving separation
Schechter Daniel S, 2017. Hormones and Behavior. Peer-reviewed.
Maternal PTSD and corresponding neural activity mediate effects of child exposure to violence on child PTSD symptoms
Schechter Daniel S, 2017. PLoS ONE.
On Traumatically Skewed Intersubjectivity
Schechter Daniel S, 2017. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Peer-reviewed.
The association of serotonin receptor 3A methylation with maternal violence exposure, neural activity, and child aggression
Schechter Daniel S, 2017. Behavioural Brain Research. Peer-reviewed.
Witch-mother is which? The potential role of the analyst in facilitating authentic motherhood
Schechter Daniel S, 2017. International Forum of Psychoanalysis. Peer-reviewed.
BDNF methylation and maternal brain activity in a violence-related sample
Schechter Daniel S, 2015. PLoS ONE. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of the post-traumatic stress linked to domestic violence on parenting: Empirical data and clinical applications,Impact du stress post-traumatique lié à la violence domestique sur la parentalité : Données empiriques et applications cliniques
Schechter Daniel S, 2015. Enfance. Peer-reviewed.
The clinical implications of violence-related PTSD in mothers and their children
Schechter Daniel S, 2015. Psychiatric Times.
The relation of general socio-emotional processing to parenting specific behavior: A study of mothers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder
Schechter Daniel S, 2015. Frontiers in Psychology. Peer-reviewed.
Violence-related PTSD and neural activation when seeing emotionally charged male-female interactions
Schechter Daniel S, 2015. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Peer-reviewed.
Autonomic functioning in mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder in response to separation-reunion
Schechter Daniel S, 2014. Developmental Psychobiology. Peer-reviewed.
How do Maternal PTSD and Alexithymia Interact to Impact Maternal Behavior?
Schechter Daniel S, 2014. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. Peer-reviewed.
Negative and Distorted Attributions Towards Child, Self, and Primary Attachment Figure Among Posttraumatically Stressed Mothers: What Changes with Clinician Assisted Videofeedback Exposure Sessions (CAVES)
Schechter Daniel S, 2014. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. Peer-reviewed.
Neural generators of psychogenic seizures: Evidence from intracranial and extracranial brain recordings
Schechter Daniel S, 2014. Epilepsy and Behavior. Peer-reviewed.
Brief interventions with traumatized children and families after september 11
Schechter Daniel, 2013. dans September 11: Trauma and Human Bonds, Neria, Y.
Difficult parents? The challenges of responding to the needs of psychiatrically ill parents in pediatric practice,Parents difficiles Les défis posés par les parents souffrant d'un trouble psychiatrique en pratique pédiatrique
Schechter Daniel S, 2013. Revue Medicale Suisse.
Intergenerational communication of maternal violent trauma: Understanding the interplay of reflective functioning and posttraumatic psychopathology
Schechter Daniel, 2013. dans September 11: Trauma and Human Bonds, Coates SW, Rosenthal J, , Schechter DS.
Limbic brain responses in mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid dissociation to video clips of their children
Schechter Daniel, 2013. Stress.
Psychodynamic approaches to medically ill children and their traumatically stressed parents
Schechter Daniel S, 2013. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
September 11: Trauma and human bonds
Schechter Daniel, 2013., Coates SW, Rosenthal JL, Schechter DS.
An fMRI study of the brain responses of traumatized mothers to viewing their toddlers during separation and play
Schechter Daniel S, 2012. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.
The developmental neuroscience of emotional neglect, its consequences, and the psychosocial interventions that can reverse them
Schechter Daniel S, 2012. American Journal of Psychiatry.
The relationship of violent fathers, posttraumatically stressed mothers and symptomatic children in a preschool-age inner-city pediatrics clinic sample
Schechter Daniel S, 2011. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Clinical case study: Multigenerational ataques de nervios in a Dominican American family – a form of intergenerational transmission of violent trauma?
Schechter Daniel S, 2010. dans Formative Experiences: The Interaction of Caregiving, Culture, and Developmental Psychobiology, Worthman CM, Plotsky PM, Schechter DS, Cummings CA.
Formative experiences: The interaction of caregiving, culture, and developmental psychobiology
Schechter Daniel S, 2010., Worthman CM, Plotsky PM, Schechter DS, Cummings CA.
Formative relationships within and across generations
Schechter Daniel S, 2010. dans Formative Experiences: The Interaction of Caregiving, Culture, and Developmental Psychobiology, Worthman CM, Plotsky PM, Schechter DS, Cummings CA.
Subjective and objective measures of parent-child relationship dysfunction, child separation distress, and joint attention
Schechter Daniel S, 2010. Psychiatry.
Disturbances of Attachment and Parental Psychopathology in Early Childhood
Schechter Daniel S, 2009. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
Is maternal ptsd associated with greater exposure of very young children to violent media?
Schechter Daniel S, 2009. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
When parenting becomes unthinkable: Intervening with traumatized parents and their toddlers
Schechter Daniel S, 2009. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Distorted maternal mental representations and atypical behavior in a clinical sample of violence-exposed mothers and their toddlers
Schechter Daniel S, 2008. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.
Caregiver traumatization adversely impacts young children's mental representations on the MacArthur Story Stem Battery
Schechter Daniel S, 2007. Attachment and Human Development.
Parenting in times of crisis
Schechter Daniel, 2007. Pediatric Annals.
Relationally and developmentally focused interventions with young children and their caregivers in the wake of terrorism and other violent experiences
Schechter Daniel, 2006. dans 9/11: Mental Health in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks, Neria, Y, Susser E.
Traumatized mothers can change their minds about their toddlers: Understanding how a novel use of videofeedback supports positive change of maternal attributions
Schechter Daniel, 2006. Infant Mental Health Journal.
Maternal mental representations of the child in an inner-city clinical sample: Violence-related posttraumatic stress and reflective functioning
Schechter Daniel, 2005. Attachment and Human Development.
Intergenerational communication of violent traumatic experience within and by the dyad: The case of a mother and her toddler
Schechter Daniel, 2004. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
Preschoolers' traumatic stress post-9/11: Relational and developmental perspectives
Schechter Daniel, 2004. Psychiatric Clinics of North America.
Psychobiological dysregulation in violence-exposed mothers: Salivary cortisol of mothers with very young children pre- and post-separation stress
Schechter Daniel, 2004. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.
Fits and starts: A mother-infant case-study involving intergenerational violent trauma and pseudoseizures across three generations
Schechter Daniel, 2003. Infant Mental Health Journal.
Mother-daughter relationships and child sexual abuse: A pilot study of 35 dyads
Schechter Daniel, 2002. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.
Thoughts on crisis intervention with New York City children after the World Trade Center bombing,Réflexions sur l'intervention de crise auprès des enfants de New York après l'explosion du World Trade Center
Schechter Daniel, 2002. Psychotherapies.
Ataque de nervios and history of childhood trauma
Schechter Daniel, 2000. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Reversible Parkinsonism in a 90-Year-Old Man Taking Sertraline
Schechter Daniel S., Nunes Edward V., 1997/06/15. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 58 (6) p. 275.
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